Que I edited my previous post to add a few other things you might not have known about her.
As for them losing their power, who knows. Every time they've found these suicide bombers alive, they have determined they weren't Paksitani, Arab etc. They were either Afghani or from Uzbekistan.
It just takes one brainwashed mad man to pull something like this off. There are these terrorism cells on the border of the Afghanistan/Pakistan, that brain wash kidnapped infants into becoming suicide bombers.
The suicide bombers are coming from these areas are different than the ones in Palestine. The ones in Palestine have grown up around strife, have seen their loved ones killed, and grow up naturally with hate. Correct or not, they choose their path.
The suicide bombers coming from Afghanistan/Pakistan's border are brainwashed fanatics.
Children from the poor tribal areas of Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Afghanistan etc are kidnapped at birth and then strapped on chairs and forced to watched propaganda videos. That is their way of life.
Some of these suicide bombers are blackmailed. Their families are kidnapped, raped and tortured, till they agree to this.
You could tell what twisted logic the 9/11 hijackers had. They hated Americans for whatever reason, and wanted to hurt them. Same goes for the Palestinian suicide bombers, who while you can't agree with, can see that twisted logic.
But here, there isn't even a twisted form of logic. They are blowing themselves up among fellow Muslims. Not because they want to go to heaven, but because they have been programmed.