1. Sure they can. I use mine at work all the time.
Really? I can just barely fit my 3rd gen iPod into my front pocket. Although, admittedly, I do wear pretty slim cut jeans.
2. Buy more CDs. How many songs do you really need at once?
Not that many. I get by with a 1 GB memory stick on my phone most of the time. Still, it would be nice to be able to have my entire music library with me.
3. Sync what? Who gives a fuck? Just throw the damn things on the disk. You don't have to *do* anything.
Say I discover this great new song I want to listen to. So I have to open up Nero, find a CD-R, burn the song, maybe along with some other songs (since having just one song on a CD seems like a waste). Two weeks later, I'm annoyed with the song and want to get rid of it, but still keep the other songs on the CD. This gets complicated. Even if I'm using CD-RWs, having to reburn the disc takes time.
Compare this to just docking an iPod and having iTunes synchronize the playlists via USB 2.0...
4. Who cares?
People who want to play Tetris and watch Family Guy on their way to work. Me, for one!
5. I'm already ugly and look like I'm from the 1990's. It's a non-issue.
But Acey seems like an attractive, trendy guy... you shouldn't be forcing your antiquated propaganda on him

But really, I just mean as a stopgap measure.
Fair enough.