The Blizzard name carries so much weight and people are loyal to it. I wouldn't be surprised if nothing surpasses WoW until Blizzard's next MMO (which we know nothing about so far, except that it's a new IP).
I'm bored to tears of WoW again. I quit my old guild and sold off my rogue because I was sick and tired of the raiding game at 70. Then some efriends got me to reroll alliance and start a small friends only guild with the intention of PvPing and maybe doing 10 mans. Next thing I know we're doing joint 25 man runs with another guild and that old feeling of "fuck, these people are all retarded, why do I ever come to raids?" came back. Of course without raiding there isn't really anything to do anyway. I hate arena, BGs are boring after 3 matches of the same old maps (except the new shitty one, strand of the Ancients). I'd like to level my rogue alt and go two shot people while they try to quest, but every time I get on him someone wants me to get on my DK for something.
Oh, and I swear to god I'm never rolling another class with the capacity to tank or heal again. I started out as a DPS death knight, now everywhere I go I'm asked to tank, even by my guild who knows I'm better geared for dps. Of course, I think the whole tank/healer/dps setup is retarded anyway. Very few people actually enjoy tanking or healing, so why build an entire game around that type of gameplay? It ruins the fun for some people, and it's completely retarded when you think about it. Oh, so this Illidan guy has been dominating shit for like 1000 years or something, and leads legions of troops and plans on total annihilation.... but he's too stupid to stop attacking the guy with the shield and heavy armor, when he could be killing the guy in the dress. There has to be another way.