Author Topic: Something thats been worrying me  (Read 2329 times)

Offline PyroMenace

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Something thats been worrying me
« on: Sunday, June 15, 2008, 03:44:52 AM »
Its my brother. He's been having a troubling time going into his adult life in a mental sense. He is the youngest brother of 3 of us, im the middle and theres an older one above me. Out of all three of us, Im discovering that his brain is just wired differently than me and the older brother. When he hit 19, he had is paranoid schizophrenic break, and it was a really stressful time for the family, but we learned and coped with it and when my brother is on his medication, he's much more stable. However over this period he has quit taken his medications on several occasions without telling anyone and has gotten himself into a little bit of trouble. It scares the shit out of me and the rest of us in the family, we try our best to tell him to keep on it and stress on how important it is but its just not going through to him. He'll stay on it for a while but eventually he just slides off the deep end and stops. This happened recently and it keeps reinforcing my worry. We want him to learn and grow and become responsible and eventually he can be more independent, but lately as Ive been talking to him... its just been making me think hes swaying in a different direction. He just seems... off when i talk to him, kinda like disconnected, he'll just say stuff and your like... ummm.. what? And you dont want to say anything cause he can get defensive or he just say something else that just makes no sense. I thought about posting this aim conversation we just had... but thats getting to much personal stuff on his end. Im just bringing this up because its been bugging me and was curious if anyone of you knew somebody in a similar situation. Im probably just thinking too much on it, hes only 23 and I know I was at a confusing time in my life at his age which was only 3 years ago but it felt like an eternity ago.

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Re: Something thats been worrying me
« Reply #1 on: Sunday, June 15, 2008, 09:37:35 AM »
That kind of stuff is hard... there's really no way around it, I guess.  I wish I had some experience that could be of use, but I really don't.  I've dealt with physical problems in those close to me, like with Julia's fibro and an old girlfriend's epilepsy, but unfortunately my experience ends there.

It sounds like you guys are doing the right things, anyway.  You just have to do as much as you can, trying to stay positive, trying to help him through it, and trying to reinforce the importance of his medication with him.  Are there side effects that bother him?  From what I understand a lot of people end up putting off their schizo meds because they can be harsh and make you feel muddy, so while they understand that they're better on the meds, they don't like the way they make them feel.

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