Wewt! Thanks for posting it up, idol. Everyone please let me know what you think. This is really another "test" episode all things considered, just with better software, more structure, and a lot of editing. I hope we'll soon be getting the hang of this and getting ever more interesting content. Who knows, maybe even some interviews with people more interesting than us! Time will tell.
I for one need a giant break from editing this crap, so it'll probably be another 2 weeks before the next show. I've got some outlines written but want to continue working on the show structure, so hopefully things will improve by next time and I want to give us enough time to work on that stuff. Also, while I contributed the main theme (which may or may not change in the future) and the special SH2-remix ending to this show, hopefully NatchDan is going to be doing some chiptune stuff for us in the future, which should be fun (and we all love Dan's stuff), and I'm very happy about this because right now I don't want to even THINK about the podcast. Anyone that followed the other thread knows that Audacity crashed and lost all my editing work, which took roughly 4 hours, the first time around. It took another 4 or so for the 2nd try, and that doesn't include another few hours just getting things together, let alone the time spent actually recording the thing!
Thanks to all who participated. It was good fun. Look forward to next show!