Author Topic: really bad stuff.  (Read 3830 times)

Offline beo

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really bad stuff.
« on: Thursday, May 01, 2008, 03:08:52 AM »
if anyone can be arsed to actually read through all of this, i'd appreciate it. this is probably the shittiest thing i've ever gone through - i'm really selling it here, i know!

on tuesday morning at seven am, i got woken up by a police officer in body armour looming over my bed. he informed me that they were arresting my housemate on charges of "indecent images" and that they had a warrant to remove every electronic device with storage from the flat. as my housemate got carted off to the police station i had to sit ther while a team of officers went not only through his, but all of my belongings too, putting everything that could be potential evidence against him into plastic bags. they were nice enough to me, saying that i wasn't in any trouble, but fuck man - it was one of, if not *the* most horrific experiences in my life. they took my computer, all my games systems, everything that had been written to a cd-r or dvd-r, digital cameras - fucking everything.

i work from home and had a stack of laptops that don't even belong to me removed. i'm kind of fucked as far as work goes at the moment and have just taken some time off while i figure out what the fuck is going on. i've been told i won't get any of my stuff back for probably months. games consoles, mobile phones - everything is fucking gone.

oh yeah, despite all the shit i've had to go on behalf of my housemate, i'm really fucking worried for him too. he's been released on bail for twelve weeks, but has no real family to turn to and i think there's only about a 50:50 chance he'll make it to the end of those twelve weeks without killing himself. he's almost certainly facing jailtime for one of the least socially acceptable crimes there is and he can't handle it at all. i've tried to be there for him to the extent that i can be, but it's not easy. i'm making sure to spend some time with him each day and have tried to sort out counseling for him, although he said he won't do it. i've go other friends involved too, which, considering the nature of the crime, are all being incredibly cool about it. i'm not staying at the flat at the moment and have moved back to my parents, because it's all a bit much for me to take in.

on top of all this, he's used my computer, we use the same internet connection and are obviously on the same network. i've stupidly let him use my laptops in the past too. also, i visit the *chans, so god knows what they're going to find in my cache. oh yeah, i had the great pleasure of explaining all of my hydroponics equipment (cannabis growing stuff) to the police too - so they can quite easily collar me on that one. if i dissapear for a while you'll know why!

on the one upside, he bought me a 360 elite and a pile of games on his way back from the police station as means of some kind of apology. it means very little at this stage, but at least i can play gta4 to get my mind off of things.

this really, really fucking sucks.
« Last Edit: Thursday, May 01, 2008, 03:28:54 AM by beo »

Offline scottws

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Re: really bad stuff.
« Reply #1 on: Thursday, May 01, 2008, 03:51:13 AM »
Holy shit!  That's crazy!  I'm sorry for what you have to go through.  I think it would suck too losing all my stuff for months, some of which I might never get back.  Sorry about your housemate too.  I hope he really doesn't think it's the end for him, even if things look bleak.  Keep reaching out, you'll make a difference and he'll appreciate it later. 

So, the indecent images.  Children involved?  You didn't mention it but I can't think of much else that's completely not socially acceptable and would fit in the "indecent" category, although I suppose England might be different enough from the U.S. for me to be way off.

Good luck with the weed thing.  Hopefully they don't do anything although yeah I suggest you get rid of it or hide it someplace else in case they want to do another raid for that.

Offline Quemaqua

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Re: really bad stuff.
« Reply #2 on: Thursday, May 01, 2008, 07:20:30 AM »
That sucks, man.  But you can always use an opportunity like this to start flying straight.  Because you're right, it's pretty fucking scary when the reality of this kind of thing comes crashing down and you realize just how much trouble you can get in for doing whatever.  I've n ever had cops busting into my place, but I've certainly had those moments where you just get an epiphany and realize it isn't worth it.

Anyway, best of luck to you both.  That's a pretty tough break... hope you don't get nailed too hard for the weed stuff.

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Offline Cobra951

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Re: really bad stuff.
« Reply #3 on: Thursday, May 01, 2008, 10:57:17 AM »
In the meantime, find out exactly what your legal rights are.  I strongly urge you to consult a lawyer and figure out what recourse you have against the police seizing your stuff, particularly stuff that has nothing to do with their case, and stuff that doesn't belong to either of you.  More importantly, get advice about how to behave and answer any questions that may crop up in the ordeal yet to come.

I'm so sorry about your ordeal.  I hope everything works out.  Keep us posted.

Offline Ghandi

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Re: really bad stuff.
« Reply #4 on: Thursday, May 01, 2008, 12:06:25 PM »
My sister went through a very similar ordeal here in the states with her roommate, although she wasn't friends with him. He was really weird, apparently. We moved her out of that apartment and into a new one in under an hour after we heard about it. It was the fastest move in mankind. But her laptop got taken as well. I think that it took them a month to give it back once they realized that nothing was on it.

Best of luck with your situation. They can't get the hydroponics stuff unless they get a search warrant for it. Why did you tell them about it? Did they see it in your place?

Offline gpw11

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Re: really bad stuff.
« Reply #5 on: Thursday, May 01, 2008, 04:32:18 PM »
Holy shit, that blows.  Do you have any idea of what it was he was looking at?  I've actually worried about that kind of thing before with roomates, but I've always known them pretty well.  Yet, when we caught one roomate looking at asian shaving porn (this guy is fucked) I started thinking about it.  What if someone in the house is trading actual kiddy porn and they search the house, look at my computer and see internet porn in my cache.  I have no idea what is and isn't technically legal (although I have a fairly good moral compass), and there's obviously no actual kiddy porn on there, but you can't look at internet porn anymore without it having titles like Teenage Sex-romp 17 or Nickclone's classic stepmom nails young russian boy. Fuck even amatuer porn sites could have a lot of young girls on them and you totally wouldn't know.  I could see the later being totally illegal and the former even being illegal here for labeling women as teenagers.  Next thing you know i'm in federal pound me in the ass prison because I got a little too kinky.

Anyways good luck with all that and I hope it works out ok for you. 

They can't get the hydroponics stuff unless they get a search warrant for it. Why did you tell them about it? Did they see it in your place?

That's actually pretty variable depending on the nature of the search warrant and specifically the laws of the country you're in.  It's very well possible that in England once they've presented enough evidence to the judge to get a warrant for anything, everything in the house is fair game.

Offline Antares

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Re: really bad stuff.
« Reply #6 on: Thursday, May 01, 2008, 05:46:32 PM »
Best of luck with your situation. They can't get the hydroponics stuff unless they get a search warrant for it. Why did you tell them about it? Did they see it in your place?

I have no idea how things work in England, but in the U.S the Hydroponics stuff would be seizable under what is called the "Plan View" Doctrine which essentially states that any contraband found during the lawful execution of the warrant would be seizable.  I.E. in this case as long as they were looking in a place where an "electronic device with storage" would reasonably be located and found the hydroponics stuff it would be legally seizable.

Anyway, I'll echo the sentiment; good luck with everything.  Keep us posted on how it all turns out.

Offline Xessive

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Re: really bad stuff.
« Reply #7 on: Thursday, May 01, 2008, 09:40:07 PM »
Beo man, that's some crazy shit. I hope it all works out man.

Offline idolminds

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Re: really bad stuff.
« Reply #8 on: Thursday, May 01, 2008, 09:59:38 PM »


Offline gpw11

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Re: really bad stuff.
« Reply #9 on: Thursday, May 01, 2008, 10:28:49 PM »
What if they find this forum?  What have we been talking about?  I for one respect the police to no end, but I know the rest of you have a lot of disdain for them stemming from all your illegal lifestyle choices.  What do you think will happen to you?

PS whatever it is you deserve it because the law is always right and the responsible citizens who roll over on their e-friends for immunity are always trustworthy.

Offline Quemaqua

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Re: really bad stuff.
« Reply #10 on: Thursday, May 01, 2008, 10:41:34 PM »

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Offline gpw11

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Re: really bad stuff.
« Reply #11 on: Thursday, May 01, 2008, 10:46:08 PM »
Que, you should probably erase all your underage goat porn.  Someone willing to work with the police would probably use you as a bargaining chip to show them that they actually had good info.

Offline WindAndConfusion

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Re: really bad stuff.
« Reply #12 on: Thursday, May 01, 2008, 11:15:01 PM »

Offline beo

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Re: really bad stuff.
« Reply #13 on: Friday, May 02, 2008, 06:00:43 AM »
thanks for the support guys.

the next bit is probably going to be very poorly written, but i'm just getting my thoughts out as they pop into my head.

one of my best friends came back to town yesterday to give me some support through all of this. we went out and got ridiculously drunk, which seemed to help. spent over £100 on drinks, and i now keep having to run to the toilet to release liquid green abomination from my bowels, but i don't feel hungover at all - just out of it, which is actually quite pleasant. being off my face is definitely better than being sober at the moment. my liver is now officially my enemy.

i'm still visiting my housemate every day to make sure he's alive. he may of done wrong, but i don't really care right now. he cut the shit out of his arms the other night, and said he wished he had the balls to go through with it all the way. i've tried to get the police and health services involved, but unless he seeks help himself (which he doesn't want to) they won't do anything. he hasn't had the guts to tell his dad (his only close relative in the country), and he won't even talk to a therapist. while a couple of mutual friends have showed sympathy for him and have hung out while i've been there too, i seem to be the only one actively checking in on him. so yeah, suckage.

I have no idea what is and isn't technically legal (although I have a fairly good moral compass), and there's obviously no actual kiddy porn on there, but you can't look at internet porn anymore without it having titles like Teenage Sex-romp 17 or Nickclone's classic stepmom nails young russian boy. Fuck even amatuer porn sites could have a lot of young girls on them and you totally wouldn't know.  I could see the later being totally illegal and the former even being illegal here for labeling women as teenagers.  Next thing you know i'm in federal pound me in the ass prison because I got a little too kinky.

yeah... this is my biggest worry. i make no secret of the fact that i like porn (who the fuck doesn't?), i'm just hoping i haven't strayed past any boundries in the eyes of the law. it could take months for them to go through everything, so at the moment i'm in a state of limbo - which is slightly less than fun. the potential worse case scenario here doesn't bare thinking about.

as for the hydroponics stuff, i didn't have to tell them about it, but considering they were going through absolutely everything in the flat, i thought i might as well. complete co-operation seemed the best option at that stage. in my room they also found my electronic scales, used up baggies with various powder and plant residues, pressed out pill packets, bongs, pipes and all my other druggy shit.

they didn't actually seem bothered, and let me keep all that kind of stuff. it's just another worry as something that could bite me in the ass later. i'm sure it's now on record somewhere that i'm a fucking crackhead or whatever.


fun and games all round.

Offline Cobra951

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Re: really bad stuff.
« Reply #14 on: Friday, May 02, 2008, 01:02:11 PM »
Those worries you're living now are exactly why I think you need a lawyer NOW.  Don't wait for shit to start flying off the blades straight into your face.  Because of this age's taboos, the porn thing potentially has much sharper teeth than recreational drug use.  Like you said, you just don't know for sure what all is in the mix, and overzealous, ambitious prosecutors can make a mountain out of a molehill.  You need a pro on your side.  Best of luck, man.

Offline idolminds

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Re: really bad stuff.
« Reply #15 on: Friday, May 02, 2008, 01:08:31 PM »
Also, as much as it probably cost to collect I'd dump all the drug related shit right now. They let you keep it now, but they know its there and they can come back. Not having it around would probably be a good thing.

Offline Ghandi

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Re: really bad stuff.
« Reply #16 on: Friday, May 02, 2008, 01:59:10 PM »
Yeah, at the very least stash your stuff until this all blows over.

Also, you should probably get a gun. Just in case shit hits the fan. I recommend an AK-47 or something with similar destructive powers.