Notice how convoluted the whole relativity thing is? Once upon a time, there was a very convoluted model of planetary motion. It had wheels within wheels. Planets were supposed to move along these weird corkscrew paths, just so that the Earth-centric model of the universe would work. Then someone decided that the Sun was actually at the center of the solar system, and the movements became much simpler. By forcing things to fit into a preconceived notion, the rules become ridiculously complex. Look at it another way, and everything gets way simplified. Occam's Razor comes to mind. The simplest explanation is probably the correct one. We are in a period of development where we are forcing things to fit into this crazy theory involving the speed of light and 4-dimensional space-time continuum. The day will come when someone visualizes reality in a more reasonable way. Do away with this quantification of time, as if it were as real in a physical sense as a stone, and you may have a better chance of getting a glimpse at the truth.