So I'm a ghostwriter. Basically, that means people give me money and in exchange I write things for them - maybe an article, or a letter, or captions for 600 images, or the instruction manual for a vacuum cleaner. Whatever people are willing to pay me for.
For the past three days, emails have been going back and forth between me and some dipshit who wants me to write a term paper for him.
Now first of all, I don't like it when kids want me to do their homework for them. It's ethically questionable, and it could damage my reputation. My site has already been delisted from Google, because it looks too much like an essay mill.
But second of all, I especially don't like it when some kid asks for something I specifically won't provide, and then bitches that my price is too high.
"$150 for a five-page essay?! That's crazy!"
No, that's $30/page, which is my going rate. And actually it's a seven- or eight-page essay, when you include things like the bibliography and cover and other niceties that I don't charge for. And anyway, most real essay mills charge more like $50/page, including the bibliography.
He wants me to work for $10/page, and he won't take fucking "no" for answer. A five page essay on an unfamiliar topic would take me about six hours to write, so I'd be making about $8.33/hour - slightly better than someone who works at McDonald's, except that someone working at McDonald's has a steady source of income and I don't.
If he keeps this shit up, I might do something really mean, like find out where he goes to school, and then forward all of his emails to his instructor.