Author Topic: Doom, Rage  (Read 29717 times)

Offline Cobra951

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Re: Doom, Rage
« Reply #120 on: Monday, October 10, 2011, 06:11:01 AM »
Sounds good.  I'll happily pay a meat and potatoes price for that, when it gets there.  I'm still bummed it wasn't the next big thing from id.

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Re: Doom, Rage
« Reply #121 on: Monday, October 10, 2011, 07:45:34 AM »
Yea I know, I feel the same. I mean, there's not even a world map in this which would have been nice but maybe the world isn't that big to begin with to merit one. But if you accept it for what it is, there's a lot of fun to be had.

Offline MysterD

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Re: Doom, Rage
« Reply #122 on: Monday, October 10, 2011, 09:59:52 AM »

Offline PyroMenace

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Re: Doom, Rage
« Reply #123 on: Monday, October 10, 2011, 10:14:06 AM »
Alright D, we fucking get it. Rage has a bunch of technical issues on PC. Jesus christ.

Offline Quemaqua

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Re: Doom, Rage
« Reply #124 on: Tuesday, October 11, 2011, 11:08:31 AM »
I'm with Cobra. I know I'll still get this eventually... and I'm glad I didn't make it a day-one purchase (mostly just because I have no money). But I'm still looking forward to it. Meat and potatoes is okay by me when done up well.

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Re: Doom, Rage
« Reply #125 on: Tuesday, October 11, 2011, 12:06:14 PM »
hahahahah pyro.

Offline MysterD

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Re: Doom, Rage
« Reply #126 on: Tuesday, October 11, 2011, 02:53:06 PM »
I'm with Cobra. I know I'll still get this eventually... and I'm glad I didn't make it a day-one purchase (mostly just because I have no money). But I'm still looking forward to it. Meat and potatoes is okay by me when done up well.
My thoughts exactly.

I watched the Giant Bomb quick-look a few days ago - and yeah, it looked pretty damn good. That's why it's such a damn shame the PC version is in the current state that it's in - it doesn't deserve to be in the shape that it's currently in.

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Re: Doom, Rage
« Reply #127 on: Saturday, October 15, 2011, 08:40:53 AM »
Some good news for upcoming features for Rage PC.

From John Carmack's Twitter for the next Rage PC patch.

@ID_AA_Carmack John Carmack
We have a bicubic-upsample+detail texture option for the next PC patch that will help alleviate the blurry textures in Rage.
20 hours ago via web

Id's Matthew Hooper on future of the console commands for Rage PC.
@id_Hooper Matthew Hooper
We're working on getting the console commands back in for the PC...
12 Oct via Twitter for iPhone
« Last Edit: Saturday, October 15, 2011, 09:11:34 AM by MysterD »

Offline MysterD

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Re: Doom, Rage
« Reply #128 on: Wednesday, October 19, 2011, 04:03:48 PM »
« Last Edit: Thursday, October 20, 2011, 03:23:52 PM by MysterD »

Offline Cobra951

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Re: Doom, Rage
« Reply #129 on: Thursday, October 20, 2011, 07:36:27 PM »
Short story: the game was coded for Nvidia hardware, and runs by far the best on it.  AMD has to struggle along in software, though it manages to do surprisingly well under the circumstances.  I think that's about it.

On the other hand, their tests are based on a quad-core CPU OC'd to 3.6 GHz.  If some of the processing handled by the Nvidia cards has to be offloaded to the CPU when using AMD cards, then the performance is going to drop like a rock when using more mundane CPUs, no?

Offline PyroMenace

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Re: Doom, Rage
« Reply #130 on: Sunday, October 30, 2011, 07:05:13 AM »
Just finished it, final thoughts: It's really really fucking fun first person shooter, weapons feel great and all the ammo types offer a good sense of variety. There's a weapon for every situation and enemy, and mixing and matching various weapon combos adds an extra layer of complexity and keeps the running and gunning super fun. The world looks absolutely beautiful, with technical issues aside and mostly fixed, theres still some blurry textures here and there but the art and level design make for some really nice environments and even with all of the shooting taking place in small corridors, it all looks fantastic and extremely well detailed. Now with all the good stuff out of the way, I'll get on with the not so good. Everything else in this game, and I mean EVERYTHING, is paper thin. The story isn't interesting, all of the side missions are really short and simple, every mini game is just a shallow distraction, even the card game some people have praised which I will say is the most interesting minigame, is still very simple. All you're doing with the card game is as you explore and finish the various missions around the world, you will find cards among the other types of loot you pick up, the cards you collect are more powerful than the ones you picked up earlier, eventually you can just load you deck the most powerful cards you got, and just wipe out the opponent on any difficulty, simple, oh and there are only 2 card players in the game, thats it... TWO. Which leads to my next point, the world, it is beautifully realized, but it is very very small. I won't lay it out for you but it is underwhelming just how small it ends up being. Then there's the driving. I'll just say its competent, just like everything else besides the shooting, it works and it can be fun, but the races, which there are a handful of types of races to play, are all relatively short and easy. Again, they are fun to play, I enjoyed the rocket races, but its just a dumbed down kart game. I was a little frustrated at the end because I didn't end up finishing all the races. I got too far close to the end to where the racing circuit was shut down and I couldn't revert to an old save, so be mindful of that. And that's really all there is. The shooting stuff manages to carry the game through to the end, a very anti climatic end, yea the ending sucks too. Even going in I was expecting a relatively not great ending, and I was still underwhelmed. So... worth $60? Fuck no, but it is definitely worth playing though. It's a great game to look at and play on a newly purchased or built system. I would recommend it at $30 which I'm sure it'll head down to on Steam eventually. Then maybe someone can play the coop stuff on there with me.

Offline W7RE

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Re: Doom, Rage
« Reply #131 on: Tuesday, November 22, 2011, 10:20:15 PM »
There's a demo up for Xbox 360.

I don't care for it much. I had to put both X and Y sensitivity to max for it to just feel ok, and enemies on normal difficulty felt like they took way to many bullets to go down. Maybe if I get it it'll be on PC, and hopefully playing on easy will make the enemy health feel right.

Offline Cobra951

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Re: Doom, Rage
« Reply #132 on: Tuesday, November 22, 2011, 11:26:42 PM »
I played it tonight too.  What's up with those bandits taking a dozen bullets to go down?  I hated having to scrounge so much for ammo.  I almost got stuck in one room where the gate kept closing.  I had nothing left to shoot the guy on the other side, and there was no other way out.  Luckily I could make 1 more turret, and that kept him from reaching the switch.  I ended up having to finish him with my bare fists.

It's very smooth but that camera wobble when you move is giving me vertigo.  looked in the options, and found no way to disable it.  I don't think I'm going to be getting this now, because of more than one reason, but the needless camera seesaw is the last straw.

Offline W7RE

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Re: Doom, Rage
« Reply #133 on: Wednesday, November 23, 2011, 12:20:20 AM »
Before playing the demo I couldn't understand how people could be hating on the game (aside from technical issues). Now I just don't know. It just feels off. I guess I was expecting an id shooter of old. But nobody seems to want those these days, so this is id trying to make a modern shooter and it doesn't feel like what I think of when I think of id games.

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Re: Doom, Rage
« Reply #134 on: Wednesday, November 23, 2011, 05:51:24 AM »
Before playing the demo I couldn't understand how people could be hating on the game (aside from technical issues). Now I just don't know. It just feels off. I guess I was expecting an id shooter of old. But nobody seems to want those these days, so this is id trying to make a modern shooter and it doesn't feel like what I think of when I think of id games.
I haven't played it, but from what you and Cobra are saying maybe it seems off because it feels like a modern shooter but still has the element where enemies absorb a lot of damage before falling.  That's a pretty old-school mechanic and I could see how it would feel out-of-place in a game that otherwise seems pretty grounded in reality.

In a way it reminds me of Dead Rising where it felt somewhat realistic (well as much as a zombie game can feel like reality), but then you would face the mini-bosses that would take many more hits than a human could truly endure and it made that part of the game feel off.

Offline Cobra951

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Re: Doom, Rage
« Reply #135 on: Wednesday, November 23, 2011, 10:06:57 AM »
Before playing the demo I couldn't understand how people could be hating on the game (aside from technical issues). Now I just don't know. It just feels off. I guess I was expecting an id shooter of old. But nobody seems to want those these days, so this is id trying to make a modern shooter and it doesn't feel like what I think of when I think of id games.

Borderlands in many ways is an id shooter of old, and it's brilliant.  Sure, it has the RPG and loot elements, but the core shooting is very id-like.  It helps that there are shrinking bars for health and shield on the enemy in your sights, so having to empty a machine gun's mag into somebody's face to bring him down doesn't induce panic.  You can see what damage you're doing, and whether what you're shooting with is useful in that situation.

That brings up a more general issue.  There is a dearth of useful data on the game screen, most painfully, no map of any kind (mini or full-screen).  That stinks.  Just trying to get around town is a chore.

Offline Pugnate

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Re: Doom, Rage
« Reply #136 on: Wednesday, November 23, 2011, 11:21:20 AM »
Alright D, we fucking get it. Rage has a bunch of technical issues on PC. Jesus christ.

I laugh every time I see this. Seriously.

Offline MysterD

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Re: Doom, Rage
« Reply #137 on: Thursday, February 02, 2012, 06:14:11 PM »
RAGE PC Patch 1.2 released via Steam.

Product Update    - Valve 14:52

RAGE 1.2 Patch Release Notes
This RAGE patch adds some new features and addresses various compatibility and performance issues.

New Functionality
Texture Detail: Enabling Texture Detail will improve up-close texture quality by performing upsampling with adaptive sharpening. This does not update or increase the resolution of the base textures included with the game but improves the perceived resolution and crispness of textures. This is an intensive operation and is only recommended if you have a quad-core CPU or higher. Please disable this feature if you encounter poor performance, stability issues or are given a notification that the game has run out of memory after loading a map. The Texture Detail option can be found in the Settings -> Video Menu.

Transcode Benchmark: A new benchmark has been added that determines how quickly texture data can be translated from the compressed format on your hard drive to a format that can be used by your video card. The higher your score, the faster your PC is able to make higher detail texture data available. This is not a traditional benchmark that runs through a scene of the game and returns a min/max/average framerate based on hardware and video settings. Other than the GPU Transcode option, the score will not be affected by changing any video settings. The Transcode Benchmark option can be found in the Settings -> Video Menu.

Error Messaging: If you attempt to apply video settings on a system that is not capable of handling them, an error may come up stating that your system ran out of memory. You will be allowed to continue, however, it is recommended that you either reduce your video settings until this message no longer occurs or you will be asked to restart the game with lower video settings. If you ignore this error and continue playing without altering your settings you will likely encounter texture corruption and/or system instability.

Automatic Video Settings Fallbacks: When an advanced video setting fails to apply, the setting may be set back to a safe default. Anti-aliasing will fall back to NONE if the allocation of a multi-sampled FBO fails. Texture Cache will fall back to SMALL when the allocation of a large texture cache fails. Texture Detail will fall back to OFF when large page table allocations fail. On failure, these settings will automatically fall back to safe values without the need for user input.

Patch Changes / Fixes
- Fixed crash from potentially having stale transcode jobs in flight when switching between texture cache sizes.
- Fixed crash from using SIMD optimized memcpy with a PBO pointer that is not 16-byte aligned.
- Fixed GPU transcode option always turning off when restarting the game.
- Fixed progression in Dead City where player could not advance through sliding door en route to the defibrillator upgrade.
- Fixed CPU feature detection.
- Fixed issues with launching MP by using double quotes around path name.
- Fixed lack of texture detail on parts of the screen at high resolutions due to limited feedback analysis buffer.
- Fixed thread stack space usage and freed up 700 MB of virtual address space.
- Re-enabled UBOs.
- Adjustments to default VDM values for balance.

Offline Quemaqua

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Re: Doom, Rage
« Reply #138 on: Thursday, February 02, 2012, 06:42:28 PM »
About time. And doesn't seem like it quite makes up for the deficiencies.

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Offline MysterD

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Re: Doom, Rage
« Reply #139 on: Thursday, February 02, 2012, 06:48:41 PM »
About time. And doesn't seem like it quite makes up for the deficiencies.

For me - RAGE PC since new patch runs better; texture pops less; and textures look a bit better.
One thing, though - textures up close now have a grainy effect on it...

So, here's some more thoughts on the PC patch.

Textures look better now - they're nowhere as blurry, when up-close.
But now we have a new problem - there's a grainy effect included on the textures when up-close.

The new TEXTURE DETAIL [when ON] surely does make the game look better.
Running in-doors [Dead City], I was problems.
As soon as I went outdoors - bloody SLIDESHOW. Ugh.
« Last Edit: Thursday, February 02, 2012, 08:11:21 PM by MysterD »

Offline idolminds

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Re: Doom, Rage
« Reply #140 on: Monday, June 11, 2012, 10:53:24 PM »
So I ended up getting this for $8 on newegg. Guess thats my price limit for having to deal with Steam.

I'm enjoying it. Looks really good even though my PC isn't the best. Texture res isn't that great up close but taking an entire scene in and it looks fine. Keeps a nice steady framerate too. A little of that blurring/texture loading if I'm whipping the view around, but usually the only times Im doing that I'm being swarmed by mutants so I'm not paying attention to it. NPCs look pretty amazing texture wise and the animations are detailed and lively.

Theres some obvious console-itis going on. Does some really strange things like I cant bind the enter key to anything, the mouse sensitivity needs to be cranked all the way up to make the FPS part feel right but then in menus the pointer is fast as fuck and hard to use, I had to set a launch option to set the FoV higher so I didn't feel like I had tunnel vision, etc. Aslo a little bummed they locked the console commands for cheats in one of the patches. Sometimes you just want to god mode and kill everything, you know?

And then the story/setup is kinda funny. "Hello, person that has just woken up from 100 years of cryosleep! As you can tell from those mutants that almost killed you, shit got real here on the outside. The authorities look for people like you and I did save your life and all so you owe me. Heres a pistol and an ATV. Head in that direction *gestures vaguely* to find a bandit hideout and murder them all. By yourself." Thats pretty much exactly how the game starts. While its nice that it doesn't dick around in getting you into some action, it just feels funny that as a character I'm going to have no idea whats going on or where anything is, and you immediately send me out to kill people.

I'm a little let down by the minigames like the dice rolling one and the card game. Just not as fleshed out and interesting as they could be (not like dice poker in The Witcher)

But who cares? The gameplay is pretty great. Shooting mutants and bandits (shotgun is awesome), driving in races and all over the wasteland...just feels good. Its still pretty early on in the game so I have a lot to see and I want to see it. So its not two thumbs up, maybe just one. But its fun and thats all that matters.

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Re: Doom, Rage
« Reply #141 on: Tuesday, June 12, 2012, 11:43:29 AM »
I grabbed the Xbox version for $10 on Amazon. I didn't plan on playing it right away, but I put it in just to make sure it wasn't a defective disc or anything (and because it was new and shiny). Halfway into the first mission I thought, "Oh shit, I can't put this off. This is actually good." The demo actually turned me off a lot, partially because I ended up wandering around town for 15-20 minutes before I found any action. The full game is different, it throws you right in.

I still want to finish one or two other things first, but I'm gonna have to get into this one sooner than I thought.

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Re: Doom, Rage
« Reply #142 on: Tuesday, June 19, 2012, 02:59:39 PM »
RAGE: The Scorchers DLC just got rated by ESRB.
Looks like we'll probably soon be hearing more about this DLC...

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Re: Doom, Rage
« Reply #143 on: Thursday, June 28, 2012, 06:16:05 PM »
Finished RAGE (PC) tonight. It's a good shooter, even despite its numerous issues - performance issues on many PC's [including mine]; texture-pops galore; some awful-looking textures here & there; and...
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Offline PyroMenace

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Re: Doom, Rage
« Reply #144 on: Thursday, June 28, 2012, 09:53:35 PM »
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Offline idolminds

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Re: Doom, Rage
« Reply #145 on: Thursday, June 28, 2012, 10:05:13 PM »
I've sorta lost steam (har har) in playing this. I got distracted by RDR and other stuff and I'm not sure if I'm going to get back into it right now. Maybe Ill give it another go when I upgrade my system and can max it out.

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Re: Doom, Rage
« Reply #146 on: Thursday, June 28, 2012, 10:13:09 PM »
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Offline MysterD

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Re: Doom, Rage
« Reply #147 on: Thursday, August 02, 2012, 03:29:16 PM »

Offline W7RE

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Re: Doom, Rage
« Reply #148 on: Saturday, August 04, 2012, 08:41:09 AM »
The Quake 2012 John Carmack keynote. That's right, 3 hours and 36 minutes of John Carmack talking.

At about 35 minutes in he's talking about how programming is limited by the fact that he's a human, and human mistakes hold programmers back.

At 1 hour and 30 minutes he's talking about how he designed a laser display and shot a laser into his eyeball, bypassing the lens (and thus bypassing most vision problems), but there's too much vignetting and vision gaps associated with minor eyeball movement to make it viable.
« Last Edit: Saturday, August 04, 2012, 10:47:57 AM by W7RE »

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Re: Doom, Rage
« Reply #149 on: Thursday, August 09, 2012, 04:39:28 PM »
GameSpy -> Tim Willits and Todd Hollenshead of Id Software talks about RAGE and Doom - modding, always online DRM, pirates, and the future.

EDIT - 10-24-2012:
John Carmack of Id on Twitter replies to question on a RAGE Toolkit.


John Carmack

@investor_dan BFG work pushed the Rage tools, but Real Soon Now. I hope. Sigh. I think we have made poor decisions on this all year.
7:53 PM - 22 Oct 12
« Last Edit: Wednesday, October 24, 2012, 06:42:04 PM by MysterD »

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Re: Doom, Rage
« Reply #150 on: Friday, December 14, 2012, 04:22:40 PM »
DLC coming next week!
Return to the Wasteland in The Scorchers, an all-new RAGE add-on from id Software – arriving on 360, PC, and PS3 next week for $4.99 (or 400 Microsoft Points).

In this brand-new adventure spanning six all-new areas, you will fight alongside new allies to defend the Hager Settlment from a maniacal bandit clan known as The Scorchers. Along the way, you’ll participate in a new season of Mutant Bash TV, encounter new mini-games, and wield the overpowering and brutal Nailgun.

In addition to the new content, this DLC includes ‘Ultra-Nightmare’, a new high difficulty mode, as well as an ‘Extended Play’ option that allows you to play past the original ending of the game – giving you the opportunity to finish collecting items and achievements.

The Scorchers

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Re: Doom, Rage
« Reply #151 on: Friday, December 14, 2012, 05:35:34 PM »
Back in my day, DLC that took this long to come out was called an expansion pack.

I also had to walk uphill both ways to something called a Babbage's to buy it in a box big enough to hold a cat.

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Re: Doom, Rage
« Reply #152 on: Friday, December 14, 2012, 06:26:06 PM »
Haha, nice.

I can't believe they even bothered, honestly. Did anyone like the game enough? I guess they could fix that horrible ending with this. I never saw it since I still haven't finished the core game.

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Re: Doom, Rage
« Reply #153 on: Friday, December 14, 2012, 06:33:10 PM »
Haha, nice.

I can't believe they even bothered, honestly. Did anyone like the game enough?
I liked the game, yes. The combat's bloody awesome.
But, they still really do need to fix the low-res graphic textures issues & performance issues on the PC version.

I guess they could fix that horrible ending with this. I never saw it since I still haven't finished the core game.
Good, you didn't miss much (on the ending).
Hopefully, you play the game w/ the DLC...
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It'd probably be more of a natural progression, from base game-to-DLC...
Let's hope they don't fuck-up the DLC ending...

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Re: Doom, Rage
« Reply #154 on: Friday, December 14, 2012, 09:19:43 PM »
I still haven't managed to play very far in Rage. I played far enough to do like 2-3 of the interior levels. Those were great, the combat is great. All the running around and story stuff was bad. The racing was bad (maybe it was ok, but I don't like racing games). I also didn't like the crafting stuff. Maybe it ends up being cool eventually, but I feel like it makes me stop and scrounge during the interior missions when I'd rather be shooting bandits.

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Re: Doom, Rage
« Reply #155 on: Friday, February 08, 2013, 11:11:37 AM »

Offline idolminds

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Re: Doom, Rage
« Reply #156 on: Friday, February 08, 2013, 09:54:00 PM »
I read people report that its "only" a 13GB download, but it ends up 35GB installed.

I wonder how many modders will actually attempt something.

BUILD TIMES AND HARDWARE Whether you are loading a map, baking a megatexture, or building a mod -- these are intensive processes that utilize your hardware to its full capabilities. The more cores and RAM you have available, the faster things will run. A dual-core machine with 4 GB of RAM will work, but it will be substantially slower than a quad-core with 12 GB of RAM. Not only are these processes time and cpu intensive, but total time required to complete these operations depends on how much content your map, or mod, contains. Here are some benchmarks.

 Initial map loads: 20–60 minutes
 Load times after initial load: 1–3 minutes
 Build an asset mod (does not include any maps): 10–30 minutes
 Build a mod that includes one map about the size of Wellspring: 20–40 minutes
The time to bake a map is dependent on the size of the map and number of entities included. Fully built maps like The Well, Wellspring, and Dusty 8 can take several hours to build on a local system.

The Tool Kit is initially 35 GB. If you run the 'buildAssets.cfg' like we recommend it will generate another 6 GB of data, bringing you up to 43 GB. From there, the additional disk space is completely dependent on what you build and do with the Tool Kit.
When building mods, the size they occupy will depend on what you are building. A mod that does not include any maps and only modifies existing game content will generate about 200 MB of data. A mod of Wellspring may only be about 500 MB, depending on how much content you alter/add.
Yeeeesh. I mean it would be a shame if no one made anything after id actually followed through and released the tools, but damn man. Then again, making Quake maps was no walk in the park back in the day. They used to take forever to compile.