I kinda agree with MyD on the episodic content pricing. Wasn't that the point of episodic games to begin with?
Exactly. The point of that was to have shorter stand-alone games at lower costs. Valve succeeded with that idea. And, the biggest point of episodic gaming -- is to pump out more of it, way more often; Valve didn't succeed there.
But of course, CoD4 coming w/ a robust MP portion kind of tanks the idea of it being sold for actual "episodic pricing."
Hence why I mentioned that if you want CoD4, you REALLY better plan to be into MP gaming, planning to spend time w/ the MP portion. B/c otherwise, if you're only into SP gaming -- is it really worth its pricetag of $50-60, no matter how amazingly fantastically great it is or isn't??
Now, if the CoD4 SP was sold alone (without MP) at $20, I dunno -- do you think gamers would jump for that???
One of my favorite shooters of all time is Max Payne 2, which is a SP Only game. How long it take to beat? Oh, around say some SIX to SEVEN hours. You think I paid $40-50 for that? HA!!! Waited for a price-drop; try $20. I am not going to spend $40-50 on a game that takes me one day to finish.
That's my stance on expansions too. An expansion should cost no more than 60% of its Full counterpart's price. Some people argue that expansions should be half or less.
I think that depends on expansion's game length, how much content is added to the actual game, and whatnot.
For example, most RPG expansions are VERY lengthy for an expansion pack -- 15 hours or more, normally; such as NWN: Hordes, NWN2: Mask, etc etc. BG2: TOB goes almost above and beyond the call of an expansion, as its length could easily take you over 40 hours; that could go for full price, b/c of its length and amount of content!
Now, would you throw down $30 expansion price tag for that kind of length of 15 hours plus on an expansion?? Sounds good to me; especially $30 is the usual price for a new game offering around 8-12 hours of content, these days and age.
For me that certainly doesn't mean I'm going to run out and pirate something every time, but for a lot of people I'll bet it does. When you've been used to years of getting games that granted 10+ hours of game at the very least, 5 almost starts to sound like a joke.
I agree 100% w/ that Que.
Especially when you play SP components that last for around 10 hours, and they're just great the whole way through -- see FEAR. Or games that go around 15 hours or more and are great the whole way through -- see Mafia.
See, Bungie (Halo 3) and Infinity Ward (CoD4) are setting a new scary trend -- oh, the trend of "it's now OKAY for a full game to charge $50-60 for a SP component w/ only 4-6 hours, even though it ships w/ a very robust MP."
So, basically -- they're skimping on the SP Campaign gamers, but treating MP gamers like they're the ones to actually be catered to. Why ain't SP getting fair treatment here???
So, what's next then, if SP components are 4-6 hours, yet we have robust MP's??? Next thing we know, many FPS's for the SP Campaign -- even ones that have ONLY SP components -- will only be 4-6 hours in length. I'll bet cha, that's next -- and they'll charge full-game price for that, too. Then, what do we all know??? Will RPG's will start being commonly 10 hours in length?? Where will the insanity stop???
See, that's part of why I thought Unreal SP and UT (MP) got split in the first place -- so Unreal SP's could be these lengthy 15-20 hour SP campaigns at full price, making you glad you threw down those $40-60 bones so the designers could focus on one portion: making a good, lengthy SP. Meanwhile, the UT (MP) could be smashed w/ content galore out-the-box for the MP gamers, while offering a SDK to let them gamers expand upon that.
Well, that attempt failed; 1/2 failed. Unreal 2 turned out to be almost 10 hours, for most gamers -- so, gamers wanted a MP portion, which they later got; ain't we seen a Unreal SP since then, either. Meanwhile, the UT series still seems to live on....