From all my worldly experience I've come to the conclusion that there are only really three types of pain in the world. They are:
Physical Pain Like when you do something stupid skiing and end up landing right on a felled tree. You're too 'tough' to admit that you just shattered your ankle, bruised a rib, knocked a tooth out, and got a concussion, so when the Ski Patrol shows up you tell them you're fine and stand up only to have terrible, terrible pain shoot through your body and you pass out when you hit the ground.
Emotional Pain Like when your ex-girlfriend of two fucking years starts going out with one of your best friends and starts saying really weird shit to try to play you off each other, and when that doesn't work just resorts to making crazy shit up. This doesn't go away when other people realize she's making shit up, but actually gets worse. This can sometimes lead to physical pain when all the drama causes you to grow angry because you totally can't get away from it so you punch something hard and metallic and break your hand.
The Type of Pain You Can Only Experience When Some Dumb-Ass You Work With Shoots You in the Forearm Near The Wrist With a Pneumatically Powered Nail Gun Meant To Drive Framing Spikes Into Lumber Today.....well, today I found out this is the worst type of pain. It's like pain into your soul.