Author Topic: Race Driver GRID  (Read 6965 times)

Offline Xessive

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Race Driver GRID
« on: Saturday, June 14, 2008, 08:22:39 AM »
I've just played a bit of GRID and I am impressed.

It was tough at first but once I got the hang of it I really began to enjoy it. Beautiful visuals! I love how the menu is integrated into the actual in-game graphics. Great gameplay too! The best racer I've played in a while!

If you're into racing titles I highly recommend GRID.

Offline Quemaqua

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Re: Race Driver GRID
« Reply #1 on: Saturday, June 14, 2008, 08:50:21 AM »
You know, I'd heard a little bit of buzz about this and was sorta' interested... but I just watched the IGN video review, and that looks stinking awesome.  I think I may have to grab this one.  Been a while since I've really had a good racing game to play other than Burnout Paradise or Test Drive Unlimited, which are pretty different in design philosophy from your average racer.

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Re: Race Driver GRID
« Reply #2 on: Saturday, June 14, 2008, 12:50:46 PM »
This one is more like the classic racers with a lot of enhancement in gameplay and game modes.

Admittedly it is a little tougher than other racing games but that's the nature of the Race Driver series, which are generally known for being closer to driving simulations. GRID is probably the least 'realistic' of the series but that works in its favour.

As I said, the graphics are amazing. The damage system is quite impressive as well! It's very detailed and effective. Visually, this game really shines and that's a great addition to its excellent gameplay.

Offline Cobra951

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Re: Race Driver GRID
« Reply #3 on: Saturday, June 14, 2008, 01:55:56 PM »
I mentioned the 360 demo somewhere around here.  I was quite impressed.  I may have to grab this at some point.

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Re: Race Driver GRID
« Reply #4 on: Saturday, June 14, 2008, 05:11:22 PM »
Does it use licensed vehicles or are they just all fake vehicles?

Offline Quemaqua

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Re: Race Driver GRID
« Reply #5 on: Sunday, June 15, 2008, 10:34:10 PM »
Licensed.  Fairly small roster, though... but I guess that only matters if you need a boatload of cars.  I think one review said there's like 48 or something?  Not really a big deal to me as long as they've got some ones I like, though.

EDITBUMP - Okay, so I picked up a copy of this today, and I've got a nice little three word review for you, and it isn't PIECE OF SHIT.  I'm thinking more along the lines of REALLY FREAKING AWESOME.  I haven't gotten a chance to spend more than an hour and a half with it, but that's been more than enough to convince me.

You start by creating a profile, which is sort of funny.  You actually get to put in your name (whatever you want), and then you can choose from a wide assortment of audio names which your team will use when communicating with you on the road.  It's pretty weird to have them actually call you by your first name, but kind of entertaining.  Anyway, there's also an assortment of random nicknames too in case they don't have your name or in case you find that cheesy.

To begin with, you start out just trying different stuff.  There are some different races, and you basically just race for other teams until you earn enough cabbage to start your own team.  Depending on how well you do, this can be a couple races or a fair number.  It lets you do a bunch of stuff, from drift competitions to formula 3 races.  I did a bunch, and sucked at all of them because I turned off all the driving assists and went manual.  Bad idea just coming off of playing some Burnout with a friend, heh.

The driving model is pretty excellent from what I can tell, and you can get a good idea of its accuracy by turning off all the driving assists.  The big kicker here is with the PS3 controller it was nearly impossible to be gentle enough with the throttle to avoid spinning out in half the cars I tried, so I quickly turned the traction assistance back on just to avoid that, leaving the understeer and braking stuff off (and the transmission set to manual).  That was just perfect.  The cars behaved like you feel they should for the most part, and it was unforgiving of mistakes on the standard difficulty.

So I won enough cash to get my team started.  Pretty cool process.  You start out with a Mustang Boss 302, which is classy, and while I felt like the car was slightly more responsive than it should have been (didn't try it without the traction assist on, which could be why), it felt nice and punchy and stable, like it should.  Before doing anything with it I was able to name my team, select a color scheme, select from a whole slew of pre-done art for the general look of your team's cars, select a number, etc.  Then you get to look at events.  I took gold on the first thing I tried, an American muscle series of 2 races in SF.  Pretty sweet.  My team didn't take tops in the event because other teams had a couple drivers where I just had myself, but I guess you can hire other drivers later in the game and stuff, and have them go off and do some driving too.  Neat.

After winning that event, I unlocked several sponsor options, and got to put those on my car.  Makes it look a little busier and more like a race car, and different sponsors apparently pay different amounts of cash for completing different tasks.  The first ones I got were all just "complete the race" bonuses, but I imagine other bonuses will show up later.

I'm thoroughly impressed so far.  The game isn't the best looking racing game I've seen, mostly because I've seen cars done a bit better before, but the environments look *very* good, the graphics are very consistent across the board, and there are nice touches like actual 3D onlookers who'll actually react if you crash in front of them and stuff.  So it's definitely one of the best looking racing games I've seen overall.

The cars I saw were all pretty nice, and my initial count of the available ones to unlock (all greyed out) was 41.  Gran Turismo may have a lot more, but who cares when half of those are shitty cars you don't want to drive anyway?  The roster seemed solid enough to me.  So yeah, anyone who was thinking about giving it a try after enjoying the demo, I say go for it.

EDIT x2 - Forgot to mention the damage model, which was also awesome.  I think somebody mentioned it here already, but it was nice and detailed, you could even see various pieces of the car start flapping in the wind as you drove faster, or even the side corners with your headlights start popping out when you turned your wheel in a crunched-in wheel well.  I haven't crashed enough to know if it's as good as the procedural model from Burnout Paradise, and I don't know exactly how much of a gameplay effect it has, but I know your dude will radio you and tell you if you're about to get engine damage and that kind of thing, or when you're close to losing a wheel.  So I guess it could potentially have some depth to it.

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Offline Xessive

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Re: Race Driver GRID
« Reply #6 on: Monday, June 16, 2008, 05:13:59 AM »
I'm glad you're liking it so far!

I've managed to get enough damage on the car that it deteriotes the performance. WHen the steering is damaged enough I'm pretty much screwed. I can't compare it to Burnour Paradise since I haven't played it yet, but the damage model does seem quite extensive.

I really like the Flashback feature too! If you are doing really well and you slip up on one turn near the end of the race you can quickly go to Instant Replay and Flashback to a the few seconds just before you erred and try again. This feature is limited of course and the number of times you can use it depends on the difficulty level.

So far I seem to kick ass in Drifts, mainly because I have no control of the car and it drifts indefinitely earning me random (yet enormous) points.

Offline Quemaqua

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Re: Race Driver GRID
« Reply #7 on: Monday, June 16, 2008, 07:27:21 AM »
The drifting seems to easily be the most unrealistic part of the game so far.  It seems like a fairly decent cross between arcade and sim, leaning more toward sim with driving assists off, but the drift cars just drift like crazy seemingly no matter what you do.  That doesn't mean you don't have to work for a decent score, just that it seems too easy to perform the function in the first place.

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Offline Xessive

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Re: Race Driver GRID
« Reply #8 on: Monday, June 16, 2008, 09:47:26 AM »
The drifting seems to easily be the most unrealistic part of the game so far.  It seems like a fairly decent cross between arcade and sim, leaning more toward sim with driving assists off, but the drift cars just drift like crazy seemingly no matter what you do.  That doesn't mean you don't have to work for a decent score, just that it seems too easy to perform the function in the first place.
I know what you mean. The cars just seems to slip n' slide.

I'm using the driving assists, mainly coz I never bothered to switch them off, and they help compensate since I'm trying to steer with the arrow keys.

One thing I've realized is that I like the lower-end cars a lot more than the crazy fast high-end cars. I just find them easier to control  and more enjoyable all-round. So far my favs are the Mustang Boss I started out with and the Nissan Skyline.

Offline Cobra951

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Re: Race Driver GRID
« Reply #9 on: Monday, June 16, 2008, 12:56:30 PM »
I didn't like the drifting part at all in the demo.  I only tried it out to see what it was, which turned out to be pretty much what I expected.  I much prefer the racing.  I hope the drifting isn't too important to overall progress in the game.

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Re: Race Driver GRID
« Reply #10 on: Monday, June 16, 2008, 01:28:03 PM »
I didn't like the drifting part at all in the demo.  I only tried it out to see what it was, which turned out to be pretty much what I expected.  I much prefer the racing.  I hope the drifting isn't too important to overall progress in the game.
It doesn't seem to be a central part of the game. The only annoying part is that drifts come as tournaments! So you can't just beat one guy and save, you have to finish the tournament before you can save and quit.

Then of course there's Drift Battle mode, which is basically drifting + racing.. Your position in the race affects your overall drift score like a multiplier. Kinda annoying, but in my case the score racks up so high it really doesn't matter what position I'm in. I just let the other racers finish so I can see their scores and figure out how much drifting I actually have to do.

Offline MysterD

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Re: Race Driver GRID
« Reply #11 on: Monday, June 16, 2008, 01:42:12 PM »
I heard this game uses Securom.

Does it use old school CD-check style of Securom w/ no install limits?

Does it use Internet-Securom (a la Bioshock and MEPC)?
If so, is there a lifetime install limit?
If so, are there revokes?

Or does it use something else entirely?

Offline Quemaqua

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Re: Race Driver GRID
« Reply #12 on: Monday, June 16, 2008, 06:46:15 PM »
It uses nothing when you buy it on PS3.  As a PC fanboy, it hurts to say that... but I figured this would run better on my PS3 than my slightly aging PC anyway.

As for the drifting, what don't you like about it Cobra?  I've only done a very tiny bit, and while I found it too easy, I also found it pretty fun and enjoyable, especially since it's more game-like in the way you try to chain drifts together and stuff.  I had a good enough time with it, though I prefer the straight races to the drifting as well.

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Offline MysterD

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Re: Race Driver GRID
« Reply #13 on: Friday, July 10, 2009, 02:17:58 PM »
This game is $15 on Steam this weekend for Steam's Weekend Deal.

Though, first -- you might want to check Best Buy first, since this game has been reported on CAG as being on the $9.99 Green Sticker Club at some BB stores, in which this sale has been going on starting this week (and this is going on until August 2nd).

Offline idolminds

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Re: Race Driver GRID
« Reply #14 on: Friday, July 10, 2009, 03:01:05 PM »
I was so bummed my Best Buy didn't have GRID.

Offline MysterD

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Re: Race Driver GRID
« Reply #15 on: Friday, July 10, 2009, 04:30:44 PM »
I was so bummed my Best Buy didn't have GRID.

I'm lookin' for a racin' fix right now -- and yeah, NFS: UC ain't doin' it for me AT ALL.

I'll have to check out BB tomorrow. I called my local BB and they said they knew about the ordeal (unlike some other stores, from what I'm reading online on CAG) and games on the shelves should be green-stickered. Will check it out then.

If not, I'll ask them to ring up some certain ones and see what's up.

Will let y'all know.

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Re: Race Driver GRID
« Reply #16 on: Friday, July 10, 2009, 05:07:17 PM »
I tried this out months ago and was quite impressed, even though I only played for an hour or so. I did find it insanely hard, but probably because I turned of all the assists and put it on the hardest difficulty right off the bat. I'm usually good at racing games but I was getting beat pretty thoroughly. I'm gonna have to give it another try on a little easier difficulty.

Offline Quemaqua

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Re: Race Driver GRID
« Reply #17 on: Friday, July 10, 2009, 06:14:46 PM »
I don't remember what settings I had it on, but I usually turn off most of that stuff.  I might have turned some of it back on, but I can't remember.  Either way, some of it wasn't so bad, but some of it was really hard.  I remember one track in particular with large sections of dirt where I would just constantly spin out, and it was an endurance thing, so I'd always end up in a billionth place by the end of it because I'd fuck up every lap.

Great game, though.

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Re: Race Driver GRID
« Reply #19 on: Monday, June 20, 2011, 04:12:52 PM »
Another one for the "This is why we need publicly released server software" pile.

Offline MysterD

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Re: Race Driver GRID
« Reply #20 on: Monday, June 20, 2011, 04:48:54 PM »
Another one for the "This is why we need publicly released server software" pile.
More modern-day PC games need to have server software and LAN support.

It's as if all these MP games are going to waste, after they been around for....not-so-long.

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Re: Race Driver GRID
« Reply #21 on: Wednesday, February 27, 2013, 01:33:34 PM »
So, are the opinions about this game still high?  At $5, it's hard to resist.

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Re: Race Driver GRID
« Reply #22 on: Wednesday, February 27, 2013, 10:23:15 PM »
Yeah man, it's a sweet game.

GRID 2 is in the works as well. Should be out around the end of May 2013.

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Re: Race Driver GRID
« Reply #23 on: Thursday, February 28, 2013, 06:13:06 AM »
Thanks.  I did grab it for $5.  Better still, I used 400 MS points I already had from an earlier mistake, so no new money was spent.  Haven't played it much yet.  It gets intense right off the bat.  The only thing that bugs me so far is the lack of a gamma or brightness adjustment.  Grid 2 Dirt 2 (same guys) has the same issue.

Edit:  That one went unchecked for a while.
« Last Edit: Saturday, May 25, 2013, 08:49:02 AM by Cobra951 »

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Re: Race Driver GRID
« Reply #24 on: Saturday, May 25, 2013, 04:44:18 AM »
I just want to know...
...who'll be the ONE person to buy GRID 2: Most Expensive Gamer Collector's Edition EVER...

Codemasters has announced that it's releasing a special edition of its forthcoming racer, and that it's going to set you back some £125,000. A little on the pricey side, sure - but the package does include a BAC Mono for you to drive away.

For £125,000 you also get a PlayStation 3 and a copy of the game, plus a branded race suit, boots and gloves, as modelled in the gallery below by Oliver Webb. They're all made to measure, as there's only one Grid 2: Mono Edition that's up for grabs.
So if you're genuinely interested you should probably get your pre-order in to Game now.

It's been verified by Guinness World Records as being the most expensive game commercially available, and even considering what's in the package the price is still steep. A BAC Mono Roadster is listed at £84,950, and even though they're in short supply you can pick one up on Pistonheads for £101,940, which should leave you some spare change for a PS3, a copy of the game and a little bit more.

Grid 2 releases next week - and we'll have a review for you on Tuesday at 2pm BST.

UPDATE: BAC has pointed out that the base price for the basic spec BAC Mono is £101,940 including VAT.
« Last Edit: Saturday, August 10, 2013, 09:18:40 AM by MysterD »

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Re: Race Driver GRID
« Reply #25 on: Saturday, May 25, 2013, 08:50:05 AM »
Oh yeah, wow..

Anyway, I have an extra copy of GRID if anyone wants one.

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Re: Race Driver GRID
« Reply #26 on: Saturday, May 25, 2013, 08:54:12 AM »
Kinda silly of Guinness WR.  Clearly, it's not the game that's responsible for the price tag.

I can see a bidding war developing over this too.  The money involved may get truly obscene.

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Re: Race Driver GRID
« Reply #27 on: Saturday, May 25, 2013, 11:51:30 AM »
Yeah thats like having a dealership give you a toaster when you buy a car and claiming its the most expensive toaster in the world.

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Re: Race Driver GRID
« Reply #28 on: Friday, May 31, 2013, 05:23:29 PM »
Race Driver: GRID (PC) hits GOG.
Currently on sale at 50% off for $7.49 (normally it will be $14.99).