Heh. Beo's facetious comment is probably more apropos than he's aware of.
Couldn't you just say appropriate? Show off.
But Beo just loves how D beats the dead "Valve is teh suck" horse.
Heh, one guy on shacknews probably figured out the reason for the delay: 360 version. From what I've read Valve did pretty damn well with Orange Box on 360. Makes sense to get L4D on there.
Yea that's pretty much why we got The Orange Box so late.
It sucks when a developer delays the launch of a PC game for a console.
hahaha. Like Episode 3 will be ready by then. Anyways, you're right about the engine. It's at the point where it not only looks a bit old, but a lot of the things they add to try to bring it up to date really bog it down.
But you do have to admit that it holds up well all things considered - specifically TF2.
Oh yea. TF2 looks really sexy because of the art direction.
But unless Gordon Freeman enters Toon Paradise, I expect Ep3 to really look like ass.
Newton's 4th law: "The level of ass Ep3 will look like is directly proportional to the time it is released after Ep1."
It is already a bit of an odd transition going from
Gears of War to
Crysis to
Ep2. What if Ep3 comes 18 months from now?