Author Topic: Brutal Legend to be published by...ugh...EA  (Read 22631 times)

Offline W7RE

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Re: Brutal Legend to be published by...ugh...EA
« Reply #120 on: Wednesday, October 14, 2009, 09:10:39 PM »
Que, you got the PS3 version, right? Tim Schafer just tweeted that he just hooked up his PS3 and is logging on. I guess he's only been playing people on Xbox so far.

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Re: Brutal Legend to be published by...ugh...EA
« Reply #121 on: Wednesday, October 14, 2009, 09:31:06 PM »
Damn, my wife is using the only TV that has cable which is where the PS3 is.  Somebody else go play for me.

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Re: Brutal Legend to be published by...ugh...EA
« Reply #122 on: Thursday, October 15, 2009, 02:42:17 AM »
Oh I was wrong about the flight controls. You can move up and down with the triggers. Also you can split some units off from the group by pressing Y, issuing an order, then releasing Y. Yea... manuals have some useful info apparently.

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Re: Brutal Legend to be published by...ugh...EA
« Reply #123 on: Thursday, October 15, 2009, 06:32:10 PM »
So I finished it last night, so I guess its shorter than I would have liked, but damn it was still so good, I loved it. There hasnt been such a world in a video game that I've come to like so much such as this. Luckily it throws you back in after you've finished so you can find the remaining little quests and relics which I fully plan on doing. Still havent played a multiplayer game yet, which I'll do here shortly.

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Re: Brutal Legend to be published by...ugh...EA
« Reply #124 on: Thursday, October 15, 2009, 07:20:20 PM »
Awesome, glad you dug it.  I think I'm going to start it over because Julia wants to watch.  And I'm totally okay with that.

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Re: Brutal Legend to be published by...ugh...EA
« Reply #125 on: Thursday, October 15, 2009, 08:21:04 PM »
The only gripe I have so far is that the exploration aspect seems very seperate from the main story, almost to the extent that it feels like 2 games in the same world. You have this very linear story progression and at certain points you're told, "we'll meet you there." So then the OCD part of my break freaks out if I stop to explore instead of metting up with whoever. I guess that's it really, just the fact that my brain doesn't like it when I switch between the two parts of the game.

Though there was one part where I died repeatedly, and felt like if I had wandered around more to get.. whatever the currency for upgrades is called, I coudl have bought more moves and had an easier time. So you sort of need to explore and find stuff.

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Re: Brutal Legend to be published by...ugh...EA
« Reply #126 on: Thursday, October 15, 2009, 09:53:25 PM »
It feels pretty much like GTA in that regard.  Go around and do whatever, then go to point X in order to start mission Y.  Being OCD in the other direction, I basically just keep exploring for hours on end and not doing the missions, heh.

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Re: Brutal Legend to be published by...ugh...EA
« Reply #127 on: Thursday, October 15, 2009, 10:26:17 PM »
Giantbomb video review is up.

Ive read the review I think Ryan covers it fairly well. I also really hate how 3 out of 5 stars counts as a 60 out of a 100, Ive always looked at the Giantbomb scoring system to be a pretty broad score contrasted to something more precise like 1-100, which I like. Also in my opinion, I fucking hate review scores, in every sense of the word, I know they will never go away, but its something in games journalism I wish would just disappear. Want to know how the game turned out? Read the review and make your judgment off that.

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Re: Brutal Legend to be published by...ugh...EA
« Reply #128 on: Thursday, October 15, 2009, 10:55:29 PM »
I don't think you can really compare 3/5 to 60% or 60/100. I see 3/5 as a game you might recommend, or a fan of the IP or subject matter would love, but other might get bored with. I definitely see how Brutal Legend can fit into that category.

What disappointed me about the review was that at least twice he basically said metal is for teenagers. He says the art style is somethign a 13 year old would dream about looking at a Judas Priest album cover, and later he says that just like metal's teenage fans, the game has some issues. OK, so you don't like metal, but you don't have to insult those that do in your review. Was there no metal fan in the Giantbomb office to review this instead?

I was also disappointed to hear hiphop beats in the background of a review for a metal game, but that's just nitpicking I suppose.

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Re: Brutal Legend to be published by...ugh...EA
« Reply #129 on: Thursday, October 15, 2009, 11:54:01 PM »
Well, GiantBomb is all about the hiphop, don'tcha know.  Because Jeff is hard, from the ghetto.  Or something.  But yeah, that's pretty stupid considering most young kids aren't into metal.  Some still are, but even in my youth metal wasn't the rebellious, teenage thing it once was.  And it certainly isn't now.  Kids listen to fucking bullshit now like ICP or Slipknot or really extreme stuff that's ridiculous and over the top without actually being any good.  Brutal Legend is really more about classic metal than it is modern stuff.  A lot of the bands it pays homage to still exist and such, but even amongst those a lot don't have the same image they did in their glory days.  But that's not the point anyway.  The point is that metal is more for the 20s to 50s crowd and you see far more of those folks at shows than you do young kids, who are probably at home dreaming about being rap stars and ridin' in limos with all dey bitches yo.

I'm actually enjoying the game even more now that I've started it over.  The game just jumps in so fast you really don't get to savor the experience the first time.  It's one of those openings that just goes too quickly and should have been about double length so things could ramp up a bit.  But that isn't a problem after you've already been suitably immersed in the vibe of the game, so it's more entertaining the 2nd time around.

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Re: Brutal Legend to be published by...ugh...EA
« Reply #130 on: Friday, October 16, 2009, 02:52:26 AM »
Yea, I like Giantbomb, but I've noticed that at least Jeff is really into rap, not sure about the others. It's a weird thing that I've always noticed. Here's a nerdy white dude who plays video games all the time, so much that he's made it his job, and he jams out to hardcore gangster rap?

I was just looking at the chapters list from the main menu and I can see where I started doing serious eploration. My early chapters are all like 15-30 minutes apart in total time played. Then I get to one that's 4 hours, and the next one is 7.5 hours. So I spent 3.5 hours exploring before moving on. Also, at around 8 hours, I don't think I can be much more than halfway through the game. Anyone who completed it in 4 hours has to have rushed through and not savored it at all.

I keep making the mistake of turning the game on late. Once I start playing I don't want to stop, and I forget about that until I'm actually playing.

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Re: Brutal Legend to be published by...ugh...EA
« Reply #131 on: Friday, October 16, 2009, 03:50:24 AM »
If any of you are interested in finding absolutely everything around the world I found this map, its the only one I managed to find that shows where everything is.

Obvious spoilerage.

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Re: Brutal Legend to be published by...ugh...EA
« Reply #132 on: Friday, October 16, 2009, 06:30:08 PM »
Awesome, thanks dude.

Pretty sure I'm going to do nothing but play this tonight.  I need to lose myself in something really, really badly.

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Re: Brutal Legend to be published by...ugh...EA
« Reply #133 on: Friday, October 16, 2009, 08:05:20 PM »
I just had my first case of "fuck, I suck at RTS so I can't pass this level". I tried to upgrade units and defend merch booths, and failed miserably, 3 times in a row.

So I started again and just headbanger zerged the enemy stage and won in less than 5 minutes, only grabbing the central 2 fan geysers on my way, so I could build even more headbangers. No ranged units, no healing units, just cheap melee. For the first time I actually ran into the unit capacity before I ran out of fans. The previous 3 attempts I kept getting stuck at 12/40 units be no fans to build more.

Playing on normal btw.

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Re: Brutal Legend to be published by...ugh...EA
« Reply #134 on: Friday, October 16, 2009, 10:39:20 PM »
Bah, completely stuck again. On the last battle (I think).

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Is my strategy fucked? My execution? I feel like I'm doing everything I can but I'm at a disadvantage because of the way the battle is setup at the start.

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Re: Brutal Legend to be published by...ugh...EA
« Reply #135 on: Friday, October 16, 2009, 10:48:21 PM »
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Offline W7RE

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Re: Brutal Legend to be published by...ugh...EA
« Reply #136 on: Friday, October 16, 2009, 11:15:31 PM »
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Man do I hate RTS. The battles were fun when they were still simpler, but it feels like it's gone too far towards a full blown RTS. This current frustration mirrors my RTS experiences all the way back to Warcraft 2, when easy AI 1on1 was too hard for me, and my buddy who I played with would carry me against the AI since I was no challenge.

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Re: Brutal Legend to be published by...ugh...EA
« Reply #137 on: Friday, October 16, 2009, 11:34:01 PM »
what does your army consist of? Because once you get your stage upgraded to get the better units, you shouldnt be spending on the little brutes anymore, you need to get the bigger stuff out.

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Re: Brutal Legend to be published by...ugh...EA
« Reply #138 on: Friday, October 16, 2009, 11:40:02 PM »
I guess I need to lay off the basic units. I go get some of the high end stuff, but not a lot. I guess I'm thinking that since stuff dies near instantly, its easier to replace them cheaply if I just grab the basic stuff (which I usually have upgraded).

I've been thinking like this: if I've got melee units already, AND I can upgrade them to make them better, would the developers REALLY intend for me to just stop using them in favor of another melee unit? What about the Headbangers I already have on the battlefield? Am I supposed to just suicide them to make room for better stuff? It feels like that would be a bad design choice so I assume the intent is that all the units remain viable.

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Re: Brutal Legend to be published by...ugh...EA
« Reply #139 on: Saturday, October 17, 2009, 12:13:05 AM »
Well when Im playing multiplayer Im usually always pushing somewhere with my dudes, so they are either pushing to take more of the battlefield, or they are dying, hopefully when they do die, I have something better to replace them with. Thats pretty much the way the game paces, theres no research branching as the game is simplified in that way, your just upgrading your stage so your army becomes more powerful than theres, hopefully quicker than there's does. The better units, at least with Ironheade's units, have a good amount of anti-infantry, once you can make those, you need to combine the anti infantry with anti vehicle. So yea, if you let your brutes sit around too long taking up your army space, you should get ride of them in favor of the better stuff if its available.

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Re: Brutal Legend to be published by...ugh...EA
« Reply #140 on: Saturday, October 17, 2009, 12:24:39 AM »
I Just failed again rofl. This time I quickly moved to 2 ranged vehicles, 2 healers (upgraded), a Rock Crusher, and big fist dudes for melee, with 1-2 fire breathers for crowds. It seemed to work at first, but now I'm down to 1 Merch Booth and litterally being spawn camped. Eddie resurrects and the stage and instantly dies before I can take flight and get away. Can't build units, can't move, can't do anything.

Oh and up until now I haven't been using the Deuce in stage battles at all. That's what helped me most this time around. I sat back in the car and shot the enemy vehicles.

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Re: Brutal Legend to be published by...ugh...EA
« Reply #141 on: Saturday, October 17, 2009, 12:36:27 AM »
Man I dont remember them throwing that much at me when I did it. I know once I took her vehicle down it was easy from there and I had roadies amongst others to help me do it. I think I may replay that part if I can figure out how to keep my current save without overwritting when loading one of the chapters. I dont like how this game doesnt have save slots.

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Re: Brutal Legend to be published by...ugh...EA
« Reply #142 on: Saturday, October 17, 2009, 12:47:16 AM »
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Re: Brutal Legend to be published by...ugh...EA
« Reply #143 on: Saturday, October 17, 2009, 12:55:05 AM »
ROFL okay I finally did it.

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Re: Brutal Legend to be published by...ugh...EA
« Reply #144 on: Saturday, October 17, 2009, 01:05:53 AM »
Haha yea, I played through it again and thats what I did, glad you made it.

Heres advice for the next part in case you have trouble:
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Re: Brutal Legend to be published by...ugh...EA
« Reply #145 on: Saturday, October 17, 2009, 01:19:04 AM »
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Re: Brutal Legend to be published by...ugh...EA
« Reply #146 on: Saturday, October 17, 2009, 02:09:45 AM »
So yea... I realized why you were having more of a difficult time than I was, my game was on the easiest setting apparently even though I swear by anything that I played it on normal.

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Re: Brutal Legend to be published by...ugh...EA
« Reply #147 on: Saturday, October 17, 2009, 02:13:18 AM »
I just finished it. Aside from the major frustration until I figured out how to do that one fight, I loved the game. I finished with 11 hours 44 minutes played, at 78% complete. To me that doesn't seem too short at all. now to go through and find the rest of the collectibles.

I'm wondering, if I go to last checkpoint and manage to finish it on brutal difficulty, will that give me the achievement for finishing the game on brutal? how were you able to go back and play it again? It's telling me it's gonna overwrite my save game.

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Re: Brutal Legend to be published by...ugh...EA
« Reply #148 on: Saturday, October 17, 2009, 02:24:28 AM »
I had a memory unit, I just copied my save to that and played it off there. And I dont think you can select the difficulty when selecting a chapter can you?

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Re: Brutal Legend to be published by...ugh...EA
« Reply #149 on: Saturday, October 17, 2009, 03:03:54 AM »
Bah, I don't have a memory unit.

When you pause the game, you can go to options and change the difficulty. Actually, unless they had enough forethought to prevent it, you could probably wait until the last possible second and change it to brutal and get the achievement.

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Re: Brutal Legend to be published by...ugh...EA
« Reply #150 on: Saturday, October 17, 2009, 05:39:11 AM »
Without a 2nd storage device, the way to replay the game without losing your current save is to play it under a different profile.  I have created several just for that purpose.  The downside of that is that your main profile won't get any new achievements you get in the replay.

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Re: Brutal Legend to be published by...ugh...EA
« Reply #151 on: Saturday, October 17, 2009, 03:06:13 PM »
I decided I'll work on a 100% complete and then start again afterward and overwrite my save. Maybe the first thing I'll do it attempt that last part on brutal to see if it gives me the achievement. Then I'll start a new game just to play it again. Not that I necessarily want to 100% the game twice, but collecting stuff early on the next playthrough would be interesting to give me more stuff.

For example I just found a solo that calls forth a burning zeppelin that falls from the sky. I can't use it for the story because the story is over. I'm actually really wishing I could do a new game+ that would retain all my upgrades. Of course I think it's impossible to find everything before beating the game. All the way to the end, there's collectibles that are in an area where you're fighting, but only after you finish the story section in that environment. Like I think I found a ball-gagged dragon statue on the path to Killmaster's place, but it wasn't there as I fought my way up there.

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Re: Brutal Legend to be published by...ugh...EA
« Reply #152 on: Friday, October 23, 2009, 12:49:05 AM »
So yea... I don't get this commerical, is that song supposed to be ironic or was some idiot in charge of advertising responsible for this?

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Re: Brutal Legend to be published by...ugh...EA
« Reply #153 on: Friday, October 23, 2009, 01:14:51 AM »
So yea... I don't get this commerical, is that song supposed to be ironic or was some idiot in charge of advertising responsible for this?

I don't know but it's fucking horrible. They should have stuck with the 3 Inches of Blood song they used in some of the other stuff.

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Re: Brutal Legend to be published by...ugh...EA
« Reply #154 on: Tuesday, October 27, 2009, 10:47:51 AM »
First DLC incoming

Two maps coming Nov 3rd on 360, and Nov 5th for PS3. Interestingly, for the first two weeks the PS3 one will be free. Otherwise its $5.

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Re: Brutal Legend to be published by...ugh...EA
« Reply #155 on: Tuesday, October 27, 2009, 02:10:08 PM »
Bah, it's multiplayer maps. I was really hoping they'd do some DLC, but I'm really not that interested in the multiplayer. I haven't taken it online once yet.

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Re: Brutal Legend to be published by...ugh...EA
« Reply #156 on: Tuesday, October 27, 2009, 09:35:07 PM »
Free I'll take whether I need it or not.

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Re: Brutal Legend to be published by...ugh...EA
« Reply #159 on: Thursday, February 14, 2013, 12:53:50 PM »
Brutal Legend officially on the Steam store!