Author Topic: Big TVs  (Read 2501 times)

Offline beo

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Big TVs
« on: Thursday, November 15, 2007, 09:24:43 AM »
at some point over the next few months i want to get a big, high def tv. i'm looking at something between the 37" to 50" range. i have no real preference between lcd and plasma, but 1080p is a must. this is a bit of a technology blindspot for me - don't really know what's better than what, so anyone have any advice?

Offline iPPi

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Re: Big TVs
« Reply #1 on: Thursday, November 15, 2007, 09:44:48 AM »
I recommend staying away from plasma.  Though the technology of the plasma has improved, they are still susceptible to burn-ins while they are new, and the technology of a plasma has a more limited life span than that of an LCD.  Plasma uses the natural phenomenon involving a chemical reaction to create the light and image on the screen.  Understand that there is a limited amount of the chemicals available, and as a result, the image quality will degrade over time.  You will generally notice a degradation in quality at around the 2-3 year mark for a plasma.  Plus plasmas are generally more expensive.

LCDs are the way to go at this point in time.  In retrospect, I should have gotten an LCD myself, but I went and got a DLP, which is pretty good, but the mechanics of the DLP are fairly complicated and it does require a new lamp every so often.

LCDs are generally maintenance free.

The Sharp Aquos series seems to be pretty good at this time.  I saw the new Sharp Aquos 65" LCD the other day and it was beautiful.  The screen was in the mall in bright daylight and there was absolutely no glare on the screen and the image remained crisp and clean.  I was amazed.  But the price tag was $9000.

Offline Cobra951

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Re: Big TVs
« Reply #2 on: Thursday, November 15, 2007, 11:01:35 AM »
Nothing compares to plasma for good video content.  In the bigger sizes, it's also more cost-effective.  Longevity is now estimated to be close to CRT, unlike what was believed earlier.  Burn-in has been all but cured.  Between me and my brother, we have researched this a great deal, plus he has a 42" Hitachi plasma that puts every LCD screen I've seen to shame.

I'd say LCD is great for up-close gaming.  For something big along one wall of the living room, plasma is the only choice.  Sorry to disagree, iPPi.