We should develop a new language. I would add in my thoughts / ideas, but I am handicapped. You see, I am a journalist, and therefore inexorably tied to the English language. I need help.
When developing a language, obviously you need to consider separate words, but phrases are important as well. "I need food," or "Make love to me now," are important to consider. Obviously, as a male, those phrases constitute around 60% of our daily vocabulary. A female perspective will most likely be necessary to broaden our horizons.
Another important consideration is what origin we want our new vernacular to take. Do we want to sound like a bunch of French pussies*, or perhaps take a harsher route, such a Germanic origin?
Anyways, throw out any ideas that you may have. Clearly, we will have the upper hand when our Martian overlords attempt to silence us.
*no offense to all you Canadians out there