Author Topic: Rabbit adopts kittens.  (Read 2752 times)

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Rabbit adopts kittens.
« on: Friday, November 23, 2007, 11:55:07 PM »
I can't wait for them to eat him when they get big enough.


Rabbit has kittens

Six kittens abandoned by their mum have found an unlikely replacement - a pet rabbit.

Six tiny kittens make a fuss of their new 'mum - a pet rabbit /Rex

The tiny kittens were left all alone after their mum decided she couldn't be bothered feeding them.

They were taken in by veterinary nurse Melanie Humble, who thought her own cat would mother them.

But instead they're being cared for by her rabbit Summer.

Now, they've fallen in love with their surrogate mum and refuse to leave her alone.

Melanie, 29, from Aberdeen, said: "It's amazing to see. For some reason they just took to the rabbit instantly and thought she was their mum.

"They started climbing all over her and were looking to get milk from her. She just sat there and let them do it.

"Now they follow her everywhere. They can't bear to be without her. They're all so lovely together."