Author Topic: Epic making Unreal Tournament 3 expansion?  (Read 2303 times)

Offline idolminds

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Epic making Unreal Tournament 3 expansion?
« on: Monday, October 20, 2008, 12:24:16 PM »
Well how about that?

Boy is that going to be a hard sell to PC gamers now. It better be cheap and fucking awesome.

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Re: Epic making Unreal Tournament 3 expansion?
« Reply #1 on: Monday, October 20, 2008, 12:26:29 PM »
Well how about that?

Boy is that going to be a hard sell to PC gamers now. It better be cheap and fucking awesome.
I hope they make a special free download for those of us who got the Collector's Edition! Kinda like The Witcher.

Do you think this has something to do with CliffyB's PC-gamer dissing faux-pas?

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Re: Epic making Unreal Tournament 3 expansion?
« Reply #2 on: Monday, October 20, 2008, 12:41:58 PM »
I don't know what they are thinking. Perhaps they feel bad UT3 didn't take off and are trying to fix it by adding back Assault and Bombing Run or some other gametypes. Its not a bad game, it just wasn't anything new or interesting enough to get gamers to play it over the competition (including UT2004). I believe they can save it, its just the bad blood they generated with their recent comments have made that task much more difficult.

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Re: Epic making Unreal Tournament 3 expansion?
« Reply #3 on: Monday, October 20, 2008, 01:13:27 PM »
I guess they looked at it from a business perspective, and realized they had already made the investment in UT3, so an expansion wouldn't cost them too much.

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Re: Epic making Unreal Tournament 3 expansion?
« Reply #4 on: Monday, October 20, 2008, 01:24:06 PM »
Business perspective: Sell each copy for $25,000 so that sales from the 15 people that actually purchase it will give you a profit.

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Re: Epic making Unreal Tournament 3 expansion?
« Reply #5 on: Monday, October 20, 2008, 03:21:47 PM »
Is this going to fix the "never more than thirty people online at once" problem or just add more maps that are shitty to play against bots on?

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Re: Epic making Unreal Tournament 3 expansion?
« Reply #6 on: Monday, October 20, 2008, 04:01:27 PM »
Even though UT3 didn't sell as good as Epic wanted upon release, my question is -- how many people actually bought UT3 when it hit $20?

I mean, for $20 -- even if UT3 isn't much new, how can you go wrong wit it?

If a lot of people own UT3 now b/c of its recent price-drop, then there's a pretty good reason to expand it.

If they can expand the game basically by adding a good amount of new game modes AND lots of new maps, that would be good for UT3.

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Re: Epic making Unreal Tournament 3 expansion?
« Reply #7 on: Monday, October 20, 2008, 04:26:47 PM »
I bought it for $9.99 and I don't even know if I'd spend that on an expansion.  Don't get me wrong - it's not bad, but there's not much there when you're pretty much forced to play against bots.

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Re: Epic making Unreal Tournament 3 expansion?
« Reply #8 on: Monday, October 20, 2008, 04:35:30 PM »
I bought it for $9.99 and I don't even know if I'd spend that on an expansion.  Don't get me wrong - it's not bad, but there's not much there when you're pretty much forced to play against bots.

Maybe they are trying to get more people to play the game by releasing an expansion pack?  :o  ???

Though, I think if they are going to get PC gamers to actually want this UT3 expansion pack, after all the things Epic had said and done to PC gamers in recent memory  -- a lot of it from Cliffy B, attacking PC gaming, piracy, and lack of sales on their games recently on the PC  (such as GoW PC and PC version of UT3) -- they better throw the kitchen sink into this expansion.

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Re: Epic making Unreal Tournament 3 expansion?
« Reply #9 on: Monday, October 20, 2008, 10:12:36 PM »
I actually disagree... as a bot game, I think it's pretty fantastic.  It works well in that regard, even if that isn't ideal.

I'd be interested in an expansion.  I play the game little now just because everyone online is too fucking good at it and I'm not (I played a lot more Quake stuff, so I'm far better at those), but I'd love to get those old game types back.  Or even just a shitload of new maps.  Half the fun I had with the game was just gawking at how pretty the maps were.

I really have lost a lot of faith in Epic.  They used to be a favorite of mine, but they rocketed toward the bottom ever since Gears, which wasn't a bad game, but wasn't what it should have been in hindsight, and they don't seem to have learned any lessons from it.  Then Cliffy ran his mouth, and now I just wish I could sock him in his arrogant fucking face.  I did enjoy UT3, but everything else surrounding the group is just dismal now.  I don't even have any desire to play Gears 2 despite liking the first.  I just don't care.

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Re: Epic making Unreal Tournament 3 expansion?
« Reply #10 on: Monday, October 20, 2008, 10:54:59 PM »
I liked Gears quite a bit, but I didn't really have any expectations going into it.  As for UT3, I'm probably overly harsh on it and you're right - it does play well for a bot's just that I don't want a bot game.  I think my main beef is the wasted potential because people aren't playing it.  I went on it earlier tonight, and 30-40 people online across all the game types.  Factoring out ping, full servers, and locked servers, I had like three options..all of which kind of sucked.  Whatever, it's not really Epic's fault...I think it's just more circumstance.

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CBP3 Volume II is out!
« Reply #11 on: Wednesday, October 22, 2008, 07:36:41 PM »