4.4 for Mage Knight: Apocalypse from GameSpot, another vicious reviewThe game takes you through six chapters. In each chapter you'll work your way from the beginning of a dungeon to the end, killing hundreds of monsters along the way. The dungeons are all very linear, and it's easy to find your way through. The same can't be said for your computer-controlled allies, though. In each chapter you'll get a new hero to join your party, and you can issue basic commands like follow and attack. However, the artificial intelligence is so terrible that you'll hardly ever see your fellow heroes. More often than not they'll get stuck behind a wall or won't be able to figure out how to turn a corner to follow you, so they'll just stand there leaving you to deal with half a dozen or more monsters at a time.
If the game is going to have bad AI for a party-based RPG game, why even make the game party-based???
Because of your unhelpful companions as well as the high volume of enemies in the game, you'll die a lot. When you die you simply resurrect at the nearest save point. Since the save points are all over the place, you'll usually only have to take a few steps to pick up the fight right where you left off. You'll quickly fall into a very repetitive and annoying cycle of death where you resurrect, fight, and die over and over again. You'll slowly pick away at the mob of monsters until finally they're all dead, then you can move on to do it all again. It removes any sort of challenge or sense of attrition from the game, since the only penalty for dying is coming back to life a few steps away with half of your mana and life back. When you have a sliver of health left why bother wasting a potion or a healing spell when you can just die and regain half your life? Not only does it make absolutely no sense, it just isn't fun.
That sounds crummy and repetitive.
Mage Knight Apocalypse is a poorly executed take on a tried-and-true formula. The game has everything you'd expect from an action RPG, but none of it is handled well. The multiplayer is a hassle, the single-player is riddled with bugs and frustrating design flaws, and the presentation is sloppy. If you can somehow overlook all of these flaws, you could spend a lot of time going through all six chapters of the game with each of the five characters. But when you consider how many similar games of better quality are already available, you're left with very little reason to play this one
It seems like this year, we've got a lot of high-quality RPG's -- Oblivion + all its DLC content, upcoming NWN2, GW: Factions, upcoming Guild Wars: Nightfall, the upcoming WoW: Burning Crusade Expansion, DS: Broken World expansion, upcoming Dark Messiah of M & M, and of course the upcoming Gothic 3.
And, unlike the past few years, this year we got a handful of some very poor quality ones, too -- such as Night Watch, NeverEnd, and it sounds like you can add Mage Knight: Apocalypse, too. Last few years, we ain't had many RPG's -- but what we had, been at least worth while....