I've got a level 29 berserker. He's my coop character. My friend plays a soldier, my single player character is a siren, and trying to snipe with lag on a hunter sucks (lag isn't so bad now that I've upgraded my net connection to a faster speed). So I went with brick.
I use shotguns and fists, specced fully into the melee damage tree (far left tree). At first it was tough because I'd take a lot of damage while berserk (still do), but now that I have a lot more health and regenerate health when I kill someone, it's a lot more doable. Believe it or not, against multiple enemies I'm better off popping berserk and rushing in than I am trying to shoot people, just because of the regenerating health and how fast I can drop people. It's nice that gun upgrades aren't as important, though it does lessen the desire to push forward for better loot.