Yeah, Okami sucked me in completely, and now I'm on my nostalgic System Shock trip, which I'm loving every freaking second of. Plus I started fresh with Wipeout Pure on my PSP, so been playing that at work, and have been screwing with other PSP-related crap in the evenings, which has killed a number of nights game-wise. And there's been Defcon, which at least 2 nights have been devoted to, as well as playing a little bit of Uplink, which I re-purchased along with Defcon.
You know, that sounds like a lot, but Okami is really the main thing I sunk time into. Haven't played it in several nights now because I don't like playing it so much in short sessions and I've been in a bad mood. But I'm in a better mood now and will probably devote a big chunk of time tomorrow night, before Pyro gets here.