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Belmont wanted IRC at work...well....IRC at Work, a web based IRC client. I just tried it and it does indeed connect. Server is us.quakenet.org for a random US server.
I tried that at work and I'm guessing its blocked somehow along with other sites that have web based clients.
Get off IRC, fgts. You're ruining the boards. I think I know how they're blocking it and what you need to do to bypass it. Nevertheless, I'm not telling. Because IRC sucks.
I think I know how to as well but I wouldn't want to risk getting fired for doing it.
They call you heartless; but you have a heart, and I love you for being ashamed to show it.
So, why were you asking then?
Get off IRC, fgts. You're ruining the boards.
<idolminds> Quemaqua: I hate everything but pie<Quemaqua> I also now hate pie.<Quemaqua> Because it has sugar, and I am against it.<idolminds> Quemaqua: I hate everything including pie<Dogma> dammit, now I'm hungry
<Ghandi1> I am growing a neckbeard. Don't hate. <idolminds> haha<Quemaqua> Is it so you will fit in more on IRC?<Ghandi1> Raisa, they are pretty much exactly what they sound like. <Ghandi1> Yes, Que. <Cobra951> Shave face, not neck<Ghandi1> I know of your neckbeard. <Quemaqua> I have no neckbeard. You have to have a neck to have a neckbeard.<pksterrr> you grow hair on your neck???!?<Ghandi1> I'm a man?
* PyroMenace has joined #Overwritten<Ghandi_> No way. Go away Pyro, <idolminds> pyro* PyroMenace has left #Overwritten<idolminds> hahahaha<Ghandi_> Hahahahaha./.<Quemaqua> haha<Cobra951> Hahahaha!