Author Topic: The Darkness is OUT!  (Read 9318 times)

Offline Quemaqua

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The Darkness is OUT!
« on: Wednesday, June 27, 2007, 07:54:43 PM »
And I fucking want it.  I think I almost sort of like GSpot's new review system.  It's really just a more detailed summary with no point system.  I don't know... seems okay.

Anyway, the game looked great, and given that it was Starbreeze, who I feel like I kind of "discovered" with ENCLAVE, a game I really enjoyed, and then everyone else discovered with the Riddick game, I knew it was going to be awesome.  And it's no surprise to me that it's good stuff.  I'm going to pick it up ASAP.  And then be really fucking poor for a while.

EDIT - Also, I just noticed they still gave it a number, heh.  That's odd.

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Re: The Darkness is OUT!
« Reply #1 on: Thursday, June 28, 2007, 12:45:53 PM »
Damnit, I wants it bad. Ive been following previews and everything. I'm much too poor at the moment.

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Re: The Darkness is OUT!
« Reply #2 on: Thursday, June 28, 2007, 01:33:48 PM »
PC port anytime soon?

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Re: The Darkness is OUT!
« Reply #3 on: Thursday, June 28, 2007, 01:45:19 PM »
Suck it, Pugnate.

Offline Quemaqua

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Re: The Darkness is OUT!
« Reply #4 on: Thursday, June 28, 2007, 07:17:23 PM »
I second that.  No offense, D.

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Re: The Darkness is OUT!
« Reply #5 on: Thursday, June 28, 2007, 07:49:10 PM »
I second that.  No offense, D.

None taken.

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Re: The Darkness is OUT!
« Reply #6 on: Thursday, June 28, 2007, 09:01:57 PM »
Awesome, this game looks pure badass.  I think I'll have to get a 360 pretty soon.

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Re: The Darkness is OUT!
« Reply #7 on: Friday, June 29, 2007, 12:58:39 AM »
So I put a good few hours into the game tonight and... man.  What a game.  Sort of a Riddick meets Kingpin meets Blood type thing.  Needless to say, I am enjoying the crap out of it.  I get the feeling that it won't entirely surpass Riddick from a raw gameplay standpoint, and there are some minor points that could have been improved, but on the whole this game is poetry in motion, has crazy gunfights that are pretty sweet, some absolutely brutal moments, and THE VOICE OF FUCKING MIKE PATTON AS THE DARKNESS.  That last point would have sold me on this game even if everything about it was garbage.  He was absolutely the perfect choice and he's just great.  There's actually some halfway decent psuedo-metal stuff during the action, and the ambient tracks when not in the middle of a fight are really great and atmospheric.  This game is entirely surreal and yet very tangible at the same time.  Thumbs up from Que thus far.

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Re: The Darkness is OUT!
« Reply #8 on: Friday, June 29, 2007, 04:32:47 PM »
Is it non-linear?

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Re: The Darkness is OUT!
« Reply #10 on: Friday, June 29, 2007, 08:05:26 PM »
Nicely done.

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Re: The Darkness is OUT!
« Reply #11 on: Friday, June 29, 2007, 11:48:12 PM »

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Re: The Darkness is OUT!
« Reply #12 on: Friday, June 29, 2007, 11:54:12 PM »
Hmm, this does look pretty interesting.  I've been waiting for a good 360 game to come out since it's been kinda boring lately.  I might check this one out.

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Re: The Darkness is OUT!
« Reply #13 on: Saturday, June 30, 2007, 12:08:53 AM »


Yeah, it's really cool.  It's somewhat standard shooter stuff as far as gameplay goes, though it has more going for it than just run and gun stuff, but it's all the little things about this that are really amazing me.  I mean the gameplay is fun, I'm not trying to belittle that, but... take the stuff on the TV.  I sat and watched 20 minutes of To Kill a Mockingbird with the main character's girlfriend.  They've got some other movies and shows and stuff too, including a channel full of metal music videos.  And you could completely ignore that and never notice it was even there unless you poke your nose into it.

And again, Mike Patton as The Darkness.  That alone makes this game worth the purchase.

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Re: The Darkness is OUT!
« Reply #14 on: Saturday, June 30, 2007, 12:11:58 AM »
Yeah, I really want to play it. But unfortunately my brother is taking the X360 with him to his apartment in Indiana where he will be living for the next three years. BASTARD.

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Re: The Darkness is OUT!
« Reply #15 on: Saturday, June 30, 2007, 03:24:14 AM »
So it's around 3 AM and I've been playing for hours.  Holy crap I love this game.  This is the kind of thing you play not because you're looking for something completely new, but because you're looking for something old done with a twist, done uniquely, and done with absolutely impeccable presentation.  I can't speak for the quality of the story compared to the comic, but I imagine this is the rough equivalent to the Darkness franchise what Batman Begins was to its franchise.  Even if there are some misgivings, this is just an excellently told story that does all kinds of things right.  I heard the ending wasn't as good, but even a lousy ending couldn't do much to taint the crazy ride this thing has been so far.

Oh, and I've heard quite a lot of complaints from people about the game freezing on their 360s.  It seems it happens to some and doesn't to others, but there are a lot of people speaking up about it.  Might be something to consider for those if you on the fence about shelling out the cash.  Some have even said they beat it once then tried to play again and experienced the crash.  Kind of a downer since the game is otherwise so great.

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Re: The Darkness is OUT!
« Reply #16 on: Saturday, June 30, 2007, 07:26:46 AM »
Oh, and I've heard quite a lot of complaints from people about the game freezing on their 360s.  It seems it happens to some and doesn't to others, but there are a lot of people speaking up about it.  Might be something to consider for those if you on the fence about shelling out the cash.  Some have even said they beat it once then tried to play again and experienced the crash.  Kind of a downer since the game is otherwise so great.
Oh, that's a shame....
Are they going to patch it on XB Live???

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Re: The Darkness is OUT!
« Reply #17 on: Saturday, June 30, 2007, 10:44:51 AM »
It's a pretty high profile title, and given that there's multiplayer and stuff, my guess is that they'll patch it if indeed it's something directly related to the game.  It seems that it must be since a lot of people say that all their other games work fine.  So yeah, my guess is they'll patch it at some point.  Though who knows, really.  They'll have to pinpoint the issue first.  There doesn't seem to be much rhyme or reason for it yet.

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Re: The Darkness is OUT!
« Reply #18 on: Saturday, June 30, 2007, 07:56:02 PM »
I think the reason games freeze for some people and not others is the reliability of the DVD drive.  If you got lucky, and your drive is fully reliable, you're OK.  If it misses one too many reads, bad software locks up (and I include in that category any software which does not handle the unpredictability of optical reads on the known crap hardware correctly).  After my bad experiences with Oblivion, I think I'll hold off on buying this game until more is known about the freezing bug(s).

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Re: The Darkness is OUT!
« Reply #19 on: Saturday, June 30, 2007, 11:38:13 PM »
Well, there is light at the end of the tunnel.  According to at least one guy that was posting on GSpot, he got an email back from his query to 2K tech support which stated that they are aware of the problem and have a liaise who will hopefully be contacting the devs and figuring out the problem so a potential fix can be worked out.  So that's good.

Anyway, I finished the game tonight.  It's actually a pretty beefy chunk of game.  You can go through it pretty fast if you really skip all the side missions and don't try to unlock any of the extras, but if you're trying to get that other stuff, you can expect not only a pretty decently-sized shooter, but also some good replay value.  I found an awful lot of stuff and felt I found some pretty tricky hidden items, and I only got like 60% of the hidden unlocks.  I missed a ton of achievements too, though most of them are just combat-related ones.  Still, if you like that extra stuff, there's plenty here.  It's pretty decent stuff as well, like some comics (which look pretty great and are readable with only a little bit of eye strain, heh), some videos (I only got 2, and I suspect some of the unlocks I didn't find are harder to get and might have more video), lots of concepts, screens, etc.  Not all of it is that amazing, but it's a decent selection, and I think the cooler stuff makes up for the passable stuff.

But... yeah.  Wow.  What a freaking game.  It definitely isn't the best thing I've ever played from a raw shooter standpoint, though I have an extreme affection for it and loved every second.  I think the main thing is that while there's a lot to do, one thing doesn't go to extremes to differentiate itself from other elements.  So a lot of your combat options don't fall squarely into lots of different camps, they all sort of fall into the same constantly-usable pool of stuff.  Obviously that has its ups and downs.  The other thing some people may not like as much is that you aren't always totally directed into the next area or whatever.  You do some wandering around, learning the lay of the land, that kind of thing.  It's linear almost entirely, but it doesn't *feel* like it as much because you aren't always faced in the right direction and told to "go here!" with giant neon lights.  Mostly that's just fine and causes no problems, but occasionally it can feel like somebody sort of put a blindfold on you, spun you around, and then expects you to figure out where to go.  I personally had zero problems with this because I like to explore on my own, and the world isn't so ridiculously huge that you just get lost for hours on end, but I'm sure some people won't dig that quite as much (like how some people hated having to drive to each location in MAFIA).

Those minor design issues aside, this thing is probably game of the year for me right now.  Which is, of course, the newness talking to some degree, so who knows if I'll stick with that in the end (especially given that Bioshock will probably be even more amazing), but yes, this is one hell of a game.  The story is really something, the acting and the script are both top-fucking-notch, and the flurry of great interactive scenes and the occasional loss of control (which is proper - you're possessed by a demonic entity!) just doesn't stop from start to finish.  There is definitely downtime, which I believe some people will hate, where you get to wander the subways helping a few people out, searching for the openings to new areas, doing some stuff that aims to immerse you in the world a bit more instead of forcing you to wade through a constant flood of combat, but I found it all very enjoyable and immersive, not something that killed the pace.  Usually it was a nice break.

I was playing on HARD mode, which is the hardest (nothing else unlocked when I beat that), and it was definitely a challenge.  Those saying that this game is easy are... sort of right, sort of wrong.  In certain situations you'll find that the average enemy is a piece of freaking cake, and it's supposed to be that way.  The idea is that The Darkness provides you with extreme power, and it does.  On HARD, the opening few areas are really, really tough.  On top of getting acquainted with the controls, you'll find the enemies are decently smart (I don't really get the AI complaints some have given here... the guys get the job done pretty darn well), and you die FAST.  A few hits and you're fucked unless you back off and get your bearings.  No health bars here.  But then your little demon-buddy comes along and all of a sudden you're really dishing it back to the bad guys.  But you still can't play like a jerk, and you have to watch yourself and your surroundings.  Your "shield" draws from the same pool as the "ammo" for your special dark abilities, so if you start taking a lot of damage, you'll find you can't use your special powers, so there's a lot of give and take with that stuff.  I thought it worked great, and the last few areas of the game were quite challenging.  I think it was balanced perfectly.  Had I been playing it on PC with a mouse/KB setup, THEN it would have been too easy, but it worked well for a controller as long as you don't crank the autoaim way the hell up.  I found the default setting just about perfect.  Hard sometimes, but just hard enough that playing skillfully would generally get you by for the normal stuff, and would get you by the harder spots after maybe 3 to 6 deaths.

Anyway, two thumbs up.  Anyone who doesn't like the ending sucks.  I thought it was beautiful and sad and.... just very fitting for the vibe of the game.  In theory it could also open up a sequel, maybe.  I don't know the lore well enough yet to say that for sure, but it seems to me another game would be possible.  Time will tell.  So yeah, anyone who wants to check this one out, I can say I felt it was worth every penny of my $60.  I'm reluctant to spend that much these days, but I thoroughly, thoroughly enjoyed this one.  So much so that I think I'm gonna' head back and play it again!

Also, did I mention... MIKE FUCKING PATTON IS THE DARKNESS, and that was the most brilliant move these people could ever have come up with.  His involvement in the role makes perfection look inadequate.  The only problem is he doesn't get to talk enough.
« Last Edit: Sunday, July 01, 2007, 12:14:50 AM by Quemaqua »

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Re: The Darkness is OUT!
« Reply #20 on: Sunday, July 01, 2007, 04:21:51 AM »
Well, there is light at the end of the tunnel.  According to at least one guy that was posting on GSpot, he got an email back from his query to 2K tech support which stated that they are aware of the problem and have a liaise who will hopefully be contacting the devs and figuring out the problem so a potential fix can be worked out.  So that's good.
Good to hear that they won't let the issue just fester -- unlike Capcom, who let the "text" issue stand w/ Dead Rising on the 360 that many really complained about.

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Re: The Darkness is OUT!
« Reply #21 on: Sunday, July 01, 2007, 11:32:01 AM »
GSpot's video review is up, though it reminds me of ways in which I really don't agree with some of the reviews thus far.

Firstly, I take issue with the assertion one review made (not GSpot, I don't think) that the game's guns weren't very useful other than the standard handguns.  I think that idiot is full of shit.  Some are better for certain situations than others, but they're all quite fun to use and they all kill things the way you'd expect them to.  I found all the guns consistently usable throughout the entire game, and they were fine from a gameplay standpoint and were actually pretty good from a "feel" standpoint.  Not as good as the few close-to-perfect (weapon-wise) FPS games we've had, but still quite good.  You can use the handguns a lot if you feel like it, I guess, but I found myself only using them during more ranged fights.  Other weapons pack a much bigger close-quarters punch, and the uzis work well when you just need to lay down a blanket of fire over an area, or just fire at medium to short range.

Also, I take issue with Gerstmann's talk of the game being too easy.  Granted, I haven't played it on medium (am going through my 2nd time now; again on hard, just like the first time), but if you want a challenge, the hard mode is no slouch.  He makes it sound like the black hole ability is this end all, be all power move that can get you through any situation, and it really isn't.  As I mentioned somewhere above, using the Darkness powers will drain your available reserve of dark energy or whatever (they really don't give it a name, and you can only tell that The Darkness is lacking strength because the bright spots along the demon heads dim out as you use more power), so if you run into a huge room and use the black hole ability, you'll be a sitting duck for several seconds when The Darkness goes away and then again when it has to recharge itself when brought back up (which it won't even be able to do unless you're in a position away from lights where it can be comfortable for a second).  So if you don't use that carefully, you can expect to have your ass handed to you in about 2 seconds or less, because on hard mode, you can literally die in as little as 2 hits, depending on what you're hit by (and I'm guessing where you're hit... sometimes you can survive several shots, sometimes you get put down really hard).

So yeah, whatever the normal or medium mode is like, hard is plenty of challenge.  The auto-aim isn't excessive at the default level, and you'll really need it using a controller if you're used to PC FPS games.  Hell, I'm a console FPS veteran and I often had trouble getting a solid bead on guys that were running around a lot.  I think the game's difficulty is quite well balanced on hard, and most people seem to be having enough challenge (or maybe a little more than they'd like) on said difficulty.  So Gerstmann is full of shit on that count, I think.

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Re: The Darkness is OUT!
« Reply #22 on: Sunday, July 01, 2007, 01:32:07 PM »
I just watched the G-Spot review for this thing, which I barely have followed.
Well, damn, this game looks pretty bad-ass!!!!

Oh, and the whole "two heads fighting over a heart one of your demonic tentacle heads might rip out" sounds too freakin' cool! I dunno how anyone could get sick of that animation -- it just looks freakin' awesome! :P

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Re: The Darkness is OUT!
« Reply #23 on: Sunday, July 01, 2007, 02:16:18 PM »
That just sounds and looks badass! I haven't followed this game at all but after watching that review, I might pick it up if I've the money.
Though I get the sense fromthe review and from what Q says; that the medium might be just a little too easy and for a challenge you'll need to play it on hard... which is fine I don't see a problem with that.

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Re: The Darkness is OUT!
« Reply #24 on: Sunday, July 01, 2007, 02:21:07 PM »
I think it's about just right.  Some are saying the game is easier compared to Riddick, but I'm actually finding this one more difficult.  Riddick was a bit more about stealth, and while you can definitely be stealthy in The Darkness, Riddick seemed to push you in that direction a lot more, hence it was easier to get by just using stealth stuff.  This has lots of gun fights and stuff.

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Re: The Darkness is OUT!
« Reply #25 on: Sunday, July 01, 2007, 02:51:30 PM »
Also, I take issue with Gerstmann's talk of the game being too easy.  Granted, I haven't played it on medium (am going through my 2nd time now; again on hard, just like the first time), but if you want a challenge, the hard mode is no slouch.

It's good to know -- that if gamers want a challenge, Hard Mode is there.

Gertsmann makes its sound like every diffuculty's too easy regardless -- especially since he didn't state "Medium's too easy, experience FPS gamers should start w/ Hard."

But if that's the case, Gertsmann should be complaining that there ain't enuff harder diffuculty game modes to play on.

So yeah, whatever the normal or medium mode is like, hard is plenty of challenge. The auto-aim isn't excessive at the default level, and you'll really need it using a controller if you're used to PC FPS games.
Well, if they do a PC port, since StarBreeze did port Riddick, maybe they should add extra PC difficulties to the PC version of the game -- since the game might be even easier w/ KB/mouse support on the PC.

And if the above does happen -- PC port and extra difficulties included -- then, of course, it would be cool if the X360 version do get a new difficulty level added in a patch from XBLive or something.

Hell, I'm a console FPS veteran and I often had trouble getting a solid bead on guys that were running around a lot. I think the game's difficulty is quite well balanced on hard, and most people seem to be having enough challenge (or maybe a little more than they'd like) on said difficulty.  So Gerstmann is full of shit on that count, I think.
Gertsmann mentioned, in his review, that the auto-aim often slides more towards "head-shots" -- have you experience this, Que???

Or is the "auto-aim" lean more often towards head-shots on the lower difficulties, as opposed to the higher ones???

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Re: The Darkness is OUT!
« Reply #26 on: Sunday, July 01, 2007, 06:51:22 PM »
I haven't experienced that in particular, no, though it probably does help you aim and whatever you're generally aiming at.  I really don't know.  Most of the headshots I go for are at longer range, so they're generally the kind that I'd be able to get without much aid.

EDIT - Que does an official review, though this is really more for site discussion than the review itself.  Still... there you have it.  It's pretty long.
« Last Edit: Tuesday, July 03, 2007, 11:53:21 PM by Quemaqua »

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Re: The Darkness is OUT!
« Reply #27 on: Friday, July 13, 2007, 08:21:08 PM »
My experince thus far has been mixed. I've given it a few hours and died more than once; so I'm not finding too easy. I just don't find it all that fun at this stage; put it this way I'm not having enough fun to hook me so that after the game hands me my ass that I try again, I just put it down and leave it. 
On the other hand it is a good game, good story and cut scenes etc. Though the action is a little off, I'm not too thrilled with the weapons, like they don't seem to do enough damage or something (for example the shotgun). My real problem is carrying weapons... I had two hand guns then I picked up a shotgun then suddenly that's all I had; what the hell happened to my other guns! Can I only carry the one?
Oh and the voice said I had a new power or something but it never told me what it was or how to use it?!

I'll have to give it another go I think.

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Re: The Darkness is OUT!
« Reply #28 on: Saturday, July 14, 2007, 12:05:42 AM »
You can carry all the weapons you want.  You sure you know how to switch between them properly?

Also, you can look in the journal for all the relevant information on the powers and stuff.

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Re: The Darkness is OUT!
« Reply #29 on: Saturday, July 14, 2007, 12:32:41 AM »
You can carry all the weapons you want.  You sure you know how to switch between them properly?

Also, you can look in the journal for all the relevant information on the powers and stuff.

Yeah I don't know what the hell happened, I think I dropped them some how. I gave it another crack I hate the shotgun even more now, its worse because the save is just after I lost my pistols, and there's a pair in the stage but now I've got sweet F.A ammo for them now.  :(

I might give the game a break if I come back to it fine, if not, that's fine too.

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Re: The Darkness is OUT!
« Reply #30 on: Saturday, July 14, 2007, 12:34:20 AM »
Dunno' man.  I had no issue with the shotgun.  Used it for a large portion of the game just fine.

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Re: The Darkness is OUT!
« Reply #31 on: Saturday, July 14, 2007, 02:34:38 AM »
Hahaha I think I'm being overly hard on the game, I think Vegas has spoiled me; ever game has to be as good as that one otherwise I feel like the above - and I personally think Vegas is out standing.
It is a good game after all.

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Re: The Darkness is OUT!
« Reply #32 on: Saturday, July 14, 2007, 06:02:21 AM »
Well, this and Vegas are two drastically different games when you get down to it.  They both hope to achieve very different ends in terms of giving the player a certain feeling.  I've only seen a bit of Vegas in videos and stuff, but I already know that it isn't really anything I care about.  Anything that aims for realism can kiss my ass.  I live in reality and it blows, I've got no need to spend more time there.  Give me giant heart-eating tentacle demons any day.   ;)

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Re: The Darkness is OUT!
« Reply #33 on: Saturday, July 14, 2007, 10:21:23 AM »

I know it might be a little too soon to be asking this, but has it been stated at all by the dev's on if they plan on doing a sequel to The Darkness?

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Re: The Darkness is OUT!
« Reply #34 on: Saturday, July 14, 2007, 10:28:12 AM »

天才的な閃きと平均以下のテクニックやな。 課長有野

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Re: The Darkness is OUT!
« Reply #35 on: Saturday, July 14, 2007, 04:47:32 PM »

I know it might be a little too soon to be asking this, but has it been stated at all by the dev's on if they plan on doing a sequel to The Darkness?

Sorry but what the hell do you care if there's a sequel?

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Re: The Darkness is OUT!
« Reply #36 on: Saturday, July 14, 2007, 04:58:46 PM »
Sorry but what the hell do you care if there's a sequel?

Just b/c a game currently ain't on *my* preferred gaming platform doesn't mean I don't care about a game and its future.

I think the game does look pretty good and all. Plus, I happen to have liked Starbreeze's previous game a lot, which was Riddick: Butcher Bay.

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Re: The Darkness is OUT!
« Reply #37 on: Sunday, July 15, 2007, 12:00:14 AM »
Just b/c a game currently ain't on *my* preferred gaming platform doesn't mean I don't care about a game and its future.

I think the game does look pretty good and all. Plus, I happen to have liked Starbreeze's previous game a lot, which was Riddick: Butcher Bay.

Get a life, please.

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Re: The Darkness is OUT!
« Reply #38 on: Sunday, July 15, 2007, 05:59:38 AM »
Get a life, please.

Oh, I don't see that happening, not anytime soon... :P

I remember in some of the older days, when some game rental stores used to let you rent game systems -- like say Show Place. But, yeah -- game consoles got so expensive, which is probably why you don't see that much anymore. I wouldn't mind renting an a game console out for a few days and renting some console games out.

I wish Hollywood Video did that, since that's whom I rent 99.9% of my movies from -- since, they also do rent console games for all the console systems.

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Re: The Darkness is OUT!
« Reply #39 on: Sunday, July 15, 2007, 01:48:08 PM »
I might kill you tonight.
Suck it, Pugnate.