Perhaps I'm misremembering some details, but I once saw one of those "gritty, realistic" wartime action movies in which the hero saves someone's life by making him an IV from a coconut and some rubber automotive tubing.
A fucking IV from a coconut and a rubber tube. I don't even know where he got the coconut, since the setting was the middle of Afghanistan or something.
I just saw the first episode of Jericho last night. They had another one of those "gritty, realistic" scenes. A little girl is choking to death - her neck has swollen for some reason, putting too much pressure on her trachea - so the protagonist has to do an emergency tracheotomy with a pocket knife (which he wipes off with his
hand), some band-aids, and a whole lotta plastic drinking straws from juice boxes.
I'm sure as Hell not a paramedic or emergency doctor, but I think he'd have been better off fixing the source of the swelling.
Or maybe just intubating her trachea by sticking some rubber automotive tubing down her throat. Fuck, that's easier, safer, more reliable, and
way more sanitary.
Edit: an Epi-Pen might have worked, too, depending entirely on what was causing the swelling.
New rule: From now on, only
Scrubs is allowed to use tracheotomies in their scripts. It's obvious all those other losers don't know how to work one into a plot.
Haha I'm not saying I hated Firefly I just felt Serenity was a little better, and I think the reason for that is that everyone was more comfortable and had grown a into their characters little more etc.
Really? I kind of agreed with Sirean, to be totally honest. The series was much better done than the movie, mostly because the movie used a lot of Hollywood clichés. (Most especially: they took River, the rebellion, the reavers, and several other plot elements, combined them into a single gigantic conspiracy, and then resolved the conspiracy.)