Author Topic: Alpha Protocol -> Update: Pulled from Steam (Reply 110)  (Read 42852 times)

Offline MysterD

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Re: Alpha Protocol - Update: PC Uniloc DRM details listed (Reply 44)
« Reply #41 on: Friday, May 28, 2010, 10:39:30 PM »
GameSpot Review - 6.0 (out of 10).
Reviewer = Kevin Van Ord.

Written review.
Video Review - Standard Definition.
Video Review - High Definition.

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Re: Alpha Protocol - Update: Reviews are ALL over the place (Reply 49, 50)
« Reply #42 on: Friday, May 28, 2010, 11:11:05 PM »
When I first heard about this game I was intrigued by the plot and the game's mechanics.  However, watching the game in motion reveals a lot of flaws in its design. 

Oh well.

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Re: Alpha Protocol - Update: Reviews are ALL over the place (Reply 49, 50)
« Reply #43 on: Friday, May 28, 2010, 11:19:32 PM »
When I first heard about this game I was intrigued by the plot and the game's mechanics.  However, watching the game in motion reveals a lot of flaws in its design. 

Oh well.
It sounds like this is another Obsidian game let out the box way too early for its own good.

Well, bleh - will have to get it when it's cheaper or unless the patch the hell out of it and fix some stuff...
Though, some fixing might take A LONG TIME, if they were to fix it/change it.

Okay, I'm getting worried about Fallout: New Vegas already now...

I think Mass Effect 2 has it all figured out - with dropping some of the RPG elements/trappings. Seriously, AP letting (multiple) dice-rolls take care of gun-shots to the head = WTF?

I think action games got it right - gun-shot to the head likely will cause DEATH.

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Re: Alpha Protocol - Update: Reviews are ALL over the place (Reply 49, 50)
« Reply #44 on: Friday, May 28, 2010, 11:36:54 PM »
While I disagree with dice-rolls for action attacks, especially headshots, Obsidian did say it was a spy-themed RPG. The visuals and style deceive us into thinking it's an action game but dice-rolls undermine all that.

Unless it's a game based on pen & paper or it has some "luck" game mechanic I'm not all that interested in behind-the-scenes dice-rolls.

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Re: Alpha Protocol - Update: Reviews are ALL over the place (Reply 49, 50)
« Reply #45 on: Saturday, May 29, 2010, 05:08:32 AM »
I think the whole idea of dice rolls belongs to paper/pen RPGs, and that's where it should stay.  Computers are capable of infinitely better ways of determining the outcome of your actions, in any game genre.

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Re: Alpha Protocol - Update: Reviews are ALL over the place (Reply 49, 50)
« Reply #46 on: Saturday, May 29, 2010, 06:31:26 AM »
This is some quotes from GameSpot's review.

Van Ord on the UE3 Texture Pop-In Issue occurring here.
Looks like it is found mostly on Console Versions, but barely on PC.
Alpha Protocol utilizes the Unreal 3 graphics engine, though the only sign that this modern technology was used occurs with the engine's telltale texture pop-in. The pop-in is barely noticeable on the PC, but it's quite an eyesore in the console versions of the game. Sometimes, it takes up to 10 seconds or more for higher-resolution textures to appear, and at rare but noticeable times, they may never appear at all. The pop-in is a distraction, though it may have been more forgivable had the game compensated for it with great visuals. But Alpha Protocol is not a looker on any platform.

Graphics Quality (Or Lack Thereof)
Environments are plain and textures lack detail, and you won't encounter the quality lighting and shadows you might expect to see in modern games. Animations are stiff and occasionally buggy and often appear to be missing multiple frames, which contributes to the game's overall inelegance. Alpha Protocol is not ugly, however; it's just behind the times and artistically uninspired. Nevertheless, the safe houses Mike operates from between missions have some nice views, and some of the outdoor missions throw in some welcome flashes of color. Similarly, the sound design gets the job done, though without much style. The voice acting is at least solid, and the generic action-movie soundtrack ramps up at the right moments but otherwise stays out of the way.

Dice Rolls & Balancing Issues With Weapons
The shooting isn't great in Alpha Protocol, but you may have some fun with it, assuming you choose the game's most effective loadout. If you want to take the shoot-first, talk-later approach, you should almost certainly take an assault rifle with you. They are the game's most powerful weapons, and when used with the auto-targeting ability you unlock early on, they can make you almost unstoppable. Alpha Protocol is not a straight-up shooter, however. Under-the-hood calculations figure into your abilities in the field, so just because you aim directly at a bad guy's head and pull the trigger doesn't mean you're going to lodge a bullet in his skull. If you expect your shooting prowess to translate to battlefield superiority, you'll find that it's only part of the equation. It's too bad it isn't a bigger part of the equation where pistols are concerned. Pistols feel relatively weak, which is to be expected, though they would seem an attractive last-resort option if you pursue the stealth angle. But you are often put in situations that can only be solved with firearms and are clearly designed with long-range weaponry in mind. In these situations, a pistol/shotgun combo is often ineffective. If you focused on stealth and melee at the expense of ranged weapons, expect some frustrations in certain combat scenarios and boss encounters.

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Re: Alpha Protocol - Update: Reviews are ALL over the place (Reply 49, 50)
« Reply #47 on: Saturday, May 29, 2010, 07:11:04 AM »
Yikes, the Gamespot Review gives it a 6.0.

Alpha Protocol's astounding intricacies are tarnished by bugs, clumsy gameplay mechanics, and rough production values.

That sounds just like NWN2. That's a real shame. I expect Obsidian will want to patch it up as soon as possible as their reputation is on the line. Well, their rep is basically "they talk big but make sub-par quality games."

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Re: Alpha Protocol - Update: Reviews are ALL over the place (Reply 49, 50)
« Reply #48 on: Saturday, May 29, 2010, 07:21:26 AM »
Reply 50 had my link to GS's review.
And yes, it was NOT pretty - like most of the reviews linked to in Reply #49.

I'm gonna quote more of the stuff from the reviews, since they are all over the place.
1Up seems to have given it the best review, so far.

Mainly, from what I've got out of all the reviews...

Graphics are nothing special; animations are all over the place (especially how Thorton sneaks w/ his butt in the air); console version has the infamous UE3 texture pop-in issue like crazy (PC barely has it); Thorton comes off as a jerk no matter how you play the game (i.e. Mass Effect 1 syndrome); voice-acting is solid; balancing issues w/ weapons; dice-rolls on head-shots; level of choices and impact is VERY high; game is around a dozen hours for one playthough.

Interesting enuff - depends on what review you read, for when it comes to the story, dialogue, and characters. Some praise it (1Up), some can't stand it at all (Destructoid).

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Re: Alpha Protocol - Update: Reviews are ALL over the place (Reply 49, 50)
« Reply #49 on: Saturday, May 29, 2010, 07:45:56 AM »
Okay...quoting some of Destructoid's vicious review here...

Broken/Horrid AI
First of all, enemy AI is an astonishing shambles, almost to the point of being impressive. Opponents run around with seemingly no direction whatsoever, apart from the ones who will charge directly into your bullets because they want to punch you in the face. No joke, one in three enemies want to do nothing but punch you in the face. He won't fire his gun, he'll just sprint towards you, dodging from left to right like a headless chicken, then he'll punch you in the face -- once -- and slowly back away, shooting you. It makes absolutely no sense, and yet it seems to have been deliberately programmed into the game's AI because that's all the enemy soldiers ever want to do. That is, when they're not conjuring up endless grenades to spam with alarming regularity.

Broken Cover System
There is a cover system, but it doesn't work. Most of the time the enemies will just shoot through the cover and kill you, and it's also impossible to tell what works as cover and what doesn't. Some surfaces can't be hidden behind, but you won't know until you try, soaking up extra damage in the process. Once you do find cover, you then have to hope Thorton will actually stick to it, and later you'll hope that he unsticks when you want to move on. It's very much a "touch and go" situation as to whether or not Thorton will behave the way you want him to. In other words, Thorton will decide when he wants to pretend he's in a competent third-person-shooter, not you.

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Re: Alpha Protocol - Update: Reviews are ALL over the place (Reply 49, 50)
« Reply #50 on: Saturday, May 29, 2010, 08:13:48 AM »
Sorry, MyD, I missed that post ;)

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Re: Alpha Protocol - Update: Reviews are ALL over the place (Reply 49, 50)
« Reply #51 on: Saturday, May 29, 2010, 08:15:55 AM »
Sorry, MyD, I missed that post ;)

That's okay. You did use a nice quote from Van Ord's review I didn't use. :)

Anyways,  here's what I don't get about Cover Systems in some modern games (such as Alpha Protocol) - haven't some games learned from the likes of Gears of War series, Rainbow Six: Vegas games, GTA4, and Mass Effect 2? Obviously, I guess not...

Seriously, give me a button just so I can EXIT or ENTER cover at my own will, if I can do so around certain objects. And yes, give me some sort of indication on-screen - whether objects turns a funny color or the "Hit [Key] To Cover Behind This Object" pops up so I know I can use that object as cover. It just baffles me how Alpha Protocol didn't even really do some of these things...

Also, we're way beyond the days of dice-rolls on head-shots. GTTV points this out - that it takes multiple shots can kill on a headshot w/ a pistol and they even show it off in the video. Seriously, we're long past the days of Morrowind where head-shots do no damage b/c you're a low-leveled n00b - thank God. Or say we're also now even long past the days where in say Vampire: Bloodlines - in which headshots were rolled by dice, to an extent; they were at least were smart enuff to do at least double damage or more even if you don't have any points soaked into the firearms and/or strength skills.

I mean, shit - if STALKER: Call of Pripyat can figure out its past mistakes of head-shots not doing nowhere enough damage in its previous games - and that game's a damn shooter here - why can't Alpha Protocol? One shot in Call of Pripyat to the head of an enemy (on default STALKER difficulty setting), they're going down. Even regular shots to the body do more damage than they used to. If STALKER can figure it out, so can Alpha Protocol.

I wonder how hard or easy it would be for say Obsidian to go back, jump into the code, and modify the calculations for pistols and head-shots in general just to do way more damage than they do...

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Re: Alpha Protocol - Update: Reviews are ALL over the place (Reply 49, 50)
« Reply #52 on: Saturday, May 29, 2010, 08:38:03 AM »
I was expecting AP to use a cover system very similar to SC: Conviction, which was practically automated and made it really easy to move cover-to-cover.

Remember how much Obsidian modified/overhauled NWN2 with the Mask of the Betrayer expansion? I think most people are expecting at least that much of a transformation in a patch for Alpha Protocol. I won;t say I "expect" it but I am hopeful. Obsidian really need to do something radical if they hope to rectify some of these first impressions.

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Re: Alpha Protocol - Update: Reviews are ALL over the place (Reply 49, 50)
« Reply #53 on: Saturday, May 29, 2010, 08:45:34 AM »
I was expecting AP to use a cover system very similar to SC: Conviction, which was practically automated and made it really easy to move cover-to-cover.
So much for that thought...ugh...

Remember how much Obsidian modified/overhauled NWN2 with the Mask of the Betrayer expansion? I think most people are expecting at least that much of a transformation in a patch for Alpha Protocol. I won;t say I "expect" it but I am hopeful. Obsidian really need to do something radical if they hope to rectify some of these first impressions.
Oh, yeah - it was like a total difference of night and day, once MOTB came out. It was a major and fantastic overhaul.

I really hope Obsidian can rectify some of these problems - but I think by the time that might happens, AP might be $20 or less...

The AI stuff...well, I'm guessing that might take A LOT of time to fix, if they want to overhaul that - which it sounds like it REALLY needs. About Thorton's "ass-in-the-air" stealth movements - shit, new animations for that would take A LONG time to do. Modifying pistol damage and head-shot damage might be easy enuff to change...well, I would hope they would be, at least...though, testing it in-game to see if pistols ain't overly powerful by end-game might be a pain-in-the-ass...

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Re: Alpha Protocol - Update: Reviews are ALL over the place (Reply 49, 50)
« Reply #54 on: Sunday, May 30, 2010, 02:48:17 AM »
Well, I checked it out on X360. It's a damn shame the game is broken.

The first thing that struck me about the visuals was how bland everything looks. Textures and artwork are all very generic; the game's visuals don't seem to help create a unique visual identity. It may as well be an elaborate UT3 mod.

As a stealth buff, the first things that struck me about the gameplay was the absolutely damaged stealth mechanic. Gamespot's review did say it was lacking but you have to try it for yourself to see how much of an understatement that is. Lighting and shadows are not a factor, and if you think you're in cover your enemies may magically see right through it. A "spy" game with no stealth doesn't make much sense to me.

Now, the headshot thang! God damn is it infuriating. There is a possibility to score a deadly headshot but you have to keep the cursor pointed at the target's head for about 6 secs while the reticule tightens and turns red. Yet even that doesn't guarantee a kill-shot 100% of the time.

Basically the game is all about dicerolls. Tactical gameplay has little to do with success, except perhaps when you actually manage some stealth melee kills.

Ok, so what did I like about it? The conversation system is quite good. The consequences of my actions have clear effects in casual discussions as well as the plot. I like the intel gathering and the ability to actually use it in practical ways (reading a dossier may give you info that can hint on how to best deal with certain characters). The game is a pot of poorly cooked great ideas.

Also, nice little addition ;)

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Re: Alpha Protocol - Update: Reviews are ALL over the place (Reply 49, 50)
« Reply #55 on: Sunday, May 30, 2010, 03:56:34 AM »
Well, I checked it out on X360. It's a damn shame the game is broken.

The first thing that struck me about the visuals was how bland everything looks. Textures and artwork are all very generic; the game's visuals don't seem to help create a unique visual identity. It may as well be an elaborate UT3 mod.

As a stealth buff, the first things that struck me about the gameplay was the absolutely damaged stealth mechanic. Gamespot's review did say it was lacking but you have to try it for yourself to see how much of an understatement that is. Lighting and shadows are not a factor, and if you think you're in cover your enemies may magically see right through it. A "spy" game with no stealth doesn't make much sense to me.
That's REALLY odd...  :o

Now, the headshot thang! God damn is it infuriating. There is a possibility to score a deadly headshot but you have to keep the cursor pointed at the target's head for about 6 secs while the reticule tightens and turns red. Yet even that doesn't guarantee a kill-shot 100% of the time.

Basically the game is all about dicerolls. Tactical gameplay has little to do with success, except perhaps when you actually manage some stealth melee kills.
Dice-rolls only really work in games w/ click-and-point games where there's no real actual aiming mechanic (think like SW:KOTOR, NWN, DAO, etc), not games w/ actual first-person acting aiming mechanic...
*shakes my head*

Ok, so what did I like about it? The conversation system is quite good. The consequences of my actions have clear effects in casual discussions as well as the plot. I like the intel gathering and the ability to actually use it in practical ways (reading a dossier may give you info that can hint on how to best deal with certain characters).
Awesome. :)
Sounds like that's the redeeming quality of the game - and reason for when it's $20 or less and when patches are behind it, I'll get it.

The game is a pot of poorly cooked great ideas.
It really sounds like they need to re-work the head-shot mechanics and AI, more so than anything else...

Also, nice little addition ;)

Hehe, that's a cool nod to their publisher (Sega). I love in-game jokes and references subtlety snuck in there. Old school Fallout games were REALLY good at that...
Troika did that a lot, as well...Gotta' love the Mitnick reference in Vampire: Bloodlines...
« Last Edit: Sunday, May 30, 2010, 05:14:43 AM by MysterD »

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Re: Alpha Protocol - Update: Reviews are ALL over the place (Reply 49, 50)
« Reply #56 on: Sunday, May 30, 2010, 08:56:59 AM »
More Reviews
7.0 from OXM UK for 360 version.
Vicious review from Joystiq - calling it "unfinished" and "structurally flawed."
8.1 from NowGamer (out of 10).
4 stars (out of 5) from RPGamer.

Some quotes from on X360 version...
But not quite as depressing as the fact that Obsidian has done almost everything necessary to create a stone-sold classic, but falls short in the areas that so many lesser experiences get right: the sophistication of its AI, the variety in its character models, the visual fidelity, and yes, technical issues like texture pop-in, clipping, and stilted facial animations.

Some will never see past these problems, but for those that can Alpha Protocol is that rarest of things: a videogame that doesn‘t pander to its audience with a technicolour world of goblins and space marines, but actually demands that you pay attention, listen, and even conduct research to get the most out of the experience.

Some quotes from Nowgamer's review...
The menu interface feels designed for consoles rather than a PC's keyboard and mouse, which is the best reason to go for the 360 or PS3 version instead. Also, using the keyboard to quickly do many things at once is awkward with only five fingers on the left hand, although it was only a noticeable issue during very tough fights. In normal combat scenarios, the keyboard controls are fine.

The game regularly stuttered when loading in the middle of missions, complete with a camera jerk that left Thorton facing the wrong direction even when the mouse was held still, but it's impossible to know if this was related to the specific desktop used, only afflicts the PC version, or happens in all versions of the game. Although it occurred often, it was usually during slow moments and was more of a minor aggrevation than a serious flaw.

A major source of frustration is the game's overuse of boss characters as normal humans with absurd amounts of hit points and the ability to ignore bullets tearing into their bodies. This isn't the 90s anymore — make bosses that fit in a real world setting, not an old man in a business suit who can run though the fire of three incendiary grenades while taking an entire shotgun clip to the chest before unleashing a three punch old-geezer melee combo that removes all of Thorton's armor and most of his health.

From Joystiq's review on X360 version...
Alpha Protocol is structurally flawed, but perhaps most damning -- considering the thing was apparently done six months ago -- it's a technical nightmare. Textures take forever to pop-in (and sometimes even pop back out!); enemies hover 10 feet above platforms; there are frequent, seemingly random load times that can range from 3 to 15 seconds, and even occur right in the middle of dialog. Trust me, I could go on.

As a reviewer, I can understand how a company can release a game with structural issues. Sometimes that stuff is just too deeply ingrained to fix, or maybe you really believe it's the right design choice. I'm going to call you out on that stuff, but there's a chance I'll be able to get past it. But to release a game that's just plain not finished and to expect people -- to expect your fans -- to pay the full $60 for it? That's where you lose me.
« Last Edit: Sunday, May 30, 2010, 10:08:47 AM by MysterD »

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Re: Alpha Protocol - Update: Reviews are ALL over the place (Reply 49, 50)
« Reply #57 on: Monday, May 31, 2010, 07:43:48 AM »
RPGWatch impressions on AP for PC, after about 15 hours with it.

About Stealth Mechanics
I found a stealth character (or at least, a cautious character that doesn't rush in) to be rewarding.  Using cover (which could be better), watching guard movements and carefully choosing the best route meshes with the slow aiming for critical shots and using different abilities.  While I enjoyed the stealth play, it could be better.  The level design could offer more choices and there's no real use of light and shadow; anyone expecting something like Thief or Splinter Cell  will be disappointed.  Because stealth is more about watching guards and hiding behind objects than melding with the shadows, the advanced stealth skills are underwhelming.

Shadow Operative, for example, simply makes you invisible for a limited period.  It works well enough but breaks the suspension of a real world setting to simply press a button and walk past guards unseen.  In practice, it's probably not that different to other stealth games but it does stand out in the supposedly realistic setting.

Boss Fights
It's a shame that boss encounters often throw all that stealthing out the window, with big, dramatic firefights, rocket launchers and all hell breaking loose.  They can be quite memorable but it's disappointing a game that does such a good job with choices along the way forces at least a handful of big fights on the player.  While I haven't played enough to say categorically, I find it hard to see how anyone could achieve a completely non-lethal game, as promised.

Technical Aspects
From a technical viewpoint, Alpha Protocol lacks polish but I didn't encounter any substantial issues.  The graphics on PC are serviceable, although the animation is lacklustre. 

The game ran very smoothly on my low-end rig and was essentially bug-free.  I encountered one scripting error when I took an unexpected path through one area, but that was it.

The AI is mediocre; not as bad as reported but it does ignore some simple things, such as open doors and missing companions. 

The PC version does have console conversion issues: checkpoint-only saves, no double-clicking and unreliable scroll-wheel use are annoying but not uncommon these days.

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Re: Alpha Protocol - Update: Reviews are ALL over the place (Reply 49, 50)
« Reply #58 on: Monday, May 31, 2010, 09:14:51 AM »
D the game is dead. No matter how hard you stick your tongue down its mouth, it won't come back to life.  :P


My choice of that emoticon was purely coincidental.

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Re: Alpha Protocol - Update: Reviews are ALL over the place (Reply 49, 50)
« Reply #59 on: Monday, May 31, 2010, 09:25:59 AM »

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Re: Alpha Protocol - Update: Reviews are ALL over the place (Reply 49, 50)
« Reply #60 on: Monday, May 31, 2010, 09:53:26 PM »
D the game is dead. No matter how hard you stick your tongue down its mouth, it won't come back to life.  :P


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Re: Alpha Protocol - Update: Reviews are ALL over the place (Reply 49, 50)
« Reply #61 on: Tuesday, June 01, 2010, 12:01:41 AM »
Well, Keebs really did love his grandma.

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Re: Alpha Protocol - Update: Reviews are ALL over the place (Reply 49, 50)
« Reply #62 on: Tuesday, June 01, 2010, 02:05:08 PM »
A supposed former employee of Obsidian anonymously talks about AP's development and that the game should've been canceled.

3 stars from GiantBomb (out of 5) for PS3 and X360.
Gerstmann is reviewing here.

If you decide to play Alpha Protocol, just know that your main enemies over the course of its 15-or-so hours will be its collection of misery-inducing technical issues and the clash between its action and role-playing elements. There are parts of Alpha Protocol that I feel are totally amazing and absolutely worth seeing, but you'll have to trudge through a lot of very disappointing stuff just to see it.

6.3 from IGN for PS3, X360, and PC.

Apparently, no role-playing game would apparently be complete without a smattering of mini-games, and so you get a few in Alpha Protocol. They're all designed for a gamepad, though. Console players will likely find some enjoyment in the alphanumeric code matching of the hacking or the pressure sensitive lockpicking minigame, but PC users will be left feeling largely ignored because the systems were not tuned well for the mouse and keyboard. This tilt toward the console versions extends across the majority of Alpha Protocol's interface. The mouse-keyboard combo is functional, but the game definitely feels like it was designed for a gamepad. Those playing on PC might want to hook up an Xbox 360 controller for the best experience since making selections on menus, particularly the weapon mod customization, doesn't seem to want to consistently cooperate with mouse clicks.

EDIT 3 - 6/2/2010:
68% from AtomicGamer (out of 100).
« Last Edit: Wednesday, June 02, 2010, 02:55:13 PM by MysterD »

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Re: Alpha Protocol - Update: Reviews are ALL over the place (Reply 49, 50)
« Reply #64 on: Wednesday, June 02, 2010, 03:42:10 PM »
Tom Chick's list of 11 Ways Alpha Protocol is better than Mass Effect 2.
That's an obtuse assessment and "better" is a poorly chosen word because his entire argument is based his own opinion rather than any technical assessment of either game.

I found this point especially stupid:
9) As a standalone game
Mass Effect 2 is full of fan service. It's one of those sequels that absolutely demands familiarity with the first game. This isn't necessarily a criticism if you're a fan of Mass Effect 1. But for everyone else, Alpha Protocol does a better job not expecting you to already care about who's who. Its characters need no introduction because this game is their introduction.

No shit, Sherlock. ME2 is a sequel, which should be apparent by the "2" in its title. Alpha Protocol is a new property and frankly it does a poor job of making the player care about any of the characters at all, primarily from having a bland story.

He seems to just hate ME2 and wants to trash it by comparing/contrasting it to a broken game.

I'd argue his points further but I'd basically have to quote the entire article, which would a waste of time considering it's completely asinine.

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Re: Alpha Protocol - Update: Reviews are ALL over the place (Reply 49, 50)
« Reply #65 on: Wednesday, June 02, 2010, 03:47:07 PM »
You only need one reason to show why ME is better.

1. ME is not shit.

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Re: Alpha Protocol - Update: Reviews are ALL over the place (Reply 49, 50)
« Reply #66 on: Wednesday, June 02, 2010, 03:48:09 PM »

No shit, Sherlock. ME2 is a sequel, which should be apparent by the "2" in its title. Alpha Protocol is a new property and frankly it does a poor job of making the player care about any of the characters at all, primarily from having a bland story.
But, really - how the hell do you sum up a 20-40 hour game so no0bs who start w/ the sequel know what's going on from the previous game? Especially w/ the possibilities of different outcomes from the original game occurring?

Exactly - you really can't, can you?

Plus, Bioware's got better things to do w/ their time. Plus, ME1 is VERY cheap to pick up, these days from stores - $20 or less, PC or X360 version. I've seen ME1 PC even $5.00 during crazy Steam sales...

I'd argue his points further but I'd basically have to quote the entire article, which would a waste of time considering it's completely asinine.
You could argue quotes here and there in this thread, in-between my posts! :P

It basically might be like the old NWN2 Thread, which is another Obsidian game - basically it could be just you and me posting the most in the thread! :P

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Re: Alpha Protocol - Update: Reviews are ALL over the place (Reply 49, 50)
« Reply #67 on: Wednesday, June 02, 2010, 03:48:37 PM »
Sirean has won the thread.

Game over.

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Re: Alpha Protocol - Update: Reviews are ALL over the place (Reply 49, 50)
« Reply #68 on: Wednesday, June 02, 2010, 03:57:47 PM »
7) As a story narrated by a smoking man
Both Alpha Protocol and Mass Effect 2 use conversations with a mysterious smoker as a framework for telling their stories. By the time Alpha Protocol is over, you will know all you need to know about its smoking man. But I still have no idea what was up with that elusive man in Mass Effect 2, except that he sounds like President Bartlett.
ME2 is NOT about Cerberus and The Elusive Man. They're a huge component of the game b/c they are trying to help Shepard and humanity (in their radical way), sure...

ME2 Spoilers
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Re: Alpha Protocol - Update: Reviews are ALL over the place (Reply 49, 50)
« Reply #69 on: Wednesday, June 02, 2010, 09:54:23 PM »
It's the Illusive Man, not the elusive man.

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Re: Alpha Protocol - Update: Reviews are ALL over the place (Reply 49, 50)
« Reply #70 on: Thursday, June 03, 2010, 01:42:31 PM »
It's the Illusive Man, not the elusive man.

Damn slip.

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« Last Edit: Saturday, June 05, 2010, 09:17:19 AM by MysterD »

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Re: Alpha Protocol - Update: Reviews are ALL over the place (Reply 49, 50)
« Reply #72 on: Friday, June 04, 2010, 01:59:23 AM »
Look, we get this game is a huge disappointment and is getting panned every where. That fact has come across very clearly, and it is time to bury the dead and move on. The service ended a week ago, all the mourners are long gone... why are you still there?

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Re: Alpha Protocol - Update: Reviews are ALL over the place (Reply 49, 50)
« Reply #73 on: Friday, June 04, 2010, 01:47:50 PM »
Don't read my thread then, Pug.

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Re: Alpha Protocol - Update: Reviews are ALL over the place (Reply 49, 50)
« Reply #74 on: Friday, June 04, 2010, 02:19:14 PM »
It isn't just this thread, is it? It is a bit hard to ignore when you are spamming every thread, even in the community section.

This place would be a ghost town without you, but you need to post sensibly.

Why do you have to post reply after reply with reviews no one gives a crap about anymore? We get it... the game sucks.

And you don't like consoles, and you say you will never own one. Why constantly post links to console reviews? Especially for a game that is beyond help.

Again, the issue isn't just this one thread. It is a pattern that is irritating.

I told you a while back to just keep reviews limited to a single post. You know you can do unlimited edits, so why not just edit the first thread every time you want to post a new review link, or a preview. The fact that you are making new posts, rather than editing the first one, for games no one is interested in, just comes across as a cry for attention.

Again, without you, overwritten would die. But D spamming' OW isn't great either.

By the way, we all have unexpressed thoughts all the time. Just think twice before you post, or at least organize your post so that we don't get a main page alert for something we don't care about every few minutes.

The other thing is that when you are creating a new post every time you want to add a new review link, or a preview link, makes the thread feel jumbled. It would be much easier and useful to find the reviews and previews organized in the first post. That way, discussions aren't lost between dozens of D posts.

Come up with a template to use for every game thread you create.

For example, you can have a reviews section, and a previews section, where you just post the respective links and quotes. Keep it all limited to that one post. Discussions can follow naturally.

Have a look here:

That is one of the longest running threads on the internet. Look at that template and how well that is organized.

Now imagine if that guy was posting reviews randomly... how useful would that have been?


I just want to stress that you are the most important member (I feel) of OW. Just some organization of your threads would go a long way...

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Re: Alpha Protocol - Update: Reviews are ALL over the place (Reply 49, 50)
« Reply #75 on: Friday, June 04, 2010, 02:34:58 PM »
And you don't like consoles, and you say you will never own one. Why constantly post links to console reviews? Especially for a game that is beyond help.
The console versions are getting reviewed more than the PC version. Are you surprised, given that I live in country where the consoles seem to dominate the market and be where many believe the money is at?

A lot of the problems on the console - well, except for the texture load problem b/c of UE3 - are ALSO found on the PC. And yes, PC version ALSO has its share of OTHER issues, too...

Some other PC Only issues - Uniloc DRM issues, disappearing subtitles/options, UI on PC version works much better w/ the X360 Gamepad, etc.

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Re: Alpha Protocol - Update: Reviews are ALL over the place (Reply 49, 50)
« Reply #76 on: Friday, June 04, 2010, 02:37:42 PM »

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Re: Alpha Protocol - Update: Reviews are ALL over the place (Reply 49, 50)
« Reply #77 on: Friday, June 04, 2010, 02:52:22 PM »
I've always been a "work in progress" and I'll try to do a better job around here of organizing my posts.
I thought I've gotten better over the years, but...I guess not...

Hmmm...since I'd have to look through it majorly and re-work A LOT of this thread and all to organize it and all, I just won't post ActionTrip's AP X360 review...


First hours w/ AP PC - May 31st.
Final impressions - June 4th.

EDIT 3: has a look at the differences b/t the European and USA Reviews of Alpha Protocol.
« Last Edit: Friday, June 04, 2010, 05:58:30 PM by MysterD »

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Re: Alpha Protocol - Update: Reviews are ALL over the place (Reply 49, 50)
« Reply #78 on: Friday, June 04, 2010, 03:04:55 PM »
OK cool. :)

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Re: Alpha Protocol - Update: Reviews are ALL over the place (Reply 49, 50)
« Reply #79 on: Saturday, June 05, 2010, 01:01:28 AM »
Well, you don't have to organize all the back threads. That would be insane. But do start with any new ones, as it really is bothering people. Please keep any previews and reviews limited to the first posts. Any discussions you or we have can come after as normal.