God, depression is the worst! A girl that I was head over heals in love with is back in town and my friend who had an obsession with her (and the reason why I blame him for us not getting together) wants to hang out with her. I want to see her, but at the same time I'd rather get hit by a bus than have to deal with her.
I was told that she wanted me completely, and I would've settleded down with her without even thinking about it. However, she knew my friend had a thing for her and she didn't want the jeopardize the friendship. Even though I'm still in love with her, I put her behind me...but now she wants to hang out with my friends. I want to forget her.
I don't want to derail this from being about Pryo, but nickclone I know exactly what you mean.
In my heyday of hanging around with a large crew 5+ years ago, there were a couple girls in the group who I really had a crush on. One, Angie, was sort of a tease and it sprung from that, but the sexual tension between us was worse than you see on any TV show. It drove me nuts for awhile that us getting together seemed inevitable, but then she'd back off suddenly and this happened several times. Eventually I had enough and told her that I couldn't deal with it anymore and to stay away from me.
We are like mortal enemies now. I've hated her ever since one time a few of us went to visit a friend in a new apartment and she lived right downstairs so we stopped by to say hi on the way out and she didn't even answer the door. And yes, she would have known it was us and she was home. I basically saw it as her turning her back on her friends. So any time I see her I ignore her and if she tries to talk to me I treat her like garbage.
Another one, Melissa, kind of snuck up on me. We were just friends and I found myself hanging out with her more out of the big group whenever we went out and sort of slowly grew attracted to her. Then I started hearing around the same time from her friends that she liked me and they were always trying to put us in these awkward situations or get us alone but she was always stand-off-ish, so I figured she was just being really shy and confronted her about it once. She completely denied that she had any attraction to me other than as a friend and that recently I had been making her feel uncomfortable with the way I'd been acting and the situations her friends and I had been putting her in.
It hurt to hear that stuff at the time, but I quickly got over it and we've been good friends ever since. What was weird is that eventally I asked one of her friends that told me Melissa liked me why she said that and she denied ever saying it. It wasn't my imagination, this girl told me once "You know Melissa likes you, right?"
Oh well. Relationships with friends are always challenging because of how they can affect the group dynamic in pretty severe ways.
Regarding Pyro's situation all I can say is what always made me get over the hump of a depression was to go out and meet new people and invariably new female propsects. I'd feel like shit but invariably I'd meet someone and realize that someone saw something positive about me and that apparently my life wasn't as hopeless and worthless as I thought it was.
That said, I've never been clinically depressed and I hear over and over that depression isn't just sadness, it's actually a physiological condition that needs to be treated. So Pyro, if it's really as bad as you are saying you probably need to see someone.