Author Topic: 6 Video Game Gimmicks That Went Away Too Soon (And 6 More That Need to Die)  (Read 2489 times)

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6 Video Game Gimmicks That Went Away Too Soon (And 6 More That Need to Die)
« on: Monday, September 17, 2007, 01:40:29 PM »
Since its birth, video gaming has undergone an incredible evolution, from simple sprites and a ghost-eating Pac-Man to today’s domination of home consoles. After all that time, any gamer who’s worth their weight in rupees will remember (fondly, or otherwise) some once-common sights that went the way of the Virtual GameBoy, never to be seen or heard from again. CRACKED recalls some video-game staples of yesteryear, and admits that, in the end, there are still more of them kicking around than we’d like.

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Re: 6 Video Game Gimmicks That Went Away Too Soon (And 6 More That Need to Die)
« Reply #1 on: Monday, September 17, 2007, 02:09:21 PM »
Man I love these lists by cracked online. I haven't read this yet, but I've found quite a few other amusing ones on that website.


yea I read that a while back courtesy of gorillamask. Funny. :P

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Re: 6 Video Game Gimmicks That Went Away Too Soon (And 6 More That Need to Die)
« Reply #2 on: Monday, September 17, 2007, 05:13:47 PM »
I go to digg quite a bit.  Recently there's been a surge of front page stories leading to cracked online.  I found this strange because I haven't heard of or seen an issue of cracked since like 1994.  Occasionally you'll see a kid somewhere reading MAD, but never Cracked.  Granted, it was kind of a cheap ripoff, but you'd think you would have seen it around.  So I checked it out on wikipedia.  Cracked was in trouble so they shook things up. New editorial staff and they changed their format to something more like Maxim or FHM.  Staff leaves, people don't buy it, and it goes under after like 3 issues.  They recently releaunched their website, but have no plans for a magazine again. 

So their fucking buisness model is bad top ten lists?  Seriously, every article is a stupid list.  It's so fucking dumb.  Lists like that are entertaining every once in a while, but you can't create a site based completely off them.  That shit died with geocities.