Author Topic: Windows 7 THREAD - Update: W7 RC disables StarForce, Tages DRM games (Reply 59)  (Read 12922 times)

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Re: Windows 7 THREAD -- Update: Windows 7 official name is...Windows 7...?
« Reply #40 on: Sunday, October 19, 2008, 06:01:30 PM »
Wind, I don't know if anyone has told you this before, but you have the option of not being a dick. You don't have to be a dick in every thread.

...but surely you already know this because you are so. fucking. smart.

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Re: Windows 7 THREAD -- Update: Windows 7 official name is...Windows 7...?
« Reply #41 on: Sunday, October 19, 2008, 07:15:20 PM »
He's probably going to respond that "...but surely you already know this because you are so," "fucking," and "smart," are all sentence fragments.

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Re: Windows 7 THREAD -- Update: Windows 7 official name is...Windows 7...?
« Reply #42 on: Sunday, October 19, 2008, 08:14:18 PM »
Actually I was going to say that it's always your own personal decision whether to get butthurt about something, especially for an otherwise innocuous remark directed at someone else.

Offline Ghandi

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Re: Windows 7 THREAD -- Update: Windows 7 official name is...Windows 7...?
« Reply #43 on: Sunday, October 19, 2008, 10:38:17 PM »
The statement was general - not directed at any particular argument.

Besides, as a Journalism major I felt compelled to say something.

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Re: Windows 7 THREAD -- Update: Windows 7 official name is...Windows 7...?
« Reply #44 on: Sunday, October 19, 2008, 11:53:08 PM »
Oh snap.

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Re: Windows 7 THREAD -- Update: Windows 7 coming Mid 2009
« Reply #46 on: Saturday, November 08, 2008, 03:14:04 PM »
Wow.  I never expected it so soon.  Clearly it's an acknowledgment from Microsoft that Vista is garbage and/or unfixable or at least that they realize that the market's perception towards Vista isn't going to get better.

Offline Pugnate

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Re: Windows 7 THREAD -- Update: Windows 7 coming Mid 2009
« Reply #47 on: Saturday, November 08, 2008, 03:33:30 PM »
Now I am so glad I didn't buy Vista.

I have grown to like some of its aspects though. Its auto update feature is pretty good, and its driver installation is a significant improvement over XP.

Also, if anyone is curious about the contradiction in my first two sentences, and wants something similar ;), they can send me a PM on a how-to.

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Re: Windows 7 THREAD -- Update: Windows 7 coming Mid 2009
« Reply #48 on: Saturday, November 08, 2008, 03:37:17 PM »
If I decide that my future employability requires it, I may just do that.  Thanks.

Offline Quemaqua

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Re: Windows 7 THREAD -- Update: Windows 7 coming Mid 2009
« Reply #49 on: Saturday, November 08, 2008, 03:45:58 PM »
Vista is crap.  Not because it's total crap, but because it was poorly handled, released with way more problems than it should have had, and their attempts to rectify its public image were basically "Shut up!  It isn't broken, you meanies.  Seriously!"  And then only further solidified fears by working on a new OS instead of bothering to properly support the old one.  Way to go!

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Offline Pugnate

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Re: Windows 7 THREAD -- Update: Windows 7 coming Mid 2009
« Reply #50 on: Saturday, November 08, 2008, 03:52:54 PM »
While most of the Vista issues have been resolved with patches and fixes (gaming performance is on par or better than XP), it still has some problems.

The worst is its network discovery mode, which for the life of it, can't find a machine with XP on it. Every time my sister restarts her XP machine, she disappears from the network, even though she can still access the net through my wifi. It is especially infuriating when trying to LAN party.

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Re: Windows 7 THREAD -- Update: Windows 7 coming Mid 2009
« Reply #51 on: Saturday, November 08, 2008, 06:49:40 PM »
Oh, and let's not forget all the DirectX 10 bullshit.  Fucking Microsoft.  Go take a flying leap.

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Re: Windows 7 THREAD -- Update: Windows 7 coming Mid 2009
« Reply #52 on: Saturday, November 08, 2008, 07:45:16 PM »
The worst is its network discovery mode, which for the life of it, can't find a machine with XP on it. Every time my sister restarts her XP machine, she disappears from the network, even though she can still access the net through my wifi. It is especially infuriating when trying to LAN party.
That's not a Vista issue.  That's a Microsoft p2p networking issue.  It's been a problem forever.  It has something to do with computers fighting over who is the master browser.

What you should do is have one PC that is always on have the computer browser service enabled, and stop and disable it on all the other PCs.  Despite the name, what this does is prevent PCs from trying to become the master browser.  Instead, they always look to another master browser, which will be the PC with the computer browser service enabled.  Truly, this is the solution.

As far as Vista's issues my biggest complaints are no longer really bugs, but annoyances.  File transfers (not Internet downloads, but in-the-LAN file transfers) are much, much slower under Vista.  It was worse before SP1 but it's still not as fast as XP, which is interesting because supposedly XP has a pretty shitty network stack and Vista was supposed to rectify that.  Also, Vista is just slower.  I have a brand new work laptop that has Vista Enterprise x64 and the thing just crawls.  I hate the new Start menu too.  The little search bar is nice, I like that... but I hate how the programs section is just a clusterfuck now.  It wasn't much better on Win95-XP, but it was better than what Vista has.

Offline Pugnate

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Re: Windows 7 THREAD -- Update: Windows 7 coming Mid 2009
« Reply #53 on: Sunday, November 09, 2008, 01:31:19 AM »
Oh, and let's not forget all the DirectX 10 bullshit.  Fucking Microsoft.  Go take a flying leap.

Yea man, I was so disappointed with that. You know Crysis Warhead (the Crysis expansion) allows you to enable those "DX10 effects" in both XP and Vista? In a recent interview on a podcast of IGN (or PCG), Cevat said that this time around he was going to not restrict where the DX10 effects were available. He even hinted at pressures from MS I remember.

That's not a Vista issue.  That's a Microsoft p2p networking issue.  It's been a problem forever.  It has something to do with computers fighting over who is the master browser.

What you should do is have one PC that is always on have the computer browser service enabled, and stop and disable it on all the other PCs.  Despite the name, what this does is prevent PCs from trying to become the master browser.  Instead, they always look to another master browser, which will be the PC with the computer browser service enabled.  Truly, this is the solution.

Wow man, thanks. I'll give it a shot. :)

But it was never a problem on XP.

As far as Vista's issues my biggest complaints are no longer really bugs, but annoyances.  File transfers (not Internet downloads, but in-the-LAN file transfers) are much, much slower under Vista.  It was worse before SP1 but it's still not as fast as XP, which is interesting because supposedly XP has a pretty shitty network stack and Vista was supposed to rectify that.  Also, Vista is just slower.  I have a brand new work laptop that has Vista Enterprise x64 and the thing just crawls.  I hate the new Start menu too.  The little search bar is nice, I like that... but I hate how the programs section is just a clusterfuck now.  It wasn't much better on Win95-XP, but it was better than what Vista has.

Yes! The LAN file transfers are slower. I thought it was imagination.

I do find Vista navigation less slow after SP1. The first thing I did after installing the OS was to customize it so that the "Start Menu" looked similar to how I had it on XP, which was basically converting every menu to a long drop down. Unfortunately that meant waiting nearly 30 seconds for the Control Panel menu to open.

I've noticed it being far more acceptable after SP1.

Here is how my start menu looks. I find it as OK as I did on XP.

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Re: Windows 7 THREAD -- Update: Windows 7 coming Mid 2009
« Reply #54 on: Sunday, November 09, 2008, 06:05:17 AM »
But it was never a problem on XP.
For you.  You must have been lucky.  I've had tons of trouble with both XP and Vista in this regard until I discovered the solution.  I think I remember a few other people on this forum complaining about the same or similar things well before Vista was even out.  It's been an issue even before XP, existing way back in the NT days even.

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Re: Windows 7 THREAD -- Update: Windows 7 coming Mid 2009
« Reply #56 on: Friday, February 13, 2009, 08:53:33 PM »
Rumor: Buying Vista This Summer Could Mean a Free Windows 7 Upgrade

Why would I want an Upgrade from Win Vista to Windows 7?

So, if I have to reformat my drive and reinstall everything, I'd have to reinstall Vista - then reinstall Win 7, right? If so, that just sounds...annoying.

A better deal would be "Buy a (full) copy of Windows Vista, Microsoft will send you a (full) copy of Windows Seven." Or another better deal - buying you a copy of Windows Vista, inside the Vista box is a voucher to get a free copy of Windows Seven at (insert any retail store).

Then ,you could dual-boot Win Vista and Win Seven.
Hell, can you triple-boot Win XP, Vista, and Seven?

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Re: Windows 7 THREAD -- Update: Windows 7 coming Mid 2009
« Reply #57 on: Friday, February 13, 2009, 09:05:16 PM »
WIndows allows in-place upgrades.  I always reformat and reinstall though.

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Re: Windows 7 THREAD -- Update: Windows 7 coming Mid 2009
« Reply #58 on: Saturday, February 14, 2009, 12:29:04 PM »
I'm sure you can do a full install trick just like with the Vista upgrade disc.

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Re: Windows 7 THREAD - Update: W7 RC disables StarForce, Tages DRM games (Reply 59)
« Reply #60 on: Friday, May 08, 2009, 02:24:15 PM »
I have mixed feelings about that, somewhere between "Cool!" and "Holy crap!"

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Re: Windows 7 THREAD - Update: W7 RC disables StarForce, Tages DRM games (Reply 59)
« Reply #61 on: Friday, May 08, 2009, 02:32:45 PM »
I have mixed feelings about that, somewhere between "Cool!" and "Holy crap!"

I'm glad Win 7 won't load those SF and Tages drivers up -- b/c those can be quite nasty.

But, yeah -- Microsoft should've found a way to let any game with those drivers still boot-up without you needing the disc and without those drivers booting -- even if it's you being "at your own risk" and all, since you're running a game that doesn't support Win 7 anyways.

Really though -- companies still should patch the nasty DRM-checks out of their games at later said dates when the game ain't selling much anymore and when the game ain't expensive anymore, anyways.

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Re: Windows 7 THREAD - Update: W7 RC disables StarForce, Tages DRM games (Reply 59)
« Reply #62 on: Friday, May 08, 2009, 03:19:06 PM »
This is one of the reasons why DRM sucks so bad.

Offline W7RE

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Re: Windows 7 THREAD - Update: W7 RC disables StarForce, Tages DRM games (Reply 59)
« Reply #63 on: Friday, May 08, 2009, 05:18:57 PM »
I'm looking forward to Windows 7 because I want to move to 64-bit and DX10, but damn I hate how expensive it is to buy an OS, especially if you don't want the shitty "home" versions. I lucked out with XP Pro and got a copy for $50 direct from MS.

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Re: Windows 7 THREAD - Update: W7 RC disables StarForce, Tages DRM games (Reply 59)
« Reply #64 on: Monday, May 11, 2009, 05:47:47 PM »
I'm using the Windows 7 RC client right now. I'm only a few hours in so it's hard to judge. The new taskbar is definitely a big change, not sure if I prefer it.

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Re: Windows 7 THREAD - Update: W7 RC disables StarForce, Tages DRM games (Reply 59)
« Reply #65 on: Monday, May 11, 2009, 05:57:02 PM »
I'm actually kind of looking forward to it just given all the good stuff I've been hearing.  It seems like Microsoft really learned from the numerous Vista fuckups, not only about what people may like or dislike about the OS itself, but about how much bullshit they're willing to tolerate.  I must ultimately remain skeptical, but so far it seems like it's going to end up a much better solution than Vista ever was.

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Re: Windows 7 THREAD - Update: W7 RC disables StarForce, Tages DRM games (Reply 59)
« Reply #66 on: Monday, May 11, 2009, 06:16:33 PM »
I'm using the Windows 7 RC client right now. I'm only a few hours in so it's hard to judge. The new taskbar is definitely a big change, not sure if I prefer it.
It's basically a copy of the Dock from Mac OS X.  I like it.