Yeah it's pretty lame. See, just general bullshit topics are fine, but this one is especially bad because the fact that it even exists is kind of retarded. I mean, we're talking about roughly half of the population's not a minority group or an overwhelming majority. It just doesn't really matter or mean anything other than someone had to to something in order to get a government grant for their "Womyn's" Studies tenure so they analyzed something inconsequential.
When I was in first year I took this English course, and one of the books we were supposed to read had no punctuation in it at all. No commas, periods, quotation marks, nothing. It was the last book of the semester and there wasn't any assignment on it, so it seemed pretty obvious that the exam was going to focus pretty heavily on it. I tried reading for like 10 min. while waiting for something and decided it was too stupid of an idea to promote by having anything to do with it. It was also retarded hard to read....because we use punctuation for a reason. So, the exam rolls around and consists of basically one essay question on this book. I'm pretty fucked because I have no idea what the thing is even really about and didn't go to most of the classes where they talked about it. I basically gave up, wrote about 1500 words on how the author didn't have anything meaningful to say or an imagination vivid enough to come up with a story that's purely entertaining enough to make readers look past the fact that he didn't have anything to say. In an act of desperation he resorted to a gimmick. I don't know what I got for that, but whatever it was it didn't drop me below a B. Really, that's what I should be doing here.
As for the ghostwriting, I find myself interested in your line of work and the mechanics of it. Do you do mostly 'open' ghostwriting, or do you have to sign some kind of disclaimer saying you have to keep your clients identities a secret?