Actually the cat likes me a lot. The roommate that lived in my room before me was never there, and closed his door all the time. So the cat was never able to go in. I think that maybe the cat was so excited to get in there that she marked her territory. But my roommate said that her cat has never done that before. So I dunno.
My clothes weren't too bad, actually my really nice duffel bag thing took the brunt of the damage, and she is paying to get it dry cleaned. Hopefully that helps. Also she took me out to get wings and beer, and it was a lot of fun, and we ended up going out and getting trashed, which was fun. She's really flirty when she's drunk, though. She was sitting on my lap and stuff. Which I enjoyed greatly, but she's my roommate plus she's got a boyfriend and it just kinda pisses me off. But she's hot so whatever.
But yeah, my cat affliction is like -10 after this.