Fuck, all those shitty radio djs were going off about this all day. It's awesome when someone fucks up in public and everyone loves it because they're all like "haha...I'm so much smarter". Yeah, well maybe you're not.
The entire point of the question revolves around a fifth of Americans not being able to locate themselves and the very fucking large country they reside in on a world map. That's more of a dumb-ass maneuver then panicking and not being able to answer a question coherently. "Wow. Just wow, how does this girl even survive?" Admit it, you're fucking ugly and you'd give up the three IQ points that separates you from her in order to be good looking enough to get off the fucking radio and onto the TV. And everyone is driving their car or sitting in the office listining to the radio thinking "How dumb can you be" instead of doing what they're supposed to be doing which is thinking "Wait...our kids are borderline retarded (and obese), aparently a 20% of adults are completely retarded, and this girl may have just in fact proved it beyond a shadow of a doubt? Maybe we should do something about this before future generations start watering crops with Gatorade."
Anyways, I'll do the world a favor here and answer the question for her: A fifth of Americans can't locate their country on a world map because they spend all their fucking time reading US magazine, worrying about Bradjelina, complaining about Paris Hilton, and laughing at people they think are dumber then themselves, rather then picking up a fucking book, reading a journal article, or apparently even looking up what the word 'atlas' even fucking means.
A fifth of Americans don't know where they goddamn are and the point everyone latches on to is some girl doesn't know the answer to that? There shouldn't be an answer to that question - that question shouldn't even exist.