So, I suck at bookmarks. I had three folders in my bookmark toolbar: Games, Forums, and Other. If I found a site that was gaming related, it went into Games. Forums is where I kept all my forum links, duh. And for everything else, they got dropped into Other.
You can plainly see how this doesn't really work in the long run. After a while I end up having to delete a bunch of links because it gets unruly. I do have a couple sub-folders, but I find that I rarely put things in them, and even more rarely use the links that are in there. Time for action!
So I'm like...using now, thanks to a firefox addon. I can add tags to make finding and sorting easier. Hooray! Of course I think a very similar thing will be built into Firefox I guess this is just practice for the future. Whatever, its kind of nice. Plus I can access my bookmarks from anywhere! ANYWHERE! INCLUDING OUTER SPACE!
Also, I am using Google Reader now that it doesnt load every fucking picture in a feed, even in the stories you arent reading. So I got a greader notifier addon for firefox, which is totally awesome. It just checks Reader every few minutes (I set it to 10) and it lets me know how many news items are unread, and from what feeds. So much faster than using Thunderbird or Sage and refreshing every feed to see if there was anything new. Hooray for progress!
This has been another useless post.