Author Topic: Mass Effect 2  (Read 122648 times)

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Re: Mass Effect 2 - Update: 9.6 from IGN for PC and X360 (Reply 79)
« Reply #120 on: Tuesday, January 26, 2010, 02:05:14 AM »
Hmmm... the original took me 27 hours to complete, and that's with nearly everything done.  Keep in mind the original's main quest is only about 15 hours in length.  From the sound of it ME2's main quest is about 25+ hours in length.

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Re: Mass Effect 2 - Update: 9.6 from IGN for PC and X360 (Reply 79)
« Reply #121 on: Tuesday, January 26, 2010, 02:37:53 AM »
I did a bit of searching and it seems most people took 30 to 40 hours with the original, so I don't know about that. I myself have played for about 18 hours and still am pretty far away from finishing it.

Yea I'm (I think) within a few hours of the end, and I've spent 28 hours so far. Though I did spend some time on side quests before even getting started on the main quests.

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Re: Mass Effect 2 - Update: 9.6 from IGN for PC and X360 (Reply 79)
« Reply #122 on: Tuesday, January 26, 2010, 09:12:57 AM »
I agree for the most part, but at the same time feel the pinch of 54 Mbps at times.  I do have a file server in my house and transferring files wirelessly at half or less than half the speed can be quite noticeable at times.  But yes, it certainly hasn't caused me to run out and buy a 802.11n wireless access point or anything.  It's definitely not a need.

Does their new 802.11n wireless adapter support WPA2?  I always thought it was strange that the original 360 wireless adapter supported only up to WPA even though the 360 GUI (even the old one) shows WPA2 as a selection.

I thought of that when making the post, then decided not to make the post any longer or harder to follow with something like "but of course, if you use the 360 to stream things locally at hellacious bitrates, assuming that's possible, which I doubt, then your mileage may vary".  Yes, LAN transfers are a very different animal.

I don't know anything about the console's wireless adapters.  They fall in the same category as the HDDs: price beyond reason.  I have not read anything on them beyond the price tag.

Offline MysterD

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Re: Mass Effect 2 - Update: 9.6 from IGN for PC and X360 (Reply 79)
« Reply #123 on: Tuesday, January 26, 2010, 03:30:02 PM »
GameSpot Review - 9.0 for PC and X360

Written review.
Video Review in HD.
Video Review in Low-Def.

BitTech.Net - 10 for PC version.
Written review.

IncGamers - 9.6 for PC and X360
Written review.

AtomicGamer - 96% for PC version.
Written review.

GameSpy review - 5 stars for X360.
Written review.

Ars Technica - X360 Review.
Written Review.

« Last Edit: Tuesday, January 26, 2010, 04:08:01 PM by MysterD »

Offline gpw11

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Re: Mass Effect 2 - Update: 9.6 from IGN for PC and X360 (Reply 79)
« Reply #124 on: Wednesday, January 27, 2010, 02:36:57 AM »
Played a bit tonight. Wow. The combat seems to be about ten times better.

Offline W7RE

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Re: Mass Effect 2 - Update: 9.6 from IGN for PC and X360 (Reply 79)
« Reply #125 on: Wednesday, January 27, 2010, 03:27:42 AM »
Played a bit tonight. Wow. The combat seems to be about ten times better.

I cannot wait to finish ME1 and start on 2. Initially I was frustrated with the combat in ME1, but after some time (and leveling) I'm really liking it. If it's that much better in ME2... man I need to finish! (Just finished Virmire, I think I'm almost there.)

Offline Pugnate

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Re: Mass Effect 2 - Update: 9.6 from IGN for PC and X360 (Reply 79)
« Reply #126 on: Wednesday, January 27, 2010, 04:23:45 AM »
I cannot wait to finish ME1 and start on 2. Initially I was frustrated with the combat in ME1, but after some time (and leveling) I'm really liking it. If it's that much better in ME2... man I need to finish!

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Re: Mass Effect 2 - Update: 9.6 from IGN for PC and X360 (Reply 79)
« Reply #127 on: Wednesday, January 27, 2010, 09:32:00 AM »
I played ME1 for like two days, and got bored...Maybe it picks up later? It just seemed really repetitive.

Offline Pugnate

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Re: Mass Effect 2 - Update: 9.6 from IGN for PC and X360 (Reply 79)
« Reply #128 on: Wednesday, January 27, 2010, 09:43:53 AM »
There is a big discrepancy between the quality in the missions on the side planets and the ones pretaining to the main storyline. After spending a few hours messing around on the side, I am back on the main quests and the game has become remarkably more fun. This is one Bioware game where I am not going to explore too much, and I think it is a major weakness of the game.

Scary, the game is far from perfect, but the initial few hours are the worst. The game gets really good from there though, but I wouldn't recommend exploring planets that aren't showing up on your quest log, especially since you just want to finish this game in preparation for the next one.


Fuck, the Mako bits are awesome fun.

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Re: Mass Effect 2 - Update: 9.6 from IGN for PC and X360 (Reply 79)
« Reply #129 on: Wednesday, January 27, 2010, 11:35:47 AM »
Fuck, the Mako bits are awesome fun.

Yea I had a lot of fun with those too. I heard a lot of complaints about them, and I definitely agree with the part where you have very limited vertical aim (despite being able to aim the crosshair pretty high/low). I did find them enjoyable though.

I've been up all night finishing up ME1 and I decided at noon to pop it in and check out the first 10-30 minutes or so. It's now 1:30 pm. I knew that would happen. The combat feels very different, partly because Sheperd takes up most of the screen vertically. It almost turns "over the shoulder" into "around the elbow". It's not bad, just seems weird after having just spent so much time with ME1.

Also there's something I can't put my finger on about the graphics. I got the exact same feeling going from Assassin's Creed 1 to the second game, one right after the other. I guess it's just a crispness of edges and level of detail on the characters. I played ME1 with the default film grain setting, and the grain effect is less obvious in ME2. Also I miss the circular crosshairs and don't care so much for the "4 sticks" type cross they use. None of these are really complaints, I'm just thinking out loud. (or would that be thinking visibly, since this is text?)

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Re: Mass Effect 2 - Update: 9.6 from IGN for PC and X360 (Reply 79)
« Reply #130 on: Wednesday, January 27, 2010, 10:39:57 PM »
So here's some info on bonus items offered by various deals. Armor in ME2 is broken down into catergories: head, chest, shoulders, arms, legs. The preorder armors are a full set though, and you ether equip the whole thing, or nothing. I got the Gamestop preorder armor/weapon, and the Blood Dragon armor from owning Dragon Age. Both are available from very early in the game (within 10-15 minutes probably), so here's how they compare to the default stuff.

Starting armor
Head: +5% health
Chest: +3% power damage
Shoulders: +3% weapon damage
Arms: +3% health
Legs: +3% shield strength

Blood Dragon Armor
+15% power damage
+10% shield strength

Terminus Armor
+10% storm speed (sprint)
+15% shield
+10% weapon's reserve ammo (yes weapons have ammo in ME2)

I was using the Terminus Armor on my soldier, but I think I'm gonna move over to the default stuff plus a new chest and helm I picked up. Storm speed doesn't seem all that important, as a soldier I can improve it with skill points. Ammo also seems to be in decent supply so the ammo reserve doesn't seem all that amazing. The Blackstorm gun from the gamestop preorder is a fucking beast though. It replaces your heavy weapon (right now I just have a grenade launcher), which starts with an ammo supply of 2 (any heavy eapon you pick up has that same supply cap). It takes a second or two to fire a shot off, and then it sends a black orb toward the enemy and sucks in anything within a few meters, and kills them all in one shot (assuming they're not tougher enemies, I think maybe biotic resistances might factor in). It's great for clearing out crowds, but then so is the grenade launcher. Of course the grenade launcher could do some work on a really tough enemy, but the Blackstorm would probably just fizzle.

A few things to clarify:
-Armor has no stats, just bonuses like what I listed above
-Weapons aren't looted, you just buy them or find them at specific places and then go back to a weapon locker to change your loadout. They're more permanent though. There's no "I found this amazing shotgun". Instead it's "the shotgun in ME2 is amazing". You can get upgrades, but it applies to any shotgun you use, and only works for Sheperd. I found a heavy pistol at a shop, bought it, and now I can equip it to every squad member simultaneously.
-You don't equip armor for your squad mates, just for Sheperd. You can change their weapon loadouts though (so far it seems like you'll just go in and switch everyone to "better pistol" whenever you get a new gun, and not do much else there)
-I bought some alien porn but don't know where to access it.

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Re: Mass Effect 2 - Update: 9.6 from IGN for PC and X360 (Reply 79)
« Reply #131 on: Thursday, January 28, 2010, 02:55:00 AM »
I'm going to see how the weapon/armour system works out, but I think it could be a lot better than the previous one.  The problem with Mass Effect's was there were no unique weapons, so you got left with Blah blah blah Armour VII a million times over. This could work.

And I also just bought some alien porn. And the side quests ready seem better, as with all the little integrated mini-game events.

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Re: Mass Effect 2 - Update: 9.6 from IGN for PC and X360 (Reply 79)
« Reply #132 on: Thursday, January 28, 2010, 07:41:03 AM »
And I also just bought some alien porn.

Does it just disappear when you buy it, or is it stored away somewhere? I could see it just being the novelty of being able to buy porn and not actually see it, but the fact that I bought something makes me think it should be somewhere, maybe even just lying somewhere as a non interactive object.

I said before that I got a gun from a shop, but thinking back now I think it was given to me more directly. If all the gun upgrades are done this way, it'll be more like "you get xxx gun on xxx mission". Not sure if I like it or not, but I do like not constantly getting "you have almost 150 items and will no longer be able to get new stuff until you destroy/sell something".

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Re: Mass Effect 2 - Update: 9.6 from IGN for PC and X360 (Reply 79)
« Reply #133 on: Thursday, January 28, 2010, 02:45:35 PM »
I think it may have gone in the Codex, or at least some Codex entry was created for it.  Haven't really checked.

What class are you playing?  I'm playing Vanguard, just like in the first.  It seems alright for a reg. difficulty play through, but I wouldn't suggest it on anything higher.  The Charge skill leaves you wide open and you die pretty fast if you charge at the wrong time.

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Re: Mass Effect 2 - Update: 9.6 from IGN for PC and X360 (Reply 79)
« Reply #134 on: Thursday, January 28, 2010, 03:30:09 PM »
Are you guys playing on PC? How is it running?

Offline gpw11

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Re: Mass Effect 2 - Update: 9.6 from IGN for PC and X360 (Reply 79)
« Reply #135 on: Thursday, January 28, 2010, 04:31:13 PM »
runs great. graphics smooth and fast so far. hit one glitch where i got stuck in a wall, but aside from that all good. I'll post more details when I'm not on my phone.

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Re: Mass Effect 2 - Update: 9.6 from IGN for PC and X360 (Reply 79)
« Reply #136 on: Thursday, January 28, 2010, 04:36:27 PM »
Have a look at this thread:

Is it that bad on the PC?

Offline W7RE

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Re: Mass Effect 2 - Update: 9.6 from IGN for PC and X360 (Reply 79)
« Reply #137 on: Thursday, January 28, 2010, 08:02:40 PM »
I'm playing on Xbox. Runs perfectly so far. Load times are pretty short (with install), though elevator rides as short as these loadings screens would have been better.

What class are you playing?  I'm playing Vanguard, just like in the first.  It seems alright for a reg. difficulty play through, but I wouldn't suggest it on anything higher.  The Charge skill leaves you wide open and you die pretty fast if you charge at the wrong time.

I'm playing a soldier that I imported. I died once at a part where I had like 5 enemies come down a ramp into a tight corridor, then used the Blackstorm gun to take them all out in one shot the next time. Otherwise it's been pretty easy. (playing on normal) the game did start me at level 2 because of importing a lvl 44, not sure how much that's actually helping. So far I've only been using the initial two party members. It could be that you just don't have enough firepower compared to me, since neither of the first 2 party members are full combat. the Assault Rifle has been my gun of choice because of range where in ME1 I relied 90% on the shotgun, and only Soldiers can use it.

Have a look at this thread:

Is it that bad on the PC?

There's 3 things mapped to spacebar?! The most I can think of mapped to anything on Xbox is 2.

Offline gpw11

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Re: Mass Effect 2 - Update: 9.6 from IGN for PC and X360 (Reply 79)
« Reply #138 on: Thursday, January 28, 2010, 08:22:30 PM »
Have a look at this thread:

Is it that bad on the PC?

It depends.  For me it's just a slight inconvenience (I should note that I'm only a couple of hours in).  There should be more hotkeys, and a bit more squad control would be good (although that was never a feature I really used in ME).  It's not going to ruin the game for me or even really diminish it - although no hot swap for guns might get annoying eventually.

Some of the choices do seem really strange, but I wouldn't say it's nearly as big of a deal as these people make it out to be.  Honestly, they seem a bit more like PC purists than you or I (the "click - confirm - move on" menu thing is really whacked though).

I'll let you know what I notice after reading that though.  As it is, I didn't have any real problems, but I kind of expect some of this thing in games that are heavily console focused.   What really gets me though is that there is no 360 pad support.  I don't know if I'd play through the whole game that way, but I certainly wanted to try it out.

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Re: Mass Effect 2 - Update: 9.6 from IGN for PC and X360 (Reply 79)
« Reply #139 on: Friday, January 29, 2010, 11:43:26 PM »
1UP Review on Mass Effect PC and X360.
Grade = A-

Video review.
Written review.

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Re: Mass Effect 2 - Update: 9.6 from IGN for PC and X360 (Reply 79)
« Reply #140 on: Saturday, January 30, 2010, 11:16:01 AM »
You know, I finished Assassin's Creed a few days after picking up my copy of the second, and I felt like I needed a break for a week or so before starting again. With ME I did the same, but when I finished the first late in the morning after a night of no sleep, I put in the second and played for another 2 hours. I'm still going strong with like 26 hours played on ME2. I love this game.

Of course, you probably could have given me the same story but with all the mechanics and nuances of ME1 and I'd be just as hooked. Despite it being 2-3 years old when I played it, I loved it. I've heard some people say it feels aged, but I don't think it's enough to keep it from being an amazing game still.

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Re: Mass Effect 2 - Update: 9.6 from IGN for PC and X360 (Reply 79)
« Reply #141 on: Saturday, January 30, 2010, 11:19:45 AM »
I'd agree with that.  The mechanics weren't the best ever, but they were functional and the game was still awesome.

I did order 2... just gotta' get myself on finishing the first.  I'm really close to the end, but I keep trying to finish all the goddamn sidequests.

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Re: Mass Effect 2 - Update: 9.6 from IGN for PC and X360 (Reply 79)
« Reply #142 on: Saturday, January 30, 2010, 11:53:53 AM »
I'd agree with that.  The mechanics weren't the best ever, but they were functional and the game was still awesome.

I did order 2... just gotta' get myself on finishing the first.  I'm really close to the end, but I keep trying to finish all the goddamn sidequests.

I felt the same way. As soon as the "Asari Ally" achievement popped up though, I dropped everything and pushed through the rest of the story. And it didn't require much pushing, because when I started back in on it I didn't want to stop. I think I've said this already but I probably would have started again if I didn't have ME2 sitting here.

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Re: Mass Effect 2 - Update: 9.6 from IGN for PC and X360 (Reply 79)
« Reply #143 on: Saturday, January 30, 2010, 07:39:47 PM »
okay, this game is off the hook. Side missions SO much better this time.

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Re: Mass Effect 2 - Update: 9.6 from IGN for PC and X360 (Reply 79)
« Reply #144 on: Saturday, January 30, 2010, 11:20:32 PM »
EDIT:Oh, I liked the elevator rides - b/c that often gave more insight to characters and sometimes the gameworld. Often, it was stuff you did NOT find in the Codex.

I was just running up some stairs and someone made a comment about chats in elevators. Hilarious conversation ensued that I can't repeat without spoilers.

Also, I found a game store with an loud mouthed employee. He talks about random games, tries to sell you on some, and offers you membership and trade-in options, as well as replacement protection for games. I just passed by and he said something about the questionable content of "Grim Terminus Alliance" (GTA) not being an issue because it's just a game.

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Re: Mass Effect 2 - Update: 9.6 from IGN for PC and X360 (Reply 79)
« Reply #145 on: Sunday, January 31, 2010, 02:26:06 PM »
this game is fucking awesome. i wasn't sure if it could reach my lofty expectations, but it completely exceeds them. it's just so rich and fun and i don't know... i love it. best game i've ever played? very possible.

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Re: Mass Effect 2 - Update: 9.6 from IGN for PC and X360 (Reply 79)
« Reply #146 on: Sunday, January 31, 2010, 03:15:32 PM »
What the hell? Really B? Man I can't wait for my CE to arrive.

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Re: Mass Effect 2 - Update: 9.6 from IGN for PC and X360 (Reply 79)
« Reply #147 on: Sunday, January 31, 2010, 03:24:13 PM »
well i loved the first one, but there were certain aspects of the game that needed a bit more polish. polish has now been applied very liberally. it's very hard to find fault with this game. superb world, characters, story, gameplay - the lot. everything feels much more fleshed it this time around and it's been improved in every way. the first game was one of my favourite games ever, but mass effect 2 makes it predecessor feel like a beta.

i generally hate the binary reviews of "best game ever", or "worthless piece of shit" that get thrown around with such abandon - but in my mind it would be very difficult to praise this game too much. if i were to design my perfect game, it would be very close to a carbon copy of this.

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Re: Mass Effect 2 - Update: 9.6 from IGN for PC and X360 (Reply 79)
« Reply #148 on: Monday, February 01, 2010, 11:46:56 PM »
I just finished. I hate that I now have to wait for Mass Effect 3.

So it took me 49 hours, compared to the first which took me 39. I did do just about everything though. There's still some unexplored planets that may have missions on them, but I did just enough of the planet scanning to get all the achievements and buy all my stuff with the resources. I managed to finish only missing 3 achievements. One I can get by loading an old save real quick, the other 2 are reach level 30 (will require a new game+ partial play) and finish the game on Insanity difficulty. Now I'm tempted to either start a new game+, start a new regular ME2 game (to choose a different class), or start a new game on ME1 (as a different class, and go paragon instead of renegade).

You know there's one thing I really enjoyed about how it lets you import your save. If you fuck up and let bad things happen, you hear about it in the second game. There were times in ME2 that I fucked up and would have reloaded previous save to get a better outcome, but decided against it just because it'll likely be referenced in the 3rd game.

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Re: Mass Effect 2 - Update: 9.6 from IGN for PC and X360 (Reply 79)
« Reply #149 on: Tuesday, February 02, 2010, 01:34:15 AM »
I really can't believe how much of a step forward this is.  As for ME3, I've heard an early 2011 release date. I don't know if that's true or not, but rumour is that the quick turn around time is because it's going to reuse all the assets for the most part and a lot of the plot points are already sorted out whereas the second instalment focused a lot more on bringing the graphics and game play elements up to where they are now. 

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Re: Mass Effect 2 - Update: 9.6 from IGN for PC and X360 (Reply 79)
« Reply #150 on: Tuesday, February 02, 2010, 02:11:29 AM »
I got my CE a few days ago but still haven't finished the first.

It has to be said that the CE is quite quite nice and definitely worth the extra $10.

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Re: Mass Effect 2 - Update: 9.6 from IGN for PC and X360 (Reply 79)
« Reply #151 on: Tuesday, February 02, 2010, 03:01:36 AM »
I got my CE a few days ago but still haven't finished the first.

It has to be said that the CE is quite quite nice and definitely worth the extra $10.

I was gonna spring for it, but by the time I thought to preorder, the CE for the Xbox version were sold out everywhere.

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Re: Mass Effect 2 - Update: 9.6 from IGN for PC and X360 (Reply 79)
« Reply #152 on: Tuesday, February 02, 2010, 07:24:40 AM »
current aggregated reviews suggest this to be the best game ever on both the PC and x360 platforms, and the 5th best game over all platforms.

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Re: Mass Effect 2 - Update: 9.6 from IGN for PC and X360 (Reply 79)
« Reply #153 on: Tuesday, February 02, 2010, 09:36:13 AM »
current aggregated reviews suggest this to be the best game ever on both the PC and x360 platforms, and the 5th best game over all platforms.

It's not far off, but then maybe I'm just still too fresh off the experience. I played 8-9 hours a day for 6 days before I beat the game, and played ME1 similarly leading up to the release of ME2. I was planning on playing through Bioshock and finally beating it (since 2 is out in a week), but I'm tempted to either start ME2 again, or do another whole ME1&ME2 run. What I've played of Bioshock is fun, but damnit, it's not Mass Effect.

I really want to talk about ME2 but I know most of you haven't played it yet. For some reason I did a media blackout for ME2 and now I don't want to give away even the slightest detail to anyone who hasn't played it. That makes it hard to talk about.

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Re: Mass Effect 2 - Update: 9.6 from IGN for PC and X360 (Reply 79)
« Reply #154 on: Tuesday, February 02, 2010, 02:55:21 PM »
just finished it! awesome stuff. still playing a bit, trying to get all the upgrades and hidden missions.

what game choices did you make? here are some of my major ones:
(click to show/hide)

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Re: Mass Effect 2 - Update: 9.6 from IGN for PC and X360 (Reply 79)
« Reply #155 on: Tuesday, February 02, 2010, 03:35:53 PM »
Here's a quick rundown of my stuff I did:

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Re: Mass Effect 2 - Update: 9.6 from IGN for PC and X360 (Reply 79)
« Reply #158 on: Wednesday, February 03, 2010, 07:22:36 PM »
uurgh. disagree. so. much...

Yup. The only thing I agree with even a little bit is the planet scanning. It's fun at first, but if you suddenly decide you want to grind out resources for an upgrade or something, it can get boring after an hour or two of scanning. But that's your choice, you can pace yourself.

Some of the rest is true factually, but are not weak points of the game. I thought the combat was a huge advancement over the first game, and really is almost just like Gears of War but with special abilities. My only gripe was the generic looking crosshair, but it does give precise aiming (and headshots count in ME2). I was only a tiny bit disappointed with the mission structure, but only because once I realized that was it, I knew the end was coming. I just didn't want the game to end.

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Re: Mass Effect 2 - Update: 9.6 from IGN for PC and X360 (Reply 79)
« Reply #159 on: Thursday, February 04, 2010, 02:44:15 AM »
Yeah, that was pretty brutal.  The only criticism I thought really had merit was the planet scanning one, but his improvement suggestion was fucking retarded.  He wants to play an RTS every time you scan a planet?  Fuck me.