Edit: MysterD, I heard that Starforce eats babies. It's true.
If you meant "baby" as in "game disc", then yes -- that would actually be true.Explanation to the above:
Since StarForce via its drivers decides to actually spin your CD ultra-fast and measure your game disc as you boot, which can take a few moments before the game boots, it has done weird things to people when trying to do this -- such as eat your CD so it shatters the DVD/CD into pieces while it's in your drive ("eat babies", as you call it), reboot your PC b/c SF can't figure out if you actually have the real CD in there (even when you actually do have it in there), cause instabilities in OS's, cause your optical drive to no longer work, etc etc.
My SF Experiences:
I've never had major problems w/ SF myself, but I did have the "reboot my PC while real disc is in the drive b/c it can't verify the disc" issue a few times happen w/ Syberia: Collection DVD and Broken Sword: The Sleeping Dragon numerous times.