Author Topic: Get Rich Quick Scheme #71  (Read 4709 times)

Offline gpw11

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Get Rich Quick Scheme #71
« on: Monday, June 18, 2007, 10:51:01 PM »
Start a men's dating advice magazine/site/book series/whatever.

This goldmine has been brought to my attention over the past week mainly because of three things:

1.) A couple of weeks ago SA's Weekend Web had a section on a forum based entirely around pheromones.  No, not like a scientific discussion on insect pheromones or anything like that.  Actually, probably the exact opposite of that.  A bunch of guys on the internet talking about how best to mix the chemicals they just bought over the internet in order to seduce girls.

There's some funny shit there, but the ammount of dedication these guys put into it suprised me.  You'd think you'd buy pheromones in order to pick up girls without doing the work.  It's kind of counter-productive in my mind to spend the money on them and yet spend countless hours trying to find the right mix and talking about it.  Of course, I'm a different breed here;  the type that understands that human pheromones are most likely a myth and that the shit these guys are talking about is most certainly food colouring and cow piss. 

2.) There was a link to an article on digg a while ago which forwarded the reader to  Basically, it's like an online Maxim.  Nevermind the fact that you're only usually reading a Maxim if you're trapped in a panic room away from a computer or midway through hour 13 of a 16 hour flight.  Anyways, one of those little boxs advertising current articles on the site caught my eye. I can't remember exactly what that lead me to either, but this page probably sums it up pretty well:

Some article title highlights:

Leaving one woman for another - if you're reading this site you won't run into this problem.

Her ex is back - Unless he is also reading this site you're pretty much fucked.

Post-breakup maintenence - suck it up, followed by slump buster, followed by growing some balls you nancy.

Recover from a bad first impression - You fucked up.  Cut your losses. Or better yet - don't go out of your way to impress every single girl with blurred vision that you meet in the first place.

She wants to be friends and more!! - three options: 1.) Date Rape.  2.) Accept the fact that you're probably just friends, but keep in mind that you always can try to sleep with her later....because most girls actually like having sex. 3.)  Grow some balls you fucking nancy.  I'm sure there's another girl at an anime convention out there somewhere who will make eye contact one day.  Two of those won't ruin someone's life and get your ass thrown in jail.  Your judgement call.

Impress Her Siblings   You know what?  Fuck her siblings.  Seriously, no one likes a kiss ass and if you can't find a way to at least reasonably get along with a couple of strangers you're probably getting your ass dumped in the next week or so anyways.  Don't waste valuable human contact time with the might not have sex again until you find the next blind deaf and dumb girl.

Handling Her Period   Ew.

Top Ten Signs You've Been Single Too Long  I actually glanced over this list on a hunch and was 100% correct;  it's totally reversed.  Some of the signs: You develop bad eating habits, You play too many video games, you get a pet.  What the fuck?  Why not change the article to "Top Ten Signs You aren't a total pussy who bases everything you do in  life on the slim chance that you might get some ass".

Top Ten Seduction Albums  Look, if she won't fuck to Guns and Roses you don't want to fuck her anyways.

Every single article on that page except for possibly the ones that contain advice for single fathers is probably bullshit that some dumbass will buy into. We need to harness this sexual frustration for profit.

3.)  This is the kicker:  Weekend Web this week.  Fast Seduction 101.  It basically reads like a first year calculus discussion.

This is why you walk into a bar and see a bunch of douche-bags with stripped (or pink) shirts, frosty tips, and pre fadded jeans just standing there with thier vodka water in hand and not having fun.  They're stressing out to remember formulas and devise attack strategies.  Fair enough, we all spend our free time in different ways, but at the end of the night any worthwhile girl is going to see that and go home with someone actually fun because any guy who will take a beer over a broad is a well adjusted person (or raging alchoholic).

Yet, we need to help these people.  We need to help them make us rich.  How should we do that?

Offline idolminds

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Re: Get Rich Quick Scheme #71
« Reply #1 on: Monday, June 18, 2007, 11:05:09 PM »
I'll get the cow piss....

Offline wizall

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Re: Get Rich Quick Scheme #71
« Reply #2 on: Tuesday, June 19, 2007, 01:14:35 AM »
Hilarious, and you have a point...actually about 19.  Thanks.

As far how to actually exploit these poor bastards, I'll think on it.  There has to be a way to consolidate this all into something requiring several monthly installments, you're right...or maybe a subscription.  We've already got the cow piss covered. 

Edit:  On second thought, I may not be the guy to help.  I did start the "Online Dating" thread, after all.  Jesus.  I'll write you a check the moment you put something together.
« Last Edit: Tuesday, June 19, 2007, 02:08:33 AM by wizall »

Offline Cobra951

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Re: Get Rich Quick Scheme #71
« Reply #3 on: Tuesday, June 19, 2007, 02:06:52 PM »
I don't think they're a myth.  I came close to losing control once when I was too close to this girl I worked with.  Between her smile and the sudden scent, I swear to you, it was like watching myself from somewhere else, unable to control anything.  Suddenly, I got a grip and literally ran off.  She probably thinks I'm a weirdo to this day.

Offline Antares

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Re: Get Rich Quick Scheme #71
« Reply #4 on: Tuesday, June 19, 2007, 02:54:18 PM »
I don't really see the problem with it.  Some guys naturally learn how to behave around women to attract them.  Some have to work harder at it, and sometimes that involves doing research and working together with other people in the same situation.

I'm glad you can go into a bar and attract women without thinking about it GPW, but some guys don't have that luxury, and I dont like the insinuation that nobody else should try to do anything about it.
« Last Edit: Tuesday, June 19, 2007, 03:25:40 PM by Antares »

Offline gpw11

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Re: Get Rich Quick Scheme #71
« Reply #5 on: Tuesday, June 19, 2007, 04:36:17 PM »
I should clarify;

There is nothing wrong with putting effort in to attract girls.  That would only be natural.  Nevertheless, that does not mean behaviour which includes this type of thinking isn't fucking pathetic in my mind:

It's not even really about the fact that they are talking about how to get laid, it's HOW they are talking about how to get laid.  The point is that these groups, articles, products, and magazines are meant for the lowest common denominator, the easily manipulated.  You can't tell me anyone memorizing all these acronyms and strategies is well adjusted, just like you can't even begin to argue that someone who changes how they act, interact, dress, and think based on what they see in an article is a productive and self-satisfied human being.  Fuck, anyone who spends the ammount of time neccesary learning the dialouge these idiots use just to go get laid probably has some form of OCD.  Were they to think about it rationally they'd probably realize that the 20 hours a week they put in trying to trick and outmanuever girls into bed is a complete waste since putting that much effort into any honest endevour trying to get a random girl in bed would pay out anyways.

The issue here isn't that there is a sub culture of guys who can't get pussy....the issue here is that there is a sub culture of guys who can't get pussy, seem to have it as a number one priority, and will pay money and alter their behaviour in order to try and get it.  That's fucking sad.  There's nothing wrong with not being able to meet women, there's something wrong with the attitudes these guys have about it.

Offline gpw11

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Re: Get Rich Quick Scheme #71
« Reply #6 on: Tuesday, June 19, 2007, 04:40:20 PM »
RE: Cobra:

Yeah, you may have a point.  There was a pretty prominent theory out there a while ago that human pheromones might exist (based on ovulation or something like that), but I don't know if it was ever refuted or what.  I can attest to an expierience somewhat like yours (there was basically a girl who I wanted to nail just because of the smell of her hair.  There wasn't anything wrong with her, so I probably would have done it anyways, but the actual desire boiled down to whatever the hell it was she had in her hair).  I will however restate that I strongly doubt any of the products these morons are buying over the internet actually act as human mating pheromones.   

Offline Antares

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Re: Get Rich Quick Scheme #71
« Reply #7 on: Tuesday, June 19, 2007, 06:42:43 PM »
Were they to think about it rationally they'd probably realize that the 20 hours a week they put in trying to trick and outmanuever girls into bed is a complete waste since putting that much effort into any honest endevour trying to get a random girl in bed would pay out anyways.

I was actually going to make this point as well.  Same goes for the whole pheromone thing.  Instead of spending 100 hours trying to concoct the perfect mix, spend 100 hours working on your social skills meeting women. I'll bet you get laid a lot more with option 2.

I still don't think there is a problem with putting effort into getting laid, nor do I think there is a problem with doing some homework and getting some help with the whole process.  I'll agree that what you've posted falls in with the same category as the crystal gazing magic diet pill taking, herbal medicine taking segment of society that couldn't brew a critical thought if they tried.  However, I've known lots of guys, myself included that have done a hell of a lot better with women after doing a little Reading Up.

Offline sirean_syan

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Re: Get Rich Quick Scheme #71
« Reply #8 on: Tuesday, June 19, 2007, 08:58:40 PM »
I more or less hate the idea of anyone who turns all this stuff into a game or has a plan in order to get laid or meet girls* because it's points to a couple possibilites. One, they're probably just an annoying person or, two, they're out there for the wrong reasons. People make too big a deal of sex in general. Either way, if these people are going to subcripe to crap like GP posted, well, that's just another knock agaisnt them. It's not too far removed from all those annoying engineers and computer science guys I met who had overly detailed plans, as a freshman in college, for their lives in terms of how they'd make a certain amount of money at a particular point in their life. Something about it just reeks of not being able cope on your own in a real sense so you need a detailed schematic to rule your actions. I suppose it's not suprising that CS people and engineers were like this.

So yeah, I don't like these ideas or them people who use them. That means I'd be happy to see them taken advantage of. Just make shit up GP. I'm sure you could come up with something that some morons will pay money for.

* That's not to say that I don't like people putting effort into meeting a girl. It's something of a common sense line between going out to meet someone and going out with an elaborate gameplan. You all established that already though; I'm just saying I agree with that.
« Last Edit: Tuesday, June 19, 2007, 11:29:47 PM by sirean_syan »

Offline WindAndConfusion

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Re: Get Rich Quick Scheme #71
« Reply #9 on: Tuesday, June 19, 2007, 10:00:25 PM »
You can't tell me anyone memorizing all these acronyms and strategies is well adjusted
That guy from A Beautiful Mind used math to hit on girls, and he turned out OK.

Offline gpw11

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Re: Get Rich Quick Scheme #71
« Reply #10 on: Tuesday, June 19, 2007, 10:12:16 PM »
Heh, totally.

You know, I've never seen the movie but always have intended to.  I don't know much about the little details of the life of John Nash (just the well known parts of him being schizophrenic and brilliant), but if one were to apply mathimatical concepts to sleeping with girls, simplified game theory would be the way to do it.  You could probably also work in the Nash Equilibrium and maybe some sort of Prisoner's Dillema derivitive. 

To be perfectly honest, I've used the blanket excuse of 'game theory' on multiple occasions to explain my actions...including incidents with girls. 

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Re: Get Rich Quick Scheme #71
« Reply #11 on: Tuesday, June 19, 2007, 10:33:26 PM »
Haha, that's hilarious.

I'm still planning to kill you.

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Re: Get Rich Quick Scheme #71
« Reply #12 on: Tuesday, June 19, 2007, 11:03:05 PM »
Sy pretty much speaks for me on this one.

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Offline Cobra951

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Re: Get Rich Quick Scheme #71
« Reply #13 on: Wednesday, June 20, 2007, 06:53:39 AM »
I more or less hate the idea of anyone who turns all this stuff into a game or has a plan in order to get laid or meet girls* because it's points to a couple possibilites. One, they're probably just an annoying person or, two, they're out there for the wrong reasons. People make too big a deal of sex in general. Either way, if these people are going to subcripe to crap like GP posted, well, that's just another knock agaisnt them. It's not too far removed from all those annoying engineers and computer science guys I met who had overly detailed plans, as a freshman in college, for their lives in terms of how they'd make a certain amount of money at a particular point in their life. Something about it just reeks of not being able cope on your own in a real sense so you need a detailed schematic to rule your actions. I suppose it's not suprising that CS people and engineers were like this.

So yeah, I don't like these ideas or them people who use them. That means I'd be happy to see them taken advantage of. Just make shit up GP. I'm sure you could come up with something that some morons will pay money for.

* That's not to say that I don't like people putting effort into meeting a girl. It's something of a common sense line between going out to meet someone and going out with an elaborate gameplan. You all established that already though; I'm just saying I agree with that.

Saying that some people make too big a deal of sex is a bit like saying that people in a desert make too big a fuss over water.  In the movie Must Love Dogs, admittedly not a gem of any kind, different people are "interviewed" about relationships, meeting and courting prospective mates.  The funniest is the male model.  "There are people all around.  Is there a problem?"  Those who can swim in this stuff like fish think it's no more of a big deal than getting a drink from a mountain stream.

Offline Antares

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Re: Get Rich Quick Scheme #71
« Reply #14 on: Wednesday, June 20, 2007, 03:22:50 PM »

Offline DrSbaitso

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Re: Get Rich Quick Scheme #71
« Reply #15 on: Wednesday, June 20, 2007, 04:38:23 PM »
if one were to apply mathimatical concepts to sleeping with girls, simplified game theory would be the way to do it.  You could probably also work in the Nash Equilibrium and maybe some sort of Prisoner's Dillema derivitive. 

xkcd has a relevant comic for every situation

Offline sirean_syan

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Re: Get Rich Quick Scheme #71
« Reply #16 on: Wednesday, June 20, 2007, 08:53:01 PM »
Yeah, that's true (Cobra), but I think I muddled my meaning a little. I just feel that far too many people out there are focused too much on getting sex in general, at least in reguards to the dating/bar/club scene, where ever these sorts of strategies would be used. Too many people are there just for sex. Those who have it are there for more and those who don't are there trying to score. It's more or less the same thing that GPW said about going there to have a good time.

Offline Cobra951

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Re: Get Rich Quick Scheme #71
« Reply #17 on: Thursday, June 21, 2007, 10:39:06 AM »
Some people can go to social scenes and excel at whatever they choose to focus on each time they go there.  It's all like falling off a log to them.  Things happen naturally, as if by themselves.  There is no pressure, no unfulfilled need.  Looks, charisma, social skills, whatever, are there in spades.  Others struggle, or worse, they've been burned too many times and become afraid to even show up.  Life's not fair.  I can't fault those who try to reach for the sky even though they can't fly.  Let them devise all the winged contraptions they can think of.  If they crash and burn, at least they went down swinging.

Not that I think trying to concoct Love Potion Number 9 will ever lead to anything but heartache.   :)

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Re: Get Rich Quick Scheme #71
« Reply #18 on: Monday, July 02, 2007, 11:50:55 PM »