That's still pushing it, dude, even over the course of a whole night. One time my friend Paul and I, during our alcoholic heyday, polished off a case of Coors, 30 between each of us (i.e. 15 apiece), but that's the most I've ever done over the course of an afternoon/evening, and I don't think I'd ever do it again. I mean, even aside from the potential risk of drinking too much at once, that's just fucking bad for you. It was fun to do the one time, as we were staying at a friend's uncle's place while he was housesitting and we all had the day off and were just hanging out and such, but I think it was a one time thing.
Medically, anything more than like 5 drinks is considered binge drinking. Heh, I wonder what 15-21 would be considered?