Author Topic: Modern game consoles suck  (Read 6235 times)

Offline PyroMenace

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Re: Modern game consoles suck
« Reply #40 on: Saturday, May 10, 2008, 08:22:19 PM »
My next console purchase will be a PS3, which has bumped up in line cause I was going to get a Wii next. But as for the RRoD problem I had, yea it sucked a big one and I was pretty fucking pissed. However I still couldnt deny the fact the 360 has an exceptional library, at least for me. Around the time I bought it there was a lot going for the system and almost nothing going for the PS3. I didnt want to miss out on Gears, Dead Rising, Bioshock, or Mass Effect, and there was some XBox games I wanted to catch up on. My PC is aging so the 360 was the best way to go financially for me. Now that a year has nearly passed since I bought it, I still find the PS3's exclusive library lackluster. My reasons for owning one will obviously be MGS4, God of War 3, and Blueray. As for multi platform games Ill probably still buy 360 versions since its multiplayer option being more robust than the PS3 will always be there. So... even through all the bullshit I went through that MS's console has thrown at me, I still find everything about the console too appealing to just give up on it, especially as a gamer.

Offline scottws

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Re: Modern game consoles suck
« Reply #41 on: Wednesday, May 14, 2008, 04:21:26 PM »
Well at least by now Microsoft has this down to a science.

I got an e-mail late this morning that said they received my 360.  By 3:00PM they sent another e-mail saying that my refurbished console would ship out today.

I suppose it could have been at lost worse, though I still would like to have been able to play GTAIV all this past week.