I'm sitting here wondering why I even decided to bang on my keys here. I don't know. I guess it's been a while since I really said something significant. In case no one noticed, I wasn't here last week, at all. I was in Puerto Rico seeing family. My mother's side of the family decided to have a big party to do just that. We were in a pair of beach houses in Arecibo, home of the big-ass radio-telescope freatured in Contact. Great fun was had by all. I got to see both my sister and my brother who live elsewhere in the US. One of my 2 brothers from Cinci was able to make it as well, so only one of us was absent. I got to see 3 of my nieces and my older daughter there, plus all kinds of people I hadn't seen in at least 17 years. I even saw the daughter of a girlfriend I had way back. It took me a while to realize I wasn't looking at her mother.
Every time I go there, I wonder why in the hell my parents brought us here, and then stayed here. I can see coming here for a psychiatry training program; but staying here forever was just plain dumb. Back home, we are very well-connected people. Here, we're just stumbling immigrants. Most Puerto Ricans in the States, the so-called Newyoricans, are here because they are poor and uneducated, and came seeking a better life. This is just not at all our situation. We gave up so much.
So what's keeping me here? I'm no longer married. I no longer have delusions of getting back together with my family, regardless of how desperately I've wanted to be with my daughters again. While I was in Arecibo, I had a long conversation with a cousin. This guy is one of the richest people on the island. His family is one of the greatest success stories you could ever read about. Completely unprompted and unsolicited, he basically offered to give me whatever help I needed. I'm sure he didn't mean a wad of cash, but rather helping me along whatever path I chose to walk on my own feet. A couple of days later, another cousin of my mother's was offering to help me along in Ponce, a lovely city in the south of the island. She is influential there.
I've been back since Saturday, and here I sit, not having acted on any of this, wondering why the fuck I'm so indecisive and spineless. I know people say all kinds of shit in social situations which doesn't necessarily lead to any gold pots or even rainbows. But this I think is at least worth looking into. Yet I'm so out of the Puerto Rico scene after 37 years that I fear I could never adapt to what would certainly be a huge change.
I suck, that's all there is to it. Feel free to flog me at will. Maybe I just didn't get enough of that when I really needed it.