I don't mind this idea at all. Hell the only windows apps I use that aren't integrated into the OS are Image and Fax Viewer, Calculator, and Notepad. I'm sure there are simple (and better) alternatives to even those, but since they come with Windows I haven't bothered looking.
Though I do agree that this could alienate the newer PC users, or people who just never learn stuff. My mom, for example, who's been comuting for 15+ years, still uses the screenname Nu2me (because computing was "new2her"), and still doesn't know the difference between RAM and hard drive space. She once told me "I don't do anything that could get my spyware, all I do on the net is email, some file sharing program a new online friend gave me, and Real Arcade games". Wasn't Real Arcade (at least at some point) notorious for being packed with spyware?