When the hell do they use beanbag chairs in public? I can't think of any time I've ever seen one. Then again, I don't frequent coffee bars, and the ones I occasionally visit mostly have broken chairs that wobble and threaten to collapse under my fat ass.
The last time I was in a beanbag chairs was a number of years ago at my friend's uncle's house. He was housesitting for his uncle and a bunch of us went over there just to hang out. This was the time that my friend and I split a 30 pack of Coors down the middle between the two of us in an afternoon. I was so amazingly plastered. I sort of passed out in this beanbag chair and kind of swam halfway across the floor at one point because I thought something was funny and fell out of the thing. Good times.
Crazy to think about... that was probably one of the last times I got really really drunk, and now I've barely had more than a beer or two in what seems like years.