I was wondering if anyone here knows how to play
I'm suddenly feeling like it was stupid to post those dozens of songs I wrote and recorded.
*cough* But uh... my tips. Let's see.
Firstly, don't get discouraged. Guitar is actually one of the easiest instruments to learn because of the simple fact that even if all you know is a few chords, you can still get something out of it that doesn't sound like total garbage after a little practice. Piano? Takes much longer to actually learn how to make it sound pleasant. When you're playing basic stuff you
sound like it. Guitar is more forgiving. So just get past the initial hurdles and you'll find that you sound good enough before long.
Other than that... if there are songs you like with guitar as a primary instrument, or that have substantial guitar parts, try to learn them. I've never done a whole lot of that because even as a beginner I was much more interested in writing my own material, but back in the early days it was quite helpful learning the ropes on simple songs that I knew and understood on some level already.
But mostly just keep doing it. Anything you need to learn is simply a time investment, and the more time you spend, the better you'll be. Play for a half hour a day at least and it won't take you long to start figuring things out naturally, even without anyone telling you what to do.