Author Topic: Resident Evil 5 -> PC version will ditch G4WL + switch to Steamworks.  (Read 47302 times)

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Re: Resident Evil 5 -- Update: PC Version to support DX9/10, KB/mouse, controllers
« Reply #40 on: Monday, May 04, 2009, 07:23:18 PM »
Except that nobody in the gaming community or the press agrees with you.  Apparently.  I'm just saying.

Well, I wouldn't say nobody...

Resident Evil 5's controls have been the topic of much debate. Some gamers despise the stop-and-shoot nature of the gameplay

The control issue seemed to be the biggest problem gamers had with the demo.

I too felt very let down by the controls for RE5 after playing Dead Space (the whole comments section)

Capcom defends Resident Evil 5 controls with the 'tension' argument

Resident Evil 5 Control Schemes = Failure in North America

Why do game devs still make games with archaic controls?

This franchise is notorious for bad controls, but in this instalment it becomes incredibly frustrating. Moving the character is still a chore and they make wide turns that never feel natural.

The difficulty in fighting any of the game's enemies is strictly tied to how you control your character. Capcom made the decision to forbid movement while using your weapon in Resident Evil 5.

The second complaint would have to be part of the whole shooting and aiming system, there isn’t a regular fire as you might find it other games, what I mean is that there is only precision mode to use for shooting, and this is, as I mentioned, very slow.

The game offers four different control schemes, but regrettably, none are proper Southpaw or Legacy configurations.’ve-got-you-covered/

Having to stop and plant your feet just to swing your knife, or aim your gun, is my biggest complaint by far.

Keeping the restrictive controls that don't allow movement while aiming is silly.

The controls are clunky, unusual and occasionally illogical

being the kind of game development stickler that I am, I have a problem putting up with what I feel to be a flaw in something as elementary as the control system

Control system HAS to be overhauled!

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Re: Resident Evil 5 -- Update: PC Version to support DX9/10, KB/mouse, controllers
« Reply #41 on: Monday, May 04, 2009, 07:38:42 PM »
Well, I was mostly referring to 4 since that was what we had been discussing before re: controls.  5 still isn't really on my radar.  Either way, if it's the same as 4, I'm entirely convinced people just like to whine.

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Re: Resident Evil 5 -- Update: PC Version to support DX9/10, KB/mouse, controllers
« Reply #42 on: Monday, May 04, 2009, 08:15:57 PM »
Oh, well my complaints are directed evenly to both 4 and 5. I dont complain about the early RE games because I blame it on technical limitations. If they had given us "move the direction you press" controls in a prerendered environment, you'd be lost every time the camera changed. I can't think of a better way than how it was done.

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Re: Resident Evil 5 -- Update: PC Version to support DX9/10, KB/mouse, controllers
« Reply #43 on: Tuesday, May 05, 2009, 02:06:56 AM »
Remember that in the old games (RE1 to RE3) you didn't have to aim at all. You just held down the "draw weapon" button and the character automatically aimed at closest target then you fire. The tank-like controls were acceptable back then for two reasons: autoaim and the camera angle. The only complaint I ever had was using the knife was the same way! You couldn't move and attack with the damn knife.

RE4's control scheme n consoles was passable because the pace of the game was compatible with it. Still I'm no fan of aiming with an analogue stick. On PC, however, it didn't make any sense. You couldn't use the mouse to aim at all, you had to use the arrow keys to look around; it was beyond archaic. Capcom's weak argument of "it's part of the gameplay, teh game would be too easy if you could aim with the mouse" is complete and utter bullshit. If the game's difficulty is based on the players' inability to accurately control their characters then the developer has failed. Miserably.

I've only played the RE5 demo on PS3 and I couldn't do it. It really feels like the player characters are from old ass games and were somehow transported into a nextgen game but they haven't adapted to the new control environment. The game looks gorgeous and I'm sure it would be fun if I could fuckin' play it without cursing out at the seven Heavens! God it's infuriating! It's like they've taken everything I hate about console-aiming and enforced it on players in a whole game. At least in other aim-demanding console games I can strafe or run for cover! RE5 is one of those games I wouldn't mind watching someone play through, as long as the playing party is willing to go through the torture.

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Re: Resident Evil 5 - Update: PC System Requirements (reply 45)
« Reply #45 on: Monday, July 27, 2009, 02:25:12 PM »
RE5 PC's System Requirements

Without further ado then, here's what you'll need under the hood to run it...

Resident Evil 5 PC System Requirements

Windows 95: Not Supported
Windows 98: Not Supported
Windows Me: Not Supported
Windows NT: Not Supported
Windows 2000: Not Supported
Windows XP: Required
Windows Vista: Recommended

Minimum Requirement
Intel PentiumD Processor
AMD Athlon64 X2

Intel Core2Quad Processor or better
AMD Phenom X4 or better

Minimum Requirement
Windows Vista (1GB)
Windows XP (512MB)

Windows Vista (2GB or more)
Windows XP (1GB or more)

8.0GB or more

Minimum Requirement

1280×720 or larger

Disc Drive
DVD9 compatible drive

Graphics Card
Minimum Requirement
VRAM (256MB)
DirectX9.0c/Shader 3.0
NVIDIA GeForce 6800 series
ATI Radeon HD 2400 Pro

VRAM (512 or more)
NVIDIA GeForce 9800 series or better
ATI Radeon HD 4800 series or better

Sound Card
DirectSound Compatible (DirectX9.0c or higher)

Mouse & Keyboard

Xbox360 Controller for Windows
Internet Broadband Connection

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Re: Resident Evil 5 -- Update: RE5 PC System Requirements (Reply 55)
« Reply #46 on: Monday, July 27, 2009, 03:08:46 PM »
What bullshit.  Windows 95 isn't supported.

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Re: Resident Evil 5 -- Update: RE5 PC System Requirements (Reply 55)
« Reply #47 on: Monday, July 27, 2009, 03:11:20 PM »
What bullshit.  Windows 95 isn't supported.

I dunno why they didn't just write

Required - Win XP
Recommended - Win Vista

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Re: Resident Evil 5 -- Update: RE5 PC System Requirements (Reply 55)
« Reply #48 on: Saturday, September 19, 2009, 06:09:27 AM »
RE5 PC Reviews...

91% from Firing Squad


Action-heavy gameplay is wonderfully engrossing. You’re not quite swimming in munitions, but you aren’t scraping residue from spent rounds in hopes of producing your own, either. Context-based actions streamline maneuvers and quick-time events make sure you stay alert, even during the cinematics.

Gorgeous graphics. Whether you view it in 3D or not, the game looks amazing. It performs very well, too.

Load times are short. So short, in fact, that you probably won’t even have time to read the snippets of Resident Evil lore that are displayed in the meantime.

Controls are a help rather than a hindrance. Keyboard/mouse support is vastly improved compared to RE4, with mouse-look and an expanded set of hotkeys. Even the gamepad scheme has been tweaked, with four different styles that mix & match variations of trigger and analog stick usage.

Lots of replay value. When you first beat the story mode, your time spent with this game is really only beginning. Several difficulty settings, multiplayer modes, the Mercenaries minigame, hidden collectibles, and tons of unlockable bonuses and features should keep you coming back for more.

Immersive storytelling. Background information is gleaned from technical documentation and personal journals you find laying about. Cutscenes are well-done. Lulls in the action allow you to gather clues from the environment itself.

This PC version is superior to its console counterparts. I salute you, Capcom!


Partner AI has its shortcomings. Having a human partner instead is very beneficial, except maybe when it comes to sniping… Sheva is a sniping machine!

Some boss fights are frustrating. A challenge is one thing, but lengthy repetitions and arduous button-mash-fests are unnecessary and unfun.

9.3 from IGN
IGN link.
Resident Evil 5 has arrived on PCs, and while the release on computers isn't a director's cut, packing tons of additional content, the few new bells and whistles included definitely make it a solid improvement over the console versions, and arguably the best version of the game that's been released.


Another adjustment that's been made is the addition of mouse and keyboard support, which you'd expect with a game that's been ported to the PC, even though it supports the 360 controller as well and can be swapped back and forth at will. But it's more than just a simple WASD adjustment that you'll find here. For one thing, the keyboard provides a quick turn button that can instantly be pressed to rotate your characters around. This is effective when you're trying to prevent yourself from being surrounded by Majini or other creatures that are looking to rip you to pieces. Another plus is the inclusion of a quick knife button that allows you to instantly swing your knife at an enemy or an object in quick succession, giving you a last second item of protection. But perhaps the largest and most significant adjustment is the larger aiming reticule for the mouse, which allows you to ready a firearm with the right mouse button and fire with the left. No longer are you forced to rely on a laser pointer to indicate where bullets are going to go; instead, you can line up your target in the expanded sight and fire away.

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Re: Resident Evil 5 -- Update: RE5 PC System Requirements (Reply 55)
« Reply #49 on: Tuesday, October 06, 2009, 02:20:48 PM »
Capcom is taking a poll to see if gamers want the Enhanced "Alternative Edition" of RE5 that is coming should be released as DLC or as a re-release on disc to retail stores.

RE5: Alternative is currently only known to be coming for the consoles.
No word yet on if they'll do for a PC version of this.

New Resident Evil 5 Content via DLC or Re-release? Capcom Wants Your Take
by Chris Faylor Oct 06, 2009 10:50am CST tags: Resident Evil 5, DLC, Capcom

With an enhanced "Alternative Edition" of Resident Evil 5 coming soon to Japan, maker Capcom has opened a poll to help determine if the new content should instead hit North America as downloadable content for those that already own the game.

"[The physical re-release] makes absolutely perfect sense for the Japanese gaming market, where the uptake of digital content is a bit behind the western markets," Capcom's Chris Kramer explained in a blog post accompanying the poll.

For votes to be counted, users must have registered and logged into Capcom Unity.

"However, based on the success of the RE5 'Versus' downloadable content, as well as digital-only titles like Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix and Marvel VS Capcom 2, we know that the demand for DLC in the west is huge...We're gonna let the poll run for a few weeks, then present the team with the results and our recommendations."

Due in Japan on PlayStation 3 next spring, RE5: Alternative Edition packs a new mission and PlayStation Motion Controller support. The new content is also due on Xbox 360 in some form, though it had been reported as being too large to be downloadable.

The company has yet to specify if the new content will arrive on PC as well.

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Re: Resident Evil 5 -- Update: RE5 Alternative Edition to be DLC or disc? (Reply 49)
« Reply #50 on: Wednesday, October 07, 2009, 10:03:53 AM »
So, I was playing a bit of this at a friend's house and was thinking about getting it for PC.  I started up a new game at his house and played through maybe the first hour.  Now, I had a lot of fun with RE4 but this just seemed really bland.  How did everyone here like it?  Does it pick up a bit?

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Re: Resident Evil 5 -- Update: RE5 Alternative Edition to be DLC or disc? (Reply 49)
« Reply #51 on: Thursday, October 08, 2009, 01:31:07 AM »
I heard that it is worth a buy on the PC. I am considering it myself.

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Re: Resident Evil 5 -- Update: RE5 Alternative Edition to be DLC or disc? (Reply 49)
« Reply #52 on: Thursday, October 08, 2009, 05:53:26 AM »
I heard that it is worth a buy on the PC. I am considering it myself.
Does the PC version use G4WL?

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Re: Resident Evil 5 -- Update: RE5 Alternative Edition to be DLC or disc? (Reply 49)
« Reply #53 on: Thursday, October 08, 2009, 07:49:37 AM »
yea :(

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Re: Resident Evil 5 -- Update: RE5 Alternative Edition to be DLC or disc? (Reply 49)
« Reply #54 on: Thursday, October 08, 2009, 08:58:24 AM »
yea :(

Fuckin' hell...

It wouldn't be so bad dealing w/ G4WL, if M$ fixed all the damn G4WL issues -- the crashing and save/profile issues...

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Re: Resident Evil 5 -- Update: RE5 Alternative Edition to be DLC or disc? (Reply 49)
« Reply #55 on: Thursday, October 08, 2009, 11:05:21 AM »
So far I'm not having any major issues with G4WL in RE5. Well the only issue (which is the case with all G4WL games) is that I have to wait for the stupid bitch to connect (or alternatively wait for it to acknowledge that it has failed to connect) before it recognizes my saves. Fortunately it doesn't take too long, about 30 secs or so.

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Re: Resident Evil 5 -- Update: RE5 Alternative Edition to be DLC or disc? (Reply 49)
« Reply #56 on: Thursday, October 08, 2009, 11:12:24 AM »
So far I'm not having any major issues with G4WL in RE5. Well the only issue (which is the case with all G4WL games) is that I have to wait for the stupid bitch to connect (or alternatively wait for it to acknowledge that it has failed to connect) before it recognizes my saves. Fortunately it doesn't take too long, about 30 secs or so.

That was an annoyance w/ FO3 for me, as well...

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Re: Resident Evil 5 - Update: RE5 Alternative Edition not coming to PC (Reply 58)
« Reply #59 on: Saturday, February 20, 2010, 11:50:07 AM »
So apparently there's a Gold Edition of the game coming out in North America.  It will feature the main game plus all DLC (some released already, some being released in the next week or two).  Obviously if you have the original game you can just download all the DLC, but I held out and waited.  It looks like this Gold Edition is coming out on March 9 (same day as FFXIII...) and I'm probably gonna pick it up now.  The PS3 edition will have all the content on the disc.  The Xbox360 version will have the main game on the disc plus a code to download the DLC as there isn't enough space on the DVD.

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Re: Resident Evil 5 - Update: RE5 Alternative Edition not coming to PC (Reply 58)
« Reply #60 on: Saturday, February 20, 2010, 12:38:00 PM »
That's where a 2nd disc containing the DLC is supposed to enter the picture.  I don't ever want to pay for a physical package where I'm forced to go download part of what I paid for.

Not that I'd ever want to play RE5.  I laid that to rest above somewhere.  Xessive says it all very well (reply #43).

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Re: Resident Evil 5 - Update: RE5 Alternative Edition not coming to PC (Reply 58)
« Reply #61 on: Saturday, February 20, 2010, 04:39:07 PM »
I'm tempted to pick it up now with all that DLC. I was watching a quick look on Giantbomb of one of the DLC episodes and it was basically fan service for people who loved the first RE since it took place in a mansion and had a very similar setup and puzzles.

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Re: Resident Evil 5 - Update: RE5 Alternative Edition not coming to PC (Reply 58)
« Reply #62 on: Saturday, February 20, 2010, 09:42:34 PM »
The PS3 edition will have all the content on the disc.

The Xbox360 version will have the main game on the disc plus a code to download the DLC as there isn't enough space on the DVD.
Bleh. That's pretty crummy. They should've just put the DLC on another DVD disc - and either let you install it to the HD or force you to switch to that extra disc to put in the drive to play the extra content sections.

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Re: Resident Evil 5 - Update: RE5 Alternative Edition not coming to PC (Reply 58)
« Reply #63 on: Saturday, February 20, 2010, 09:45:13 PM »
It isn't so bad, I feel like download times are quicker on the 360 plus you don't have to worry about an install.

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Re: Resident Evil 5 - Update: RE5 Alternative Edition not coming to PC (Reply 58)
« Reply #64 on: Saturday, February 20, 2010, 10:00:12 PM »
It isn't so bad, I feel like download times are quicker on the 360 plus you don't have to worry about an install.

What stinks about the 360 version, since you'll have to DL the DLC and all, you'll also not be able to back this up to a DVD disc yourself and all.

Maybe I'm spoiled on the PC, in which if I get a DLC for a game, I (likely) can back-up the files to disc and all.

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Re: Resident Evil 5 - Update: RE5 Alternative Edition not coming to PC (Reply 58)
« Reply #65 on: Saturday, February 20, 2010, 11:30:34 PM »
Spoiled? Whats the thread title here again?

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Re: Resident Evil 5 - Update: RE5 Alternative Edition not coming to PC (Reply 58)
« Reply #66 on: Sunday, February 21, 2010, 06:45:00 AM »
Spoiled? Whats the thread title here again?

Even though we're not getting the DLC on the PC unfortunately as DLC or on disc in some re-released edition....

My point is 360 owners are getting screwed a bit b/c that they won't even have the content on disc (since PS3 owners will have it on disc) or be able to copy it to disc - they have no choice but to still DL it and let it sit on the HD.

But, yeah, you're right - at least you guys are getting the extra content...

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Re: Resident Evil 5 - Update: RE5 Alternative Edition not coming to PC (Reply 58)
« Reply #67 on: Sunday, February 21, 2010, 10:07:46 AM »
If they are doing a rerelease it makes no sense to not include it on the disc. Unless they can't fit it on the disc, which is entirely possible in this case.

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Re: Resident Evil 5 - Update: RE5 Alternative Edition not coming to PC (Reply 58)
« Reply #68 on: Sunday, February 21, 2010, 10:10:49 AM »
If they are doing a rerelease it makes no sense to not include it on the disc. Unless they can't fit it on the disc, which is entirely possible in this case.

They said they can't fit it on the DVD for the 360 RE5 re-release. But, yeah - I just wonder why they don't have a 2nd disc and stick it on that. Hell, Mass Effect 2 X360 allows for disc-switching. 

Yeah, if I buy a game in-store, I'd like all content that's already DONE on my game disc(s), thanks.

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Re: Resident Evil 5 - Update: RE5 Alternative Edition not coming to PC (Reply 58)
« Reply #69 on: Sunday, February 21, 2010, 10:21:09 AM »
They said they can't fit it on the DVD for the 360 RE5 re-release. But, yeah - I just wonder why they don't have a 2nd disc and stick it on that.


« Last Edit: Sunday, February 21, 2010, 04:34:07 PM by Cobra951 »

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Re: Resident Evil 5 - Update: RE5 Alternative Edition not coming to PC (Reply 58)
« Reply #70 on: Sunday, February 21, 2010, 10:29:20 AM »

What's next?
Do we buy games in game-stores and just get empty boxes w/ DLC codes in them?

That sounds like something you'd do for a pre-order or something.

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Re: Resident Evil 5 - Update: RE5 Alternative Edition not coming to PC (Reply 58)
« Reply #71 on: Sunday, February 21, 2010, 10:57:41 AM »
Oh, I missed that part. Havent really been paying attention.

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Re: Resident Evil 5 - Update: RE5 Alternative Edition not coming to PC (Reply 58)
« Reply #72 on: Sunday, February 21, 2010, 11:00:14 AM »
Oh, I missed that part. Havent really been paying attention.

No big deal.
Hey, I'm guilty of that "not paying attention" more than anyone else around here all put together.  :o

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Re: Resident Evil 5 - Update: RE5 Alternative Edition not coming to PC (Reply 58)
« Reply #73 on: Sunday, February 21, 2010, 11:52:29 AM »
I'd never buy something that made me download shit if there was an edition that didn't.  Eventually, when Microsoft no longer supports the 360 or XBL, you'll still be able to use a vintage PS3 to play this game and that extra content because you've got a hard copy, but your 360?  Provided by some miracle the thing still works, you'll still be out of luck on the DLC.

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Re: Resident Evil 5 - Update: RE5 Alternative Edition not coming to PC (Reply 58)
« Reply #74 on: Sunday, February 21, 2010, 02:24:43 PM »
I'd never buy something that made me download shit if there was an edition that didn't.  Eventually, when Microsoft no longer supports the 360 or XBL, you'll still be able to use a vintage PS3 to play this game and that extra content because you've got a hard copy, but your 360?  Provided by some miracle the thing still works, you'll still be out of luck on the DLC.


I mean, look at the issue w/ Halo 2 MP issues - you WILL need the DLC maps to play the game's MP online, first off. Second off, XBL for original XB is closing, so you'll have to somehow get all your DLC maps on your 360. If Bungie don't re-sell the maps on XBL 360 or patch them into Halo 2, you're SOL.

This is why I think it's crucial if you're buying DLC online or given a code in a box to get DLC, you should have the option to be able to back it up. Once the servers are gone, well....hope you have it on disc already or backed-up something - or you lose it.

I really don't like that DAO PC didn't have an option to DL the DLC files separately (as a ZIP or some sort of compressed file), but at least I can back-up my entire DAO PC folder in My Documents, which is where the DLC files and content are located at.

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Re: Resident Evil 5 - Update: RE5 Alternative Edition not coming to PC (Reply 58)
« Reply #75 on: Sunday, February 28, 2010, 12:50:23 AM »
Back on topic: Anybody getting this for the PS3?  I'm interested in doing a co-op run through of the game.  I believe the hardest difficulty level will be locked at the start, so it will be on the 2nd hardest difficulty level.  Let me know if any of you are getting it.

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Re: Resident Evil 5 - Update: RE5 Alternative Edition not coming to PC (Reply 58)
« Reply #76 on: Sunday, February 28, 2010, 01:15:39 AM »
I'm glad I don't care that Microsoft will eventually put an end to its 360 DLC content.

Why do you ask?

Because I was born with a handicap. I'm one of the few that can't see into the future.

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Re: Resident Evil 5 - Update: RE5 Alternative Edition not coming to PC (Reply 58)
« Reply #77 on: Sunday, February 28, 2010, 08:53:05 AM »
One can make logical assumptions based on available information and historical context.  Doing anything less is allowing oneself to live blindly and without preparation for future events.  It isn't such a big deal when it comes to game DLC, but it's a better way to go through life in general.

I'm remembering now that I did download the demo for this months and months ago and never even tried it.  I guess I felt like I got my fill with RE4.  I haven't really followed this one at all and it hasn't grabbed me.  I was hoping to try the demo co-op with Sy, though... I guess we just never got around to it.

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Re: Resident Evil 5 - Update: RE5 Alternative Edition not coming to PC (Reply 58)
« Reply #78 on: Thursday, March 04, 2010, 11:28:03 PM »
All the DLC packs that will be included in the Gold Edition have been released onto PSN and XBL for those who already have the game.  For me, my copy will arrive next week.

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Re: Resident Evil 5 - Update: RE5 Alternative Edition not coming to PC (Reply 58)
« Reply #79 on: Saturday, July 03, 2010, 09:16:32 AM »
So, since I bought RE5 PC recently from Steam during their cheap sales, I've been playing this. Granted, I never played RE1-3. I have played RE4 PC and thought it was really long as you had a decent gamepad (since they bombed the KB/mouse controls).

RE5 basically feels like they moved RE4 to Africa here; majorly improved the graphics; gave you a side-kick to have at all times; Inventory is now in real-time; and they have mouse-look controls for KB/mouse - all sweet. Granted, the PC KB/mouse controls felt fine and they are re-configurable, if you like - but, I've been sticking w/ the X360 controller here. I don't think you will go wrong either way w/ the controls - whether KB/mouse or gamepad.

So, far, RE5 feels like a much-improved and tweaked-up RE4. RE5 kicks ass, so far. :)