I've got two weeks left here in lovely Artesia, NM. I can't wait to get out. Right now I'm in the process of trying to find a place to live in a town I've only driven through once without the luxury of being able to travel there. I think I've got a line on a good place but won't know for sure until this weekend. Close timing considering I need to move about 1000 miles in 15 days, but I'm sure it will work out somehow.
An update on my last few weeks since I haven't been around much. I've been, beaten to a pulp by three instructors at once with nothing to defend myself but a foam baton, sprayed in the face with OC (pepper spray), practiced underwater combat , fired an automatic weapon for the first time, ran 7 miles and felt like it was an easy day of PT, learned to drive around a racetrack, and made an extremely questionable decision involving a female. Also, my body has stopped responding to caffiene. A few days ago I fell asleep within 10 minutes of drinking two 16oz rockstars in a row.