(4:43:21 PM) cools:
http://i.imgur.com/fV88xM0.png(4:44:57 PM) K-mang: ahahahaha
(4:44:59 PM) Scarytooth left the room (quit: Read error: Connection reset by peer).
(4:46:10 PM) idolminds: haha
(4:48:13 PM) cools: Scary clearly works for North Korea
(4:48:28 PM) K-mang: reporting to his superiors as i type this
(4:48:54 PM) Scarytooth [~WhatTheFu@d60-65-42-211.col.wideopenwest.com] entered the room.
(4:49:00 PM) idolminds: oh shit hide
(4:49:01 PM) K-mang: he has finished reporting to his superiors
(4:52:00 PM) Scarytooth: man, i want some cookies
(4:52:27 PM) idolminds: Is that the go signal?
(4:53:25 PM) Scarytooth: ummm....yes?
(4:53:35 PM) K-mang: great, we're fucked