Wow, hell of a story you got yourself, too! Glad you made it here, bro!!!
From what my parents told me, yeah -- I had lots of needles and whatnot put in me, right after birth. They had to do all kinds of stuff, to keep me alive, basically. That is probably why to this day, I freakin' hate needles and going to the doctors, I bet! I also guess the nurses, back then after I was born, didn't call me "Squirmy" for nothing, as I couldn't really sit still, squirming all around, when I was in the hospital -- heh! Yeah, and I still can't sit still, to this day, for the most part!
My dad, still yells at me to this very day, even though I sure as hell don't do it like I used to, for lookin' at things -- especially TV's -- crooked, from out the corner of my eye. I've been doing that ever since I was born, lookin' at things crooked. But these days, it's not even close to the degree I did when I was younger. For the most part, I grew out of that. Though, every now and then though, I'll look at something and be lookin' at it out the corner of my eye...
Oh, I was born at a little over 4 pounds or so...