Was it in Pakistan or India 5 or so years ago where a girl was sentanced to gang-rape for having sex outside of her caste? I think it was set out by whatever local 'tribal' government and the federal courts were shitting but didn't know if they could actually do anything about it.
It wasn't actually a city, but a village near the Afghan/Taliban border. I think those men are under arrest without trial under anti terrorism or something now.
Lord Christ save me. Punishing a girl who was gangraped by 7 men? With 200 lashes and time in *prison*? That makes me sick to my stomach to even think of. I can scarcely believe such a thing possible even by a bunch of cold-hearted zealots.
Ahhh fuck.
I forwarded that to most of my Muslim friends when the story broke a few days ago. It was my little brother who sent that to me, and my stomach turned.
I uh... didn't post it here... because I was embarrassed. I need to get the fuck out of this part of the world. I've already related personal stories of fanaticism to you guys.
Anyway according to Islamic law, any man guilty of rape is to be stoned to death, period. No room there.
As for Saudi Arabia, things like that can happen there. That isn't Islamic law... those men are supposed to be punished by stoning them to death. Instead they get a few years. Plus the lawyer got into trouble as well.
Look obviously the major problem are those lawmakers, but at the same time you have to say... The United States of America is Saudi Arabia's biggest ally. These sort of human rights violations happen a lot there, without the US government
ever raising its voice.
Because Saudi Arabia provide the US with cheap oil, and powerful people have a lot of money invested there, the US government will not say a word.
After 9/11 all the Saudi citizens in the country were allowed to leave in 24 hours, while Afghanistan was bombed even though 99% of the 20 hijackers were Saudi.
The people of Saudi Arabia do want change, but without international pressure this will never change.
You know you are reading about it on CNN now... but even five years ago you wouldn't have, because any such story was covered up.