Author Topic: Alpha Protocol -> Update: Pulled from Steam (Reply 110)  (Read 42837 times)

Offline MysterD

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Alpha Protocol -> Update: Pulled from Steam (Reply 110)
« on: Thursday, March 13, 2008, 01:43:19 PM »
NEWEST - 2-10-2013
Joystiq -> Editorial/Retrospective -> "Alpha Protocol is the new Deus Ex."
Patrick K. Mills (a former Obsidian-dev) -> From his blog, blog-post on some of the cut content on Alpha Protocol.

Patch 1.1 -- DRM Removal Patch - International Version & Download Version patches for PC version.
Patch 1.1 for International Versions AND Download Versions of AP PC.
Patch 1.1 -- DRM Removal PAtch - USA Version Released for PC version
Sega Support -> Patch 1.1 - Download here -> 20 MB.
Sega Support Website -> Info on how to install Patch 1.1, even though there's NO Patch Notes...
Patch 1.1 Thread On Obsidian Forums -> Warning, some having issues w/ getting new patch to boot the game, so beware...
It looks like Patch 1.1. is meant for US Version owners.

Something Awful Forums - on AP
ALL Posts in the below long AP Thread - isolated to be from an ex-Obsidian employee about some of the game's actual development.
The AP Thread on Something Awful - around 149 pages, so far.

Modding AP PC
Shacknews Post -> Their Reccommended Modding & Tweaking on some AP PC files they think improve the game.
MyD's OWNet Post about modders tinkering away at modding-out AP PC (Reply 87 in this thread).
AP PC - The Modding Thread on Obsidian's boards.
AP PC - Unlocking SM3.0, AA, and AF Features: from The AP PC - Modding Thread on Obsidian's boards.
AP PC - Modding Thread, in which they've found Cut Content from the game still in the game-files.

News, Info, Links, Etc:
NEWER - 1-26-2010:
Gameroni -> Tom Chick on Alpha Protocol being One Of The Best Games In 2010 Nobody Played.
Bit-Tech -> A Retrospective and Replay on Alpha Protocol.
Bit-Tech -> Their original AP review -> FOUR (out of 10).
Examiner - AP has sold around 700K so far, as of June 30th.
Eurogamer - Sega speaks on Alpha Protocol's "Slow" sales.
Sega does NOT want an Alpha Protocol 2 due to disappointing sales.
Editorial on Obsidian with Alpha Protocol vs. other RPG companies (Bioware, Square Enix, BethSoft, Blizzard, Lionhead, etc).
Article on the term RPG and how it's been "misused and abused".
Bitmob reviews Alpha Protocol.
HonestGamers - 7 for AP (out of 10). - 6.5 (out of 10).
GameBanshee - Chris Avellone talks about Alpha Protocol and how it turned it out...
GameBanshee - 4 page interview w/ Feargus Urquhart on Alpha Protocol (on page 1) and other stuff.
Obsidian is working on an Alpha Protocol patch. Thing is - Sega wanted a BIG patch, Obsidian wanted to do a quick small patch first...
Obsidian would like to do DLC, but there's no plans for it...yet...

Yahtzee reviews Alpha Protocol.
81% for AP PC from PC Gamer.
4 page review from GameBanshee.
9.0 from
Obsidian announced Alpha Protocol for 2009.
More info, from GameSpot.
First set of screenies have been let loose.
Preview from Games Radar
Preview from Worthplaying:
Sounds like Michael (the lead character) will be able to be a Geralt-like character, if you say the "right" things -- a ladies' man.
RPGVault interview w/ Obsidian on Alpha Protocol - Part 1
RPGVault interview w/ Obsidian on Alpha Protocol - Part 2
GameSpot's impressions on this one from E3 2009
Videogameblog's E3 2009 impressions on Alpha Protocol
Gamasutra has a 6-page Interview w/ Feargus Urquhart of Obsidian
Release date for Alpha Protocol on the PC, X360, and PS3 = October 6th in the USA.
GTTV Video Interview w/ Andy Alamano of Obsidian from GamesCom 2009
Pushed back officially to Spring 2010.
Looks like there's already plans for Alpha Protocol 2.
Alpha Protocol delayed again - until Summer 2010.
AP gets new release dates...again.
Dev Diary - Weapons and Abilities.
AP PC will use Uniloc DRM.
1 hour presentation on Alpha Protocol from Obsidian at PAX East 2010.
The Adrenaline Vault Podcast - Episode 75 with Chris Avellone of Obsidian from 20 mins and 34 secs until around 38 mins 18 secs.
G4TV preview on Alpha Protocol.
Interview w/ Matt Hickman of Obsidian on
IGN also interviews Matt Hickman.
A supposed former employee of Obsidian anonymously talks about AP's development & that the game should've been canceled.
Tom Chick's list of 11 Ways Alpha Protocol is better than Mass Effect 2. has a look at the differences b/t the European and USA Reviews of AP.

Chris Avellone - Framework 09: His Keynote Speech on Alpha Protocol
Around 5 minutes into this, Chris Avellone talks about Alpha Protocol and shows off footage - Part 1.
Part 2.
Part 3.

Gameplay Videos has a developer's walkthrough of some Alpha Protocol in this gameplay video

New trailer for AP - New Business Trailer - Oct. 17, 2008
E3 2009 Trailer from Shacknews.
Proper Protection Trailer.
Two Trailers.
Dialogue Stance System Trailer.
"You Are Here" Trailer
"A Lover, Not A Fighter" Trailer.

81% for AP PC from PC Gamer.
GamesMaster (UK Mag) gives AP a 84%.
B+ grade from 1Up.
8.1 from NowGamer (out of 10).
4 stars (out of 5) from RPGamer.
3½ stars from GamePro (out of 5).
7 from Eurogamer (out of 10).
6.4 from (out of 10).
6.50 from GameInformer (out of 10).
6 from (out of 10).
6.0 from Gamesquad (out of 10).
5 from Bit-Tech (out of 10) - OUCH.
2 from GTTV (out of 5).
2 from Destructoid (out of 10) - MAJOR OUCH.
7.0 from OXM UK for 360 version.
Vicious review from Joystiq - calling it "unfinished" and "structurally flawed."
8.1 from NowGamer (out of 10).
6.3 from IGN for PS3, X360, and PC.
4 stars (out of 5) from RPGamer.
68% from AtomicGamer (out of 100).
8 from (out of 10).
6.0 from PlayStation Universe for PS3 version (out of 10).
2 stars from The Escapist Magazine (out of 5).
ActionTrip's AP X360 review...
4 page review from GameBanshee.
9.0 from -> All platforms - Review; no score attached.

GameSpot Review - 6.0 (out of 10).
Reviewer = Kevin Van Ord.

Written review.
Video Review - Standard Definition.
Video Review - High Definition.
RPGWatch - Impressions
RPGWatch impressions on AP for PC, after about 15 hours with it.
First hours w/ AP PC - May 31st.
Final impressions - June 4th.

AP PC Version - Uniloc DRM
MyD's OWNet post w/ summary of AP PC's Uniloc DRM system
PC Version's Uniloc DRM system detailed.
SIDE NOTE: Uniloc DRM check and limits removed in PC Patch 1.10.
« Last Edit: Wednesday, June 19, 2019, 04:40:10 PM by MysterD »

Offline Pugnate

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Re: Alpha Protocol announced for 2009 -- Espionage-based RPG from Obsidian
« Reply #1 on: Thursday, March 13, 2008, 01:47:47 PM »
Alpha Protocol! Another game that leave fans satisfied, yet wondering how it would have turned out had Bioware done it!

Offline MysterD

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Re: Alpha Protocol announced for 2009 -- Espionage-based RPG from Obsidian
« Reply #2 on: Thursday, March 13, 2008, 01:52:42 PM »
Alpha Protocol! Another game that leave fans satisfied, yet wondering how it would have turned out had Bioware done it!

Ummm......if Bioware did it, it would probably less buggy upon release. :P

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« Last Edit: Thursday, June 10, 2010, 05:50:22 PM by MysterD »

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« Last Edit: Sunday, June 06, 2010, 12:58:53 PM by MysterD »

Offline gpw11

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Re: Alpha Protocol -- Espionage-based RPG from Obsidian
« Reply #5 on: Thursday, July 24, 2008, 10:54:49 PM »
...that was the worst part about The Witcher.  Well, not the worst but the most unnecessary waste of resources in the entire game.

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Re: Alpha Protocol -- Espionage-based RPG from Obsidian
« Reply #6 on: Thursday, July 24, 2008, 11:01:43 PM »
Sad but true.  Hopefully the expanded version actually adds some sexy to the process.  Funny that it was kind of this big deal, but it was the most throw-away part of the game (and nearly the only thing there was to criticize).

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Re: Alpha Protocol -- Espionage-based RPG from Obsidian
« Reply #7 on: Saturday, July 26, 2008, 07:29:46 AM »
Sad but true.  Hopefully the expanded version actually adds some sexy to the process.  Funny that it was kind of this big deal, but it was the most throw-away part of the game (and nearly the only thing there was to criticize).

I didn't follow Triss' romance, but Shani's romance -- and I thought the stuff w/ Shani and Geralt was pretty good.

Actually, I thought the worst part of The Witcher was the long-ass load-times -- which were fixed in one of the more recent patches.

Oh, and the Inventory unable to be sorted and all was an annoyance, but that change has been made for the upcoming Enhanced Edition.

Regardless, if Alpha is sex-heavy, I wonder if they'll have to cut-out content to try to keep it down to M-rating..

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Re: Alpha Protocol - Espionage-based RPG from Obsidian
« Reply #8 on: Friday, October 17, 2008, 06:59:51 PM »

Offline MysterD

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Re: Alpha Protocol - Espionage-based RPG from Obsidian
« Reply #9 on: Friday, November 14, 2008, 03:22:14 PM »
RPGVault interview w/ Obsidian on Alpha Protocol
Part 1
Part 2

Offline Pugnate

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Re: Alpha Protocol - Espionage-based RPG from Obsidian
« Reply #10 on: Friday, November 14, 2008, 10:53:41 PM »
Where are the interview highlights D? Now I'll have to go read it myself. :(

Anyway, this does seem a bit interesting -- mostly because of the setting.

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Re: Alpha Protocol - Espionage-based RPG from Obsidian
« Reply #11 on: Saturday, November 15, 2008, 05:34:19 AM »
Where are the interview highlights D? Now I'll have to go read it myself. :(

Anyway, this does seem a bit interesting -- mostly because of the setting.

I read them both. There's a hell of a lot there.
I was lazy; too busy playing FO3 yesterday; hehe.
I'll give you some highlights in the next post...

From RPGVault Interview Part 1...

On Consequences For Every Action/Decision
Jonric: Since RPG fans expect strong stories from Obsidian, what will this one be about? How linear or open-ended will it be? Will it be possible to reach different endings?

Chris Avellone: The game takes place in the modern day... no matter what time in the next few years you're playing. It consists of a series of mostly linear sub-missions and optional assignments you can pick and choose to best accomplish your objective depending on your character's skill set. Go speak to an informant to get information? Research dossiers on a locale? Intimidate some triad thugs, and maybe kill a few? Buy intel? Hack a CIA listening post? Infiltrate a detention camp?

Depending on these tasks, the objectives, your choices and the results, you then work your way to the heart of the operation. One of the game's goals is repercussions and consequences for your in-mission actions, so you'll frequently see outcomes sending ripple effects through other assignments, the hub and the global operations.

Yes, there will be different endings, but we'll let you play the game to uncover those. It's also extremely unlikely any operation will end the same way for two people - the repercussions and reactivity will see to that..

On Locations...
Chris Avellone: It is as big as planet Earth itself, and man, do you go all over it. You don't go to the moon, though... or Antarctica. However, we have about four or five hubs, each with its own goal and operation, as well as a number of other missions that take place outside of them. It's enough to whet the world traveler appetite, in our opinion.

On Michael Thorton (your character)
Jonric: Is the Michael Thorton character fully pre-made, or will we have choices we can make before we begin play?

Ryan Rucinski: There are several different character types available when you create your new one. We allow the player to choose the archetype he or she wants to play; technically savvy, stealthy or "I'm going to loot your corpse after shooting you in the face".

The player can put points into any of the supporting stats for the one chosen, or into the polar opposite. We leave how they are allocated up to individual preference. The archetypes just allow some higher-level special abilities that help define the character. After the tutorial, we allow anyone who feels another class would provide a better game experience to reset these choices.

Jonric: To what degree will it be possible to customize his physical appearance? Will we be able to configure his facial and body parts?

Ryan Rucinski: We don't support full facial and body type configuration. We spent a lot of time going back and forth internally on whether we wanted Thorton to be anything the character wanted. Realizing that we would lose a lot of cinematic impact if the player decided to make a chinless Cro-Magnon who couldn't sweep a lady off her feet if he tripped her, we then just made our main character the person you play.

There are ways to customize your look as you gain access to disguises - at the time of writing, the Elvis glasses are not in the game, but mark my words and mark them well... they WILL be - and characters you talk to might even make comments like, "Uh, nice Mohawk there, Mike. When are you going to take this job seriously?"

On Selecting Specific Backgrounds For Your Mike Thorton (which decide your character's opening skills and gear):
Matt MacLean: Mike Thorton is a partially written slate. Tabula "kinda written but still with room for you to customizus", if my Latin serves me right. He can't be a sea elf, an escaped mental patient or a were-cabinet - he's an educated, multi-lingual clandestine operative, and that rules out being a chaotic neutral Urdlen-worshipping deep gnome bard / cleric. Sorry to break that bad news to you; I know you guys probably already made your cool forum signature image with a dwarf Thorton riding a cyber-unicorn with animated lens flare. That said, you can tweak his appearance and put your personalized mark on him during creation.

Within this broad definition, you do have the freedom to select Mike's specific background - how you got to the story's present day. Perhaps you started in the armed forces, or maybe you worked for a "legitimate" spy agency before dropping off the radar and into the realm of black ops. Backgrounds define your initial array of starting skills and gear. They also factor into how NPCs treat you early in the game, before you've thrown your personality around. And you aren't forced to play with a starting skill setup; there's a DIY option that lets you freely select your initial ones, so like in many RPGs, there are pre-configured selection for those new to the genre or not into the process, and a full control mode for... well, control freaks.

Jonric: What are the key character-related choices we have to make at the beginning of Alpha Protocol, and why did you decide to design the game in this way?

Matt MacLean: The key choice you have to make at the beginning of the game is which skills you would like to start on first. Your choice of background doesn't prevent you from learning any of them later on; it just gives you a head start. If you dive in and realize you like a certain ability more than you thought you would, you don't have to start from the beginning just to have access to it.

On Character Building & The Combat System:
Jonric: How will the character advancement system function? What influenced its design? How much choice and what kinds will we have in how Thorton develops? To what degree can he differ at the end?

Matt MacLean: We based our character development system on live action role-playing systems: you rock-paper-scissors to shoot someone, and fold your arms in front of you to sneak. Also, Mike Thorton yells "Lightning Bolt" every time he shoots someone.

Sorry, I selected the Sarcastic stance for that last bit, I'll switch to Professional.

Our RPG system is (warning: broad generalization ahead) generally western-style; it has more in common with an Elder Scrolls game than a Final Fantasy installment. We throw you a challenge, and you handle it that way because that's how you made your character (or I suppose you could try the path of most resistance and not use your character's abilities... I guess some people like to play D&D wizards who endlessly get into fistfights). In contrast, Alpha Protocol isn't an eastern RPG or an adventure game wherein a situation usually has only one fixed or blatantly optimal solution.

The main influence for our system is necessity; a lot of RPG conventions (rolling to hit, casting spells, building a keep at level 12 and getting 3d6 bugbears to wander by and sign up to do your bidding, etc.) don't really apply to our game due to its action elements, the real world theme, and the allies-optional, lone wolf nature. So, we weren't inspired by any one pen and paper structure or video game out there, if that's what you were asking.

So, as for how much choice and what kind of choice... well, you can purchase ranks in 10 different skills, each unlocking a variety of passive and active bonuses and abilities. There are no classes, but there are certainly combinations of skills that work well together to create a sneaky spy, trigger happy marksman, crafty trap specialist, or just a guy that has a few bonuses at doing all of the above.

As for the "to what degree can Thorton differ at the end" question, you won't be able to purchase every skill in the game during one playthrough - so not every player is building toward the same maximized character who can do everything. Instead, you'll have to decide what appeals to you most, and either dabble in or outright ignore the others.
Jonric: How would you describe the combat system you're implementing? How will it function, and will it include any unusual or otherwise interesting elements?

Ryan Rucinski: The combat system is pretty straightforward most of the time. If you have skills in particular firearms, equipment and martial arts, you will clearly do more damage with them when they are being used. This does not preclude or hinder using those that the character is not specialized in.

For example, if Thorton has 10 points in a pistol, every shot he fires will deal significantly more damage than if he only has one in it. This doesn't mean missing more often though. I have played some other games where because I didn't have a high enough skill in a particular weapon, it decided I missed even if I had a reticule directly over the target's face. It really cheesed me off that some hidden dice roll overruled my aiming skill.

However, the higher you go in skill levels, the more neat special abilities you get to use. My favorite is still Bullet Storm because of the sheer amount of lead thrown around... and even more important (to me) is that Thorton cackles maniacally while using it.

Bullet Storm, ah... sweet, sweet Bullet Storm. It's an ability limited in use by dual wielding the submachine guns. After triggering the special skill, you have a certain amount of time with unlimited bullets to rain an unholy amount of lead at the bad guys. The muzzle flare from the weapons is expanded significantly, and any hits are noticeably higher in damage. Plus, as I mentioned, Thorton is pretty much insane while using it.

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Re: Alpha Protocol - Espionage-based RPG from Obsidian
« Reply #12 on: Saturday, November 15, 2008, 06:06:13 AM »
Highlights from Part 2 of the RPGVault Interview with Obsidian.

On Important Enemies:
Jonric: Can we expect Alpha Protocol to have enemies that act like more than unthinking drones? What are some interesting or unusual ones we can look forward to facing?

Chris Avellone: Credit for the "named" adversaries in the game goes to Brian Mitsoda and Annie Carlson (Vampire: Bloodlines and Neverwinter Nights 2, respectively) for the conceptual design, Brian Menze (Knights of the Old Republic II, Aliens) for the visual design, and to Matt MacLean (Mask of the Betrayer) for making their AI behave in ways that make you want to murder these same people by horrible means.

For the bosses and the significant characters, we have a Kill Bill theme to most of them, with distinctive visual tags and personality quirks... from SIE, a German cougar ex-special forces mercenary (not a literal cougar, but an attractive older woman) with lipstick marks spray-painted on her shin pads, to Konstantin Brayko, a Russian mobster who looks like he just walked out of a Duran Duran video... and that's just scratching the surface. Alpha Protocol has a creative cast, and the player should have a lot of fun interacting with the characters.

On Upgrading Gadgets, Weapons and Armor
Jonric: What would an espionage-themed game be without cool weapons and gadgets? How will these and other items factor into the game?

Matt MacLean: Mike Thorton can use a wide variety of weapons, gadgets, and armor, and how important these items are is mostly contingent on your play style. All of your items can be customized. Your guns have lots of room for upgrades and modifications, as does your armor, and you can even improve your gadgets... because stylish agents wouldn't be caught dead using last year's remotely detonated ordnance.

Just as the player won't ever have enough advancement points to max out every skill in one playthrough, your items will be a finite resource, and you'll usually want to customize your gear to best fit your skills.

On NPC's and the game's Dialogue System:
Jonric: Will there be many friendly and NPCs around? What will their primary functions and overall level of importance be?

Chris Avellone: Yep. And they may cease being friendly or neutral based on your actions, and vice versa for the villains.

Importance ranking... pretty damn important. NPCs and factions are sources of information, as obstacles, as people you need to get to trust you, or those who you need to get to hate you. Also, your interactions with them will tell you a lot about yourself as a character, which is kind of neat in a metaphysical sense. If you just want to shoot them, well, even that says a lot about you as a person... and the NPCs do die in cinematic ways to appropriate mournful funeral music.

Jonric: Will any of them accompany Thorton on his missions? Will they assist him directly, or act more as support personnel?

Chris Avellone: Yep, sometimes as fire support (rarely). and more frequently as handlers on a mission basis, where your reputation with them, good or bad, has different effects on the abilities they can help give you. You can get a lot of a feel for various characters depending on how they speak to you during a mission and the special advice they offer if they trust you enough.

They are wild and uncontrolled, driven by their own passions and agendas.

Jonric: In terms of how we'll interact with the various NPCs, the game is touted as having a significant dialogue stance system. What is this feature?

Chris Avellone: The stance system is a one-way path through dialogues where you choose Thorton's mood and attitude when dealing with others to try and get information, to attempt to find out more about your objective, or else simply to romance the ladies of the world... or anger your enemies.

When speaking to others, you can choose to take a suave-style stance (cocky, confident, witty), aggressive (Jack Bauer style), or professional (if you're of the paladin persuasion or a patriotic fellow obsessed with duty). We also allow the player to perform "actions" that short-circuit dialogues, such as shooting people in the knees or the face, smashing bottles across the heads of smartasses, or anything else that can jump to the core of the conversation without wasting time negotiating with folks.

Jonric: Will there be dialogue choices that stand out because it's immediately obvious they're correct or superior?

Chris Avellone: No one path is better than another. They all have different consequences in the long run, and while some may initially seem superior, others can pay off much farther down the road... so please, play the game and speak to the NPCs the way you want to, not the way you think is going to be the "best" choice, because there isn't one.

Jonric: How does it function that will makes it different from what readers are used to from your other RPGs?

Chris Avellone: It's more action-oriented, with more tension in choosing the responses, and it removes the circular, interrogation aspect that's been used again and again in previous Black Isle and Obsidian RPGs. The conversation is more like a conversation, not an interrogation loop that always comes back to the same question node.

On The Game's Reputation System
Jonric: Would we be correct to that there are other related systems that also impact the gameplay experience depending on the choices we make?

Chris Avellone: Similar to the influence system in Knights of the Old Republic II and the Neverwinter Nights 2 series, we have "reputation" in Alpha Protocol. Depending on how the hero treats an NPC or his faction / allies, you can dramatically change how they treat him, and shift their roles in the game... and at times, this will have huge ripple effects on how certain sub-missions and global assignments play out.

In addition, the amount of reputation you gain with someone affects the different game bonuses that will be applied through perks if he or she becomes your handler on a mission. If you treat SIE well (and I do mean "well"), then she has a chance to become ones, and to convey perks and bonuses to you as she helps you through your mission.

You are tracked on your behavior as well, and certain people will react to you depending on how you've been acting elsewhere in the game. If you've primarily been aggressive, enemies will have formed a dossier on you and have a pre-set judgment about you as soon as you meet them.

We also bring the "research" angle into the. When Thorton gains a contact in the game, this opens up a basic dossier on the subject, and the player can gather information on various characters. This can help when entering conversations by giving more facts about their backgrounds, previous missions and faction ties, that you can use as leverage in the conversation to get what you want. As an example, you learn what stances some NPCs respect, as well as which can be used to provoke a reaction that would be advantageous, such as how to piss someone off into doing something stupid, or an attitude that generates more trust for you than for someone's current employer.

Ryan Rucinski: To add to what Avellone mentioned, there are no wrong choices, and there's no going back to make a first impression. If you are openly a sociopath and decide to push an old lady in front of a bus because she was in your way, you might make a good impression on equally amoral characters you that you meet, but your other faction ratings would suffer. Later in the story, there might be folks that may be wary of talking to you... especially at a bus station.

On What Many of These Obsidian Workers Worked On (For Past Games) and Influences:
Jonric: Just in case anyone isn't yet familiar with Obsidian, what would you like them to know about the team that's working on Alpha Protocol?

Ryan Rucinski: Know that we at Obsidian are working very diligently at delivering a great RPG in a setting that is relatively unused. As the ship date closes in, we are all excited at the possibility of seeing all our hard work and long hours come to fruition.

The number of people that working on Alpha Protocol has varied from a small core of two people to over 60. A vast majority of these fine folks have worked on other RPGs like Neverwinter Nights 2, Vampire: The Masquerade, Arcanum, Deus Ex, Fallout, Baldur's Gate, Icewind Dale, Knights of the Old Republic 2, and many, many more... so many more that I feel that I'm not doing the others justice by even naming these few.

Clear influences for Alpha Protocol were some of the greatest games and movies ever made, including Deus Ex, System Shock 2, Fallout, The Bourne movies, Syriana, Ronin, The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly...
I would also like the readers to know that despite my mad ASCII art skillz (some folks might remember some IRC chats I did for NWN2), I am completely... er, mostly sane.

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Re: Alpha Protocol - Espionage-based RPG from Obsidian
« Reply #13 on: Saturday, November 15, 2008, 10:29:47 AM »
I'm looking forward to it.

I hope Obsidian have learned from their mistakes with NWN2 and that they'll make some great design decisions.

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Re: Alpha Protocol - Espionage-based RPG from Obsidian
« Reply #14 on: Saturday, November 15, 2008, 10:33:15 AM »
I'm definitely looking forward to this, as well. No doubt.

E3 09 Trailer from Shacknews.
Looks like this one's gonna be slick.
It's planned for October.

« Last Edit: Sunday, June 06, 2010, 01:00:47 PM by MysterD »

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Re: Alpha Protocol - Espionage-based RPG from Obsidian
« Reply #19 on: Saturday, September 26, 2009, 11:50:33 AM »
Some retailers -- Gamestop and Amazon -- have suddenly pushed their release dates of Alpha Protocol back to June 2010.


Retailers Point To Alpha Protocol Delay
By Michael McWhertor, 11:00 PM on Fri Sep 25 2009, 4,971 views (Edit, to draft, Slurp)

Obsidian Entertainment's Alpha Protocol—you know, the espionage RPG?—looks like it may not make its previously planned October release date. The Sega-published role-playing game looks like it will instead release next Summer.

Recently updated ship dates from GameStop and list Alpha Protocol for June 1 and June 30, 2010, respectively. Most online retailers still show the game due the last week of October of this year, but if two independent retailers are showing a delay, don't be surprised if others follow suit.

If those retail listings are accurate, it wouldn't be the first time Alpha Protocol has been pushed back. The game was penciled in for a release as early as February 2009. Perhaps Sega took some of Sony Computer Entertainment America's rumored comments about the game to heart?

Whatever the reason may be, if Alpha Protocol has indeed slipped, it will join the recently delayed Blur as one of the many titles that will miss the typically heavy fall release schedule.

We've reached out to Sega of America to verify that change, but haven't heard back yet.

EDIT - Oct 6th, 2009:
Pushed back officially to Spring 2010.
« Last Edit: Tuesday, October 06, 2009, 02:16:48 PM by MysterD »

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Re: Alpha Protocol - Espionage-based RPG from Obsidian
« Reply #20 on: Wednesday, October 07, 2009, 04:47:30 PM »
Chris Avellone - Framework 09: His Keynote Speech on Alpha Protocol
Around 5 minutes into this, Chris Avellone talks about Alpha Protocol and shows off footage - Part 1.
Part 2.
Part 3.

-- For those who don't want to deal w/ dialogue galore (which the games does have, if you want to talk w/ NPC's), you can skip the dialogue and blow stuff up and kill stuff, if you want.
-- Animation speaks a lot for what would've likely been heavily texted, in the old days
-- Fewer characters in AP than other games, but tighter woven story and consequences because of this (more dynamic results)
-- New dialogue system
-- "Once through" conversation system with NO repetitious
-- 4 different game styles a player can go through in dialogue: Suave (Bond), Professional (Bourne), Aggressive (Bauer), and Action (kick, punch, slap, attack, etc).
-- You can research dossiers and they can research the player
-- Reputation system based on your decisions can cause the game's outcome in dialogue and/or how enemies decide to even use certain tactics against you get into a combat situation (Depending on how much they like you, hate you, or what-have-you)

« Last Edit: Wednesday, October 07, 2009, 06:15:17 PM by MysterD »

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Re: Alpha Protocol - Espionage-based RPG from Obsidian
« Reply #21 on: Monday, January 04, 2010, 06:42:11 PM »
Looks like there's already plans for Alpha Protocol 2.

And AP1 isn't even out yet.

I really am looking forward to AP1 - so, I hope Obsidian does a good job w/ the game itself; most importantly squashes technical issues/bugs BEFORE release (that's always seemed to be their biggest problem - see NWN2 performance issues upon released; NWN2: Mask file corruption issues upon release; KOTOR 2 X360 complaints; etc); and that it sells well.

Good luck, Obsidian...

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Re: Alpha Protocol - Espionage-based RPG from Obsidian
« Reply #22 on: Sunday, February 07, 2010, 05:54:03 AM »
Alpha Protocol delayed again.
It won't be making Spring 2010.
Pushed back now until Summer 2010.

Sega On 'Alpha Protocol' Delay, What's Been Changed

Posted 2/5/10 4:32 pm ET by Russ Frushtick in Interviews, PC, PS3, Xbox 360 "Alpha Protocol," the action/RPG from Obsidian Entertainment and Sega, has seen a few big delays, but the last one was especially odd. Planned for release in October 2009, the game was never officially delayed until that release date came and went, leaving many to wonder just when it was going to see the light of day. Sega eventually stated that the game was pushed to Spring 2010 and the title went underground, unseen by press until earlier this week at a press event in New York.

Before this week's event I had seen the game demoed three times, and each time they were showing off the same level. Thankfully Sega trotted out a new level this time around, along with a new build. I asked Matthew Hickman, Assistant Producer at Sega, why the game was delayed and what Obsidian had done with the increased development time. Here's what he had to say:

    "We had a few reasons for doing it. One: We wanted to position it better, give it a lot of time. The main reason: We really wanted to polish the game up, make it everything Obsidian planned it to be, and give the consumer a very polished game.

    "We added a couple of other things. Tweaks in lighting here and there, added the inventory comparison screen so you can compare what you're buying to what you have equipped. Just bringing the whole quality level up."

I'd say the lighting tweaks are probably the most obvious improvement, as the game's graphics definitely lacked depth and definition before, and the new lighting gives the environments a more believable feel. The addition of the loot comparison screen is also crucial for anyone that's ever played a loot-heavy RPG (which "Alpha Protocol" most certainly is). So there's definitely work being done to improve the title.

I've always had a soft spot for "Alpha Protocol," as it really is trying to offer a deep RPG experience wrapped in a modern day combat setting, which is something you hardly ever see. There's still a lot of work to go, though, as the graphics remain pretty raw and there seem to be AI issues still to be worked out. It's definitely a good thing that Sega decided to push the game out even further, into summer 2010, as it'd be a shame to lose such a promising title to rushed development.

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Re: Alpha Protocol - Espionage-based RPG from Obsidian
« Reply #23 on: Sunday, February 07, 2010, 07:54:17 AM »
haha I saw this thread after a long time and thought that it was amazing that it has 25 replies, thinking that a lot of people at OW were interesting in the game. Little did I know it was mostly D. :)

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Re: Alpha Protocol - Espionage-based RPG from Obsidian
« Reply #24 on: Sunday, February 07, 2010, 04:18:05 PM »
haha I saw this thread after a long time and thought that it was amazing that it has 25 replies, thinking that a lot of people at OW were interesting in the game. Little did I know it was mostly D. :)

I think my Two Worlds 1 and 2 threads are the other threads famous for 95% of MyD replies.
Sometimes, I dunno - I just can't get people interested in something I have an actual interest in.

I just really hope Obsidian can pull this one together...b/c it sounds like it could be freaking sweet.

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Re: Alpha Protocol - Espionage-based RPG from Obsidian
« Reply #25 on: Monday, February 08, 2010, 01:56:12 AM »

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Re: Alpha Protocol - Espionage-based RPG from Obsidian
« Reply #26 on: Thursday, February 11, 2010, 12:22:42 PM »

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Re: Alpha Protocol - Espionage-based RPG from Obsidian
« Reply #27 on: Thursday, February 11, 2010, 02:35:08 PM »
"He's saying the opposite! He's funny!"

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Re: Alpha Protocol - Espionage-based RPG from Obsidian
« Reply #28 on: Wednesday, February 24, 2010, 07:28:42 PM »
AP gets new release dates...again.

May 27th = Australia
May 28th = Europe
June 1 = USA

New Trailer.
« Last Edit: Sunday, June 06, 2010, 01:02:35 PM by MysterD »

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Re: Alpha Protocol - Espionage-based RPG from Obsidian
« Reply #29 on: Tuesday, March 02, 2010, 01:57:53 AM »
I hate to say it --and I will be buying it day 1 regardless-- but that looks extremely dated.

The part where that blonde is putting the moves on the agent guy, she is still wearing the glasses and her hat as if it were her skin. The other animations look pretty poor as well.

I'll still buy the game because I am an RPG nut and I like Obsidian, but I don't see this selling too well. Hope I am wrong.

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« Last Edit: Sunday, June 06, 2010, 01:30:50 PM by MysterD »

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Re: Alpha Protocol - Update: Two new trailers (Reply 37)
« Reply #31 on: Friday, April 23, 2010, 11:30:32 PM »
I'm getting really excited about this game...and I haven't even watched any trailers or anything recently.

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Re: Alpha Protocol - Update: Two new trailers (Reply 37)
« Reply #32 on: Saturday, April 24, 2010, 01:41:35 AM »
It looks like absolutely crap, but I can easily get past that.

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Re: Alpha Protocol - Update: Two new trailers (Reply 37)
« Reply #33 on: Saturday, April 24, 2010, 07:03:25 AM »
It looks like absolutely crap, but I can easily get past that.

As long as the gameplay is great and it ain't Obsidian-buggy, I'm sure we'll be fine.

Graphics ain't everything - i.e. see original Deus Ex.

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« Last Edit: Saturday, April 24, 2010, 04:26:01 PM by MysterD »

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Re: Alpha Protocol
« Reply #35 on: Sunday, April 25, 2010, 01:44:55 AM »
As long as the gameplay is great and it ain't Obsidian-buggy, I'm sure we'll be fine.

Graphics ain't everything - i.e. see original Deus Ex.

Actually the original Deus Ex was on par with anything that had come out the previous year.

This looks like crap.

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Re: Alpha Protocol
« Reply #36 on: Sunday, April 25, 2010, 02:38:43 AM »
Yeah, I don't imagine Dues Ex looked all that bad at the time.  It doesn't really look all that bad now (you know...considering).  My problem with playing it was more related to AI, physics (to an extent), and very awkward game play mechanics from that era where 3d was new.

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Re: Alpha Protocol
« Reply #37 on: Saturday, May 01, 2010, 08:01:03 PM »
Alpha Protocol - PC Version's Uniloc DRM system detailed.

Bullet points:
--> Internet activation required
--> 5 installs allowed with "deactivations" allowed
--> Retail Version - Disc not needed in the drive to play
--> Steam version uses Uniloc DRM, not Steamworks for DRM
--> "Deactivations" are allowed - even on PC's that crash, hardware changes, etc. Whenever you activate a game, it just adds a new one to your "Activated Games List." So, if you have a PC that crashed, changed hardware, etc - if you see that PC on the list still, just remove it to get your activation back.
--> 18-24 months or so down the line, they will release a patch w/out DRM management (so they say)
SIDE NOTE: For Football Manager 2009, which used this protection as well, Sega did release a patch of the game w/out DRM like they said they would eventually do.

G4TV preview on Alpha Protocol.
« Last Edit: Sunday, June 06, 2010, 01:32:04 PM by MysterD »

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Re: Alpha Protocol - Update: PC Uniloc DRM details listed (Reply 44)
« Reply #39 on: Wednesday, May 19, 2010, 01:54:30 PM »
First review for AP is in.
88 (out of 100) from Playmania, which is a Spanish magazine.

First Alpha Protocol review comes in
Posted by George in News on 17 May 2010 17:56 | Tags: 360, Alpha Protocol, PC, PS3, Review

The first review is in, from Spanish magazine PlayMania (issue 127). The review is that the game is great, scoring a 88 out of a hundred.

    Graphics -> 80 - The exteriors are not so bad but the models and their animations are far from perfect.
    Sound -> 90 – Appropriate soundtrack.
    Diversity -> 89 - Even though it’s the same game, there are many possibilities when it comes to customizing your character and deciding how to play.
    Duration -> 90 - The replayability factor is really high. You can play Alpha Protocol a lot of times without experiencing the same adventure.
    Overall -> 88 - A spy role playing game that succeeds in blending action with stealth and gives players a high degree of freedom in choosing how they want to proceed.

Game comes out on June 1st in America, you can pre-order it on Amazon [360 - PS3 - PC] and save yourself a few bucks.

New Trailer.
« Last Edit: Sunday, June 06, 2010, 01:33:14 PM by MysterD »