Ok, I'm in Starbucks right now, proofing a paper. I know how lame it is to do this in Starbucks (I swear I am not writing a blog), but the library is closed because it's a stat holiday, it's raining out, I don't want to drive to school, and I can't get shit done at home at the moment. There is also a really hot 'barrista'.
Anyways, right beside me there is a Phillipino woman, her white financee/husband/thing, and some elderly white lady who I can only imagine to be the Phillipino woman's friend/co-worker/employeer. There's some kind of divorce/seperation negotiations going on here and the guy is being a total dick. On one hand he is so petty it's funny (I gave you that cellphone! It's mine!), on the other he's so fucking whiny it's annoying. It wouldn't really be a huge problem as I have earphones in (That NIN Ghosts free CD is great for getting work done as it's kind of slow and not distracting), but every once and a while the guy raises his fucking screechy voice to the point where I can't ignore it. I've shot him a couple "Hey look, you're an opportunistic dick and shut the fuck up" looks but he's just looked at me like I'm some kind of chump. This very well could be an issue, especially now that I've turned the music down and am just listening to the conversation.
Who the fuck flies a wife over and then treats them like total shit?! Oh yeah, guys who fly wifes over from third world countries pretty much always do that.