Cools! was here...
<@PyroMenace> hello<@idolminds> hey pyro<@Quemaqua> dood<@PyroMenace> whats shakin?<@Quemaqua> Bacon.<@idolminds> shakes<@PyroMenace> mmm... bacon<@Quemaqua> I wish I had bacon.<@PyroMenace> and shakes<@Quemaqua> Or bacon shakes.<@idolminds> mmm...bacon shake<@PyroMenace> yea Im hungry
i uninstalled mIRC
<@PyroMenace> hello<@PyroMenace> sooo alone<@PyroMenace> its okay, I have my hardees thickburger to keep me company* Joins: Thickburger<Thickburger> Im here for you Pyro<@PyroMenace> aaaw, like a warm blanket here to comfort me<Thickburger> come, feast on my meaty goodness<@PyroMenace> mmmm... god bless you thickburger<Thickburger> dont bless me, bless america, for no finer country can you find a better cheese burger* @PyroMenace drops to the floor in complete bliss from a heartattack of hamburger happiness<Thickburger> an American heartattack... *twinkle*
<gpw11|pants> the netbook market is very price dependant<@idolminds> ok then, macbook micro. netbook size<cools> that was such a shity laptop in the past<cools> Apple needs to make a car<cools> the iCar<cools> they already have the circular wheel in the ipods<cools> everyone will be automatically used to the car<Ghandi|pants> It would have one button to do everything<gpw11|pants> haha, there was an article on that on digg a while ago<@idolminds> It will be incompatable with all your usual roads and must drive it in the iLane<cools> you won't be able to refuel it though<Ghandi|pants> 10 cents an iMile<cools> once it runs out, you have to get a new one<@idolminds> haha<cools> but, it'll look super nice<cools> and white<cools> can use it as a mirror<cools> and you can control it with your iPhone
Fuckin' Defense Grid, man. Started at like... 11:30 or something, stopped at 3 in the morning. Dang.
<Cools> what i need to do is use that AI knowledge to build a SMS bot<Cools> and then tell everyone to just send me SMS messages instead of calling me<@idolminds> yeah<Cools> the bot would chat it up with all the sexy ladies<@idolminds> heh<Cools> one project i want to do is build a bot to write a blog<Cools> and see if it gets followeres<Cools> then one day i'll write a big "I FOOLED YOU IDIOTS"<@idolminds> probably<Cools> start with: take random topic<Cools> make random comment, probably negative<Cools> put on digg<Cools> make sure to reply to every comment with "you are an idiot"<@Quemaqua> Blogbot sez: Woe is me! Something about iPhone! Vote Obama! Dude? Dude!<Cools> YES!<@idolminds> Ive got a twitter account that I mainly use as an easy way to update my facebook account (twitterbar in firefox), and somehow I have followers<Cools> heck, i could create a bunch of these blogs and make a network out of it<Cools> lol<Cools> botblognet<Cools> wee<@Quemaqua> That would be awesome<Cools> they'll chat it up together<@idolminds> Dude? Dude! Lag.<@Quemaqua> A network of blogbots that do nothing but react to each other's posts by more blogging.<Cools> yup<Cools> if they ever appear on CNN, i win<@Quemaqua> That's brilliant.<@idolminds> haha<@Quemaqua> Quit your day job and make it happen. I will donate money to your cause.<Cools> haha<@Quemaqua> Though, uh... probably not a lot of money.<Cools> haha<Cools> twitter would be the easiest<Cools> have a huge vocab and then pick random words out of it<Cools> "i went shopping"<Cools> "i like shopping too, let's be friends!"<@idolminds> yeah, twitter would be the easiest to mess with<Cools> yes, and it'll have random requests like: "looking for models willing to wear bacon panties"<@Quemaqua> haha
<@PyroMenace> sweet<@PyroMenace> crap I gotta go<@Quemaqua> have fun!<@idolminds> laters pyro<@Quemaqua> eat some meat for me...... with bacon<@PyroMenace> ... with bacon<@Quemaqua> haha<@idolminds> haha<@idolminds> I'm going to mod the texture on the health packs in Quake so the red cross is changed to a bacon cross<@Quemaqua> yes!<@Quemaqua> Quake - With Bacon mod<@Quemaqua> the nailgun can fire sausages<@idolminds> haha<@Quemaqua> the shotgun fires ground beef<@idolminds> Rockets? fires HAM!<@Quemaqua> Yes! Honey baked ham, each hunk weighing 10 pounds!<@idolminds> We shall call it: Meat Quake!<@Quemaqua> We'll dub it the Hamzooka<@idolminds> haha
<TarlSS> Yes Gunslinger, I'm an atheist.<zire4hire> woo atheism!<zire4hire> easiest and cheapest religion!<Erwin_Rofl> everyone knows ppl who play rpgs are satanists<Que|work> Yeah! Not believing in stuff rocks!<Que|work> I guess.<TarlSS> I believe in stuffed rocks.<Que|work> Rocks with stuff in them?<TarlSS> Yeah<TarlSS> Those definitely exist.<Que|work> That's pretty awesome. I could get behind that.<TarlSS> And they can kill you.<Que|work> Can you throw the rocks?<TarlSS> Yes. It's called "Smiting"<Que|work> Can you throw the stuff that's in the rocks if you take out the stuff?<TarlSS> Probably.<TarlSS> Unless the stuff is liquid<Que|work> Does the stuff vary from rock to rock?<TarlSS> More than likely.<Que|work> Sign me up.
<@idolminds> What was that sound? Oh, just my bones creaking<PyroMenace> nah, we're gonna wish we were still in our 20s when we hit 30 so we much enjoy the air we breath while we're here<@Quemaqua>Yeah. 30 is way too fucking close.<@idolminds> yes it is<@Quemaqua> I'm reading all these comic books with young people, and they used to be my peers when I first read them, or not far off. Now I'm sitting there like "wait a minute... I'm fucking WAY OLDER than everyone now..."<@Quemaqua> Then I cry a little and contemplate stepping in front of a truck.<@idolminds> I remember when I'd see a movie and everyone was older and stuff. Now all the new movies everyone seems younger.<@idolminds> of course part of that is hollywood cant cast for shit. "Hes the captain of the worlds largest and most expensive space station...and hes 17."<PyroMenace> Im gonna watch Back to the Future Part II in 2015 and laugh at its absurdity and then cry<@idolminds> I want my fucking hoverboard, man<PyroMenace> I want weather forecasting that totally in sync with weather every second<@idolminds> But they dont work on water...for reasons that I cant understand<PyroMenace> and I want to go to a 80s food restaurant where Micheal Jackson reads me the menu<@idolminds> Oh shit, Natal is the BTTF2 videogame system. No buttons!<@Quemaqua> Also, no fun! And creepy children you can molest, courtesy of Peter Molyneaux!<PyroMenace> haha yea, "You mean you have to use your hands? Thats like a babies toy!"<@idolminds> And what about those mini dehydrated pizzas that you can throw in a machine and 5 seconds later have a full size hot pizza? We need that stuff<@Quemaqua> Oooh, yes, we need that<@Quemaqua> also we need the exact same thing, except with hookers<@idolminds> Brilliant<PyroMenace> hahahaha<PyroMenace> "Mom sure knows how to hyrdrate pizza."<@idolminds> "Dad sure knows how to hydrate a hooker" wait thats creepier than intended
(7:56:54 PM) Quemaqua: Watashi wa meatloaf tabetai.(7:57:00 PM) Quemaqua is now known as Que|tabete(7:57:23 PM) PyroMenace: hey I understood what he said(7:57:29 PM) PyroMenace: he said hes eating meatloaf(7:57:42 PM) Idolminds: No, he said he IS a meatloaf(7:57:47 PM) PyroMenace: damn(7:57:59 PM) Idolminds: Possibly(7:58:05 PM) PyroMenace: hes probably really tastey(7:58:08 PM) Idolminds: Ot hes making a table out of meatloaf(7:58:40 PM) Idolminds: I translate it as "Want a meatloaf table"(7:59:51 PM) PyroMenace: or Wash a meatloaf table?(8:00:20 PM) Idolminds: The japanese are so weird...who would want to wash a meatloaf table?(8:00:58 PM) PyroMenace: and would that mean they have meatloaf chairs?(8:01:42 PM) Idolminds: oooh(8:02:35 PM) PyroMenace: meatloaf must be common place in japan(8:02:44 PM) PyroMenace: it probably rains gravy there(8:02:52 PM) PyroMenace: or something(8:02:59 PM) Idolminds: We must visit this magical land
<@Quemaqua> Julia just hit up the VGNG. My sides hurt.<@Quemaqua> Best one I think was In Your Face Drug-Dealing Unit.<@idolminds> vgng?<@Quemaqua> Video Game Name Generator!<@idolminds> haha, oh right<@Quemaqua> They've been adding to it pretty diligently it looks like. It's better now than it was<@idolminds> Yeah. Amazing how they took awesome and then made is awesomer<@Quemaqua> Post-Apocalyptic Hobo Raider!<@Quemaqua> Political Death Dudes!<@idolminds> Internet Dating Girl....wait, I think Ive been to that site<@Quemaqua> haha<@Quemaqua> haha... Subterranean Yak Commando<@idolminds> Everybody Hates the Raccoon Hell <@Quemaqua> haha<@idolminds> M.C. Escher's Square Dancing Academy <@Quemaqua> Unpleasant Bimbo Project!<@idolminds> haha<@Quemaqua> haha, damn it... I hate when I come across ones I really wish were actual games. Like Angry Elevator of Death.<@idolminds> Red Hot Hobo Polo <@Quemaqua> or... God of Sex Enforcer? I'm pretty sure that came out in Japan at some point.<@idolminds> haha<@Quemaqua> haha Hobo Polo. That's brilliant!<@Quemaqua> haha, Secret of the Internet on the Oregon Trail.<@Quemaqua> That would be so much better than the original.<@idolminds> haha<@Quemaqua> German Dance - Total War<@idolminds> "You have died of goatse"<@Quemaqua> haha<@idolminds> Pro Grizzly Bear Assault <@Quemaqua> MTV's Alligator Fight, haha<@Quemaqua> See, they're on to something.<@Quemaqua> We need more games with fighting animals.<@idolminds> heh<@idolminds> Dance Dance Nudist Horror<@Quemaqua> hahaha<@Quemaqua> Unremarkable Batman 2000<@idolminds> Incomprehensible Terrorist Crime Scene Investigation<@Quemaqua> I'd so play that<@Quemaqua> oh oh oh, this needs to be a game!<@idolminds> No, youd play this<@Quemaqua> Narcoleptic Monkey Spectacular!<@idolminds> A Boy and His Jackhammer Rampage <@Quemaqua> haha<@idolminds> hah<@Quemaqua> Planet of the Midget Preacher<@idolminds> haha<@idolminds> Retarded Dodgeball Crusader<@Quemaqua> hahaha<@Quemaqua> Oh, fuck yes. Asian Raccoon College<@idolminds> Heinous Barbarian Panic<@idolminds> haha<@Quemaqua> Jewish Thunder Bastards!<@Quemaqua> hahaha oh fuck<@Quemaqua> Unholy STD Groove<@idolminds> hahaha<@Quemaqua> all right, I can't top that. I'm done.<@idolminds> haha<@idolminds> I love that thing
And so it begins...