Fuck, I just don't understand anyone anymore. First off, that sounds utterly like bullshit. You don't abandon one control setup to somehow make sure you get the other one right. That's completely nonsensical.
Yet at the same time, what in the name of fuck would a PC gamer want to plug in a controller for in the first place? I swear I just don't understand people at all anymore.
Console games that wind-up on the PC, they sometimes don't have decent PC KB/mouse controls - see Res Evil 4 PC; Alone in the Dark PC; etc etc. Of course, this probably ain't the case w/ Bioshock 2 - the KB/mouse controls for this PC game were fine in the original, so they're probably fine again there in the sequel.
As far as I'm concerned, if the same exact game also is available on the X360 system (since their main device is a 360 GamePad), the PC version of that game should support that control scheme also (since that is the main PC Gamepad game designers will actually support - especially if the game is a G4WL Logo game). I always thought it was odd that Two Worlds - which was multiplatformed on PC and 360 - has gamepad support on the X360 (obviously), but the PC version only had KB/mouse support. It just seems odd - since Microsoft 360 Controllers works on BOTH platforms.
If a X360 console gamer for some reason wants to get the PC version of a game like Bioshock 2 (for some reason - say maybe their best friend is a PC gamer and they wanna play each other over G4WL; hell, I dunno) and this console gamer has X360 and is used to those controls, they should be able to plug their 360 controller into the PC and play some Bioshock 2 PC. Another thought - this also could be a good way to get a console gamer who might be a diehard fan of the game to pony-up and also buy the PC version; especially down the line, if the PC version gets like dirt-cheap.
Since the PC is such an open platform, the PC should always be all about options, if you ask me. The more options, the better. Look at Borderlands PC or GTA4 PC - both games support your choice of KB/mouse or gamepad. Go ahead, take your pick. You're the gamer, so you decide.
Most of the time, if the KB/mouse controls ain't botched on the PC version in some shape or form, for FPS games like Borderlands and Bioshock, I'd rather have KB/mouse.
BTW - on another note, I'm glad to hear they made specific PC style UI/HUD for our version that is supporting KB/mouse fully. Sweet.